

Dessert ordered, Jongup had excused himself to the restroom and Daehyun found himself alone at the table, sipping on the remnants of his milkshake as he pretended to know how to origami fold a napkin. Despite the onslaught of nerves at the start of their little date, he was actually really enjoying his night out with the other man. Anxiety nearly forgotten, it actually startled him when a familiar voice whispered in his ear.


“Hey, gorgeous.” The deep tone could only belong to one person. Daehyun’s eyes shot to the hand gently resting on his shoulder before he pushed it away and stood, wanting to be able to flee easily if he needed to.


“Shouldn’t you be on the stage, Yongguk?” Biting his lip nervously, Daehyun dodged his ex’s hand when he reached for him.


“I’m on break. Come on, Dae. Please don’t act like this.” The sad look aimed his way made his chest ache and he found himself looking away, unable to handle causing Yongguk any sort of pain.


“I’m sorry but I’m here with my boyfriend and I should probably go find him.” Turning to leave. He felt fingers snag his wounded wrist, causing him to wince despite the gentle grip. Pulling him closer, Yongguk’s eyes met his and he felt his heart drop in his chest.


“I still love you, Daehyun. I always have.” Yongguk’s words hurt him, burnt his soul like they were fire. “We parted ways on good terms, didn’t we? I... I had hoped you still loved me too...”


“Good terms...?” Shocked, he took a moment to find his words, organize his thoughts enough to actually reply. “What good terms? Maybe they were good for you, Yongguk... But they crushed me. It was my birthday. I excepted some romantic gesture and then I just got... I got dumped. I got told that there was no place for me in your dreams and you walked away. That wasn’t good for me. Not even a little.”


“I never meant it like that.” Protesting, Yongguk rubbed his cheek and Daehyun flinched, trying to turn away again. “I love you. I never stopped loving you. But to reach my goals... I would have had to neglect you too much and I couldn’t put you through that. But I made it far enough that I wont have to anymore. And I want you back. Dae, baby, please.”


“I... I loved you, Yongguk. I might even love you still but I... I really can’t. No. That’s a lie. I could. The fact is that I just don’t want to.” Daehyun’s hands balled into fists, shaking as he fought off an anxiety attack. “I am in love with Jongup. And I’m not leaving him. I didn’t fit into your dreams, but he and I can dream together. That’s love. Not walking away because I taint your future.”


“That isn’t how it was at all, Dae. I never stopped thinking about you.” Yongguk’s grip on his wrist tightened a bit, the other man seeming to understand that Daehyun was ready to leave. “Baby... I never stopped thinking about you. Never.”


“Gee. Thanks Yongguk.” Suddenly his anxiety was gone and Daehyun just felt numb, emotionless as he looked into the eyes of the man he would have given everything for back in high school. Those years seemed so much further away now than they ever had. “I don’t know what you want me to say. You left me on my birthday because you had better to do. And you never looked back. Not once. The only reason you’re even trying anything now is because I was here in front of you. But thank you. Thank you for always thinking about me when you had the time, while you screwed your groupies and jerked off on all that money you must be making. But me? I haven’t thought about you for the sake of you in years. The last time you even crossed my mind was to remember how kind Jongup had always been to me. Is that what you want to hear?”


“No, Daehyun. I want the truth.” Relentless, Yongguk seemed to loom closer to him, making Daehyun fight back an urge to kick him in a very impolite place.


“That is the truth, Yongguk.” Sighing, he tried to push Yongguk away. “I haven’t told you a lie.”


“But I love you...” Before Daehyun could get away, lips met his. The kiss took his breath away, stirred up memories better left forgotten, intimate nights and heated passion. Body acting on it’s own, he found himself gripping the other man’s shirt.


“Daehyun?” Jongup’s voice shattered through whatever haze he seemed to have found himself in and an instant feeling of sickness hit him, stomach tightening and threatening to expel his meal.


“Jongup...” Voice weak and close to tears, Daehyun pushed Yongguk away. “It isn’t... I didn’t...”


“Did you give him permission to kiss you?” His boyfriend’s voice was calm, giving no indication to whatever he might be feeling, only fueling Daehyun’s terror. “Is he what you want?”


“No... Jongup no... I told him... I told him to leave me alone...” Tears slipping down his tears, Daehyun was startled when Yongguk pulled him back to his side.


“Get lost. He belongs to me.” Sounding fierce, Yongguk leveled a glare at Jongup. “You were always chasing him around like he was in heat in high school. I may have stepped away but he’s still mine.”


“Jung Daehyun only belongs to himself. If anything, we’re lucky to have him be our companions. For him to fall in love with you... It’s a gift.” Jongup’s eyes met Daehyun’s, leaving his heart pounding as he tugged at Yongguk’s hold on his wrist. “To mistreat that gift makes you a fool but to claim him as property makes you irredeemably stupid.Daehyun is not an object. He is an angel doomed to walk the earth among us mere mortals. Now if you don’t let him go, I will show you that, while he is an angel, I will be quite the opposite to keep him safe.”


“Whatever.” Tone bitter, Yongguk let him go. The sudden release sent Daehyun stumbling away as he tried to free himself at the same time. “I have to go finish my set anyway. Who needs the little brat anyway. He’s a clingy mess.” Jongup caught Daehyun and steadied him as Yongguk stormed off. Once comfortable and quaint, the diner was now full of the tense atmosphere their conflict had created.


“Want to go home?” Jongup’s gentle voice only made him cry harder. He didn’t deserve the kindness.


“I didn’t want to kiss him. I didn’t.” Sobbing, Daehyun covered his face with his hands. “But I... I didn’t push him away...”


“It’s okay, Dae. It’s alright.” Arms wrapped around him and Jongup kissed the top of his head. “I know you freeze in situations like that. I’m not upset with you. But I am livid at him. Lets get you out of here.” Grateful, though he was sure he didn’t deserve the forgiveness, Daehyun allowed Jongup to lead him out of the diner, not even sparing Yongguk a last glance. He’d have to work harder, do whatever he could, to make up for that kiss and be good enough again.



As they walked toward the apartment in silence, Jongup gave a sneaky glance at the man he loved. Tears still clinging to his cheeks, Daehyun trudged along with his head down and eyes trained on the ground. A wave of anger went through him and Jongup barely managed to keep himself moving forward. All he wanted was to go back and beat the hell out of Yongguk for making Daehyun feel the way he had.


“Dae, stop.” Turning to face Daehyun, he pulled his sweater sleeve and wiped off the tears before they could freeze to his boyfriend’s face. “I’m giving you a piggy back ride, okay?”


“What?” Daehyun’s confusion was really sort of cute. The way he tilted his head a little and scrunched up his eyebrows. Jongup couldn’t help himself and placed a soft kiss on the man’s forehead.


“Come on. I’m strong enough. And you’ve had a long day.” Turning, he gestured for Daehyun to get on his back. “Besides. I’ve always wanted to just baby you and carry you around whenever you didn’t want to walk anymore or felt sad.”


“You don’t have to.” Sounding defeated, Daehyun barely managed to look at him for even a moment. “Jongup I’m so-”


“If you apologize I’m going to go back and light the diner on fire with Yongguk inside.” Groaning, Jongup scooped Daehyun up in his arms and started walking again. “I know I don’t have to but I wanted to, Daehyun. So I’m going to. Unless you have a valid objection as to why I shouldn’t. And ‘I don’t deserve it’ is not a valid objection.”


“Thank you...” Daehyun’s head leaned against Jongup’s shoulder and he smiled at the soft gesture.


“Don’t thank me. I love you, Jung Daehyun.” Kissing the other man on the forehead, he kept walking.


“I love you too.” Daehyun mumbled against his collar bone and by the time they reached the apartment, the man was asleep in his arms. Not surprised, Jongup knew that if he had been through everything the other man had in the past few days, he would have been exhausted right down to his very core. Letting them in, he carried Daehyun easily to the bedroom, laying his down gently on the bed.


“Huh?” Groggy, Daehyun sat up slightly and gave Jongup a precious, sleepy grin. “We’re home already?”


“Mhm. Lets get you in pajamas and then you can go back to sleep, baby boy.” Finding a shirt and some underwear, he handed returned to Daehyun’s side and helped him change, finding that his boyfriend was rather uncoordinated when half asleep.


“Will you lay down with me?” Daehyun looked up at him, the nervousness from the disaster their date had become beginning to creep back in.


“Always, Dae.” Crawling under the blankets with him, Jongup embraced Daehyun, his hair until he settled down and slipped back into a soothing slumber. Waiting a few moments longer, he finally slipped out of bed to find use the restroom.


Sighing, he shook his head, still absolutely livid at the night’s events. But assaulting Yongguk wasn’t going to do Daehyun any good. And all he wanted was what was good for Daehyun. Shaking his head, he fished his phone out of his pants and placed a phone call.


“What?” The man on the other end sounded displeased at the sudden intrusion into his life.


“Oh shut up with your attitude, Himchan.” Rolling his eyes, Jongup tapped his fingers on the table in front of him. “I just got back from the diner and Yongguk was there if you want to go get your flirt on. He should still be there.”


“I’m a little busy.” Himchan chuckled and Jongup heard a muffled voice in the background. “Shh. Stop~ I’m on the phone.”


“Oh god. That’s so gross.” Gagging, he held the phone away from his ear slightly. “Damn it, Himchan. Are you in bed right now? With..” A complaint from the other end, less muffled this time, cleared up any doubt. “Of course. Of course you’re banging Youngjae. Why didn’t you just ignore my call, Himchan?”


“Didn’t want to.” Chuckling, his friend seemed less phased by the interaction than he felt. “Well. I gotta go because Youngjae’s been a very, very bad boy.”


“Oh god...” Before Himchan could sicken him any further, Jongup ended the call and returned to his room. At least Himchan was taking care of one of Daehyun’s tormentors, the one who could find Daehyun the easiest no less. Mind a little more at ease with that knowledge (though also incredibly disgusted by the visuals that poisoned his mind), Jongup slipped on his own pajamas and returned to Daehyun’s side under the covers. A soft kiss on the sleeping man’s lips, he pulled him closer, smiling as Daehyun snuggled against his chest. With one lest sigh, he allowed sleep to overcome him. It didn’t matter what Yongguk or even Youngjae tried to do, Daehyun was worth fighting for and he was prepared to do just that.

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Chapter 12: Aw that was so beautiful
annethundr05 #2
Chapter 12: Aww, this had made me all soft, and fluffy. I'm so glad that they are working everything out, that Daehyunnie didn't push Jongup away. Even more happy that Daedae is learning to love himself as well. That's a tough road, believe me. I absolutely love how it all played out, and my very precious otp DaeJong got there happily ever after. I do hope that Junhong finds someone who can appreciate him. As for BangHimJae group that can go just be. I don't wish anything bad of them, but I do believe in karma, so that says a lot.
annethundr05 #3
Chapter 11: Omg you finally updated!!! I'm so happy. This story is awesome. I feel so bad for my Daehyunnie. Youngjae was such an to him. I mean what kind of letter was that. I mean so he's pissed off that Daedae left his . Boof-inghoo for him. XP Jongup has his work cut out for him in a way. Daehyunnie self-esteem s in the toilet and he doesn't see what Jongup see's. But I hope sticks around long enough so Uppie can show him that he's not waste of space. Fighting my DaeUp/DaeJong babies!!!
Chapter 11: Awe poor Dae, my heart is breaking for him, I'm glad he has Uppie though.
crimsonsword248 #5
Chapter 10: please update when you have time, this makes me smile so muchhh
Chapter 10: This is incredibly beautiful, this is one of my absolute favorites
Phoepe #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh that was really reaaally reeeaaally cute ....... i looooove this story thank you so much for the upate
annethundr05 #8
Chapter 10: So freaking cute. I love the happy domesticness. Hopefully ChanJae are "very" busy when they come by. I feel bad for Junnie as well, and despite all he has done to hurt Daedae. Daehyun still feels remorse for him after Youngjae....hmm. Daedae is such a sweetie.
annethundr05 #9
Chapter 9: This was so freaking cute. I love that Uppie is ready to fight for his Daedae. Yongguk makes me a bit upset as he's saying one thing but then when he's rejected he sounds too hurt Daehyun feelings. It makes me wonder if he used to do that in highschool, as well. The ChanJae will it didn't really them long to me on, esp Youngjae... anyway looking forward to what happens next. But my Daedae-cheesecakey needs to have more confidence in himself, but considering the relationship I've seen it looks like his BF damaged that. My Uppie had lot of ground to cover but I've no doubt that he'll be able to do so.