Jong Hyun's P.O.V

You love because... you simply can't help it.

I hope she isn't really going to give Taemin a hickey. I won't stand for that. Aniyo, I won't... but she wasn't stopping. I saw her smiled and was about to reach Taemin's neck...

"Yah! Hana. Hajima. That's inappropriate." I said standing up. She turned to me with her lips puckered.

"Taemin. Go study. Hana. Follow me..." she showed a face and pouted "Now!" I ordered. What am I going to do? Tell her that I love her? Give her a hickey? Aish! This girl really makes me think hard. Just scold her, she was about to give Taemin a hickey.


"Yah! What was that about? You know Taemin is underage." I said the moment I locked us both in the room

"Me? What about you? You told him what a hickey was..." she argued

"Hana. Stop doing that." I said with a firm voice

"Do what oppa? I am not doing anything." she raised her voice

"Stop answering me. You know I hate it when you do that. Don't you remember?" I said calming down

"I..." suddenly her expression changed. Was her headache back again?

"Hana. What's wrong?" I asked

"My head. It hurts." she said through her teeth. I carried her and placed her on the bed. I touched her forehead to check her temparature.

"Let me help." I said moving her hands away and slowly massaged her temples. "Hana-ah... can I ask you something?" I was going to ask her if she... had any feeling for me...

"Hm?" she replied looking up and I met her eyes

"Do you...-" before I could finish my sentence... I was interrupted

"Kim Jong Hyun! Get out here! What are the 2 of you doing in the room?!" I heard Onew hyung shouted. I turned back to face her, I felt disappointed

"Come oppa. Let's continue our lunch. You can tell me some other time, arrassuh?" she said and pulled my arm. I followed without further argument. Onew, you are going to pay for this...

"Yah! What are you guys doing in the room?" Key asked being as concern as always.

"Was noona giving hyung a... hickey?" Taemin asked. Everyone's eyes turned to her. I smiled... I only wish Taemin-ah.

"Yah! Aniyo. Aniyo. Taemin-nie... usually guys give girl a hickey." she said sitting back at the table

"Then... hyung gave you a hickey? Let me see!" Taemin said pulling at her shirt. Why was he excited, if I gave her a hickey?

"Yah! Taemin. Don't pull at Hana's shirt. We're seeing... erm, just stop pulling, arrassuh?" Onew said. I knew what he saw. Aish! He is such a erted head.

"Mianhe noona. Can I see the hickey again?" Taemin asked nicely. She let him see it. He was fascinated by it.

"Taemin, stop that and eat. Then go study. You were suppose to be studying aren't you?" I reminded because I was a little jealous.

"Yeh hyung. Mianhe." Taemin apologized and ate his food quietly.

"Oppa, don't have to be so strict with him. He's just trying to understand." Hana said to me

"Mianhe. I was just... nevermind. Can I take Hana out later. Just to hang out?" I asked Minho. I needed his permission because Hana was his girlfriend and I should respect that.

"Arrassuh. Have fun." Minho said without any interest. Whatever.

"Gamsahamnida." I replied and went to the sink to wash my plate. Suddenly, Hana was beside me.

"Oppa, are you okay?" she asked concerned. Does she care?

"Yeh, go get change. We're going out." I said and walked away.

I sat on the couch and decided to watch TV while she got ready. We said goodbye to the rest and left. I took her shopping but was stuck with fan signing for half an hour. She was patient. That was one thing I loved about her. When I was done, I took her to an ice-cream shop... where I got a free ice-cream. Then, we went to a theme park and sat on a few rides... the day passed very fast when I was with her... and before I realize it was night.

"Hana-ah. Want to go for dinner?" I asked.

"Are you asking me out?" she joked. Of course I am.

" I guess I am? So? Would you?" I repeated. She smiled and nodded

We went to a kimchi restaurant and was seated at a table immediately because of my status. The waitress that served us, asked for my autograph. Everybody else was taking pictures, some were expected and some unexpected. Our food finally came.

"Hana-ah... try this." I said taking the opportunity to feed her. I noticed that people were taking photos but I don't care... then I got a call... Aish! Who is disturbing now?!




"Minho was admitted to the hospital." Key said. His voice sounded like he was going to cry

"Mworago? Jinjja?" I couldn't believe my ears. What happened?

"He's in a critical state. Don't tell Hana yet. Ajuseyo."


"Hurry. Get here."


"Remember don't tell her." Key repeated

"Yeh. Annyeong." I said and hung up.

"Who was that oppa?" she asked

"That was, Key." I replied. Don't tell her... Key's voice repeated in my mind.

"What happened? What's wrong?" she asked impatiently

"It's..." I found it hard to tell her... "It's Mi... charismatic flame... He's was admitted to the hospital. They said... he's in a critical state..." I said almost telling her that her boyfriend's name was Minho. Aish! Minho, it must always be about you. Always. Since high school.

We hurried to the hospital and found the rest waiting patiently in the waiting lounge. I felt her hand trembling. Are you scared, Hana? I'm here.

"Any news yet, oppa?" she asked Onew who noticed our arrival. He shook his head. "What happened?"

"He... well, Key was doing the dishes, Taemin was studying and I was watching TV. Suddenly, we heard glass shattering. We ran to flame's room and found him lying on the floor, passed out. So we rushed him to the hospital." Onew explained.

"... but Minho oppa is alright, right?" she asked, just then the doctor entered. Did she say Minho's name? or did I hear wrongly... the rest didn't notice... right?

"Which one of you is Minho-ssi's family member?" the doctor asked

"I am. Is he alright?" Key lied

"I'm afraid... Minho-ssi has... cancer." The doctor said. All our face turned pale white. I was shock... What?! Minho has cancer... when?

Suddenly, I felt Hana trembling even more, she couldn't take the news. She was unbalanced and collapsed. I caught her before she fell to the floor.

"Hana. Hana-ah." I tried to wake her up but she was dead asleep.

I carried her to the seat and lay her head in my lap. I played with her hair and move a few strains of her hair away from her face. She looked so pretty even when she's asleep... Hana-ah, if only you knew how much this heart longs for you.. One day, one day you will see... I'll be waiting for you..


"Hana-ah. Hana. Wake up. Hey, wake up... are you okay?" I asked as she sat up

"Oppa? I just had the worst nightmare, Minho oppa... he has cancer." she said getting up. She called Minho's name. She remembers him already? I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed. She was shocked that she was in the hopital, she thought it was a dream? It's not a dream Hana-ssi... She met my eyes and I shook my head at that moment she knew that it was no dream. Minho has cancer Hana. We can't do anything about it. She started to cry and I held her in my arms. She was fragile and I knew that... of course I did. I've been watching her since the first time I saw her...


Her long straight her, her eyes... her lips. Everything about her made my heart call out to her. I fell for her... even when we were kids, I felt something for her. I headed for class, trying to push the thought of her aside but I couldn't.

"Kim Jong Hyun-ssi. Are you present?" my teacher repeated. I snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeh." I replied

"Yah. Jong hyun. What's wrong with you?" one of my classmates asked me

"I was thinking about something." I replied and started to see her face again.

During recess time, I sat with Onew hyung, Kibum and Minho. They were talking about something so I joined them but they had stopped talking the moment I sat down. I looked at them curiously.

"Mwo? What were you guys talking about?" I asked curious

"Minho here... he's growing up. He asked Hana-ssi out." Mwo? Hana as in Kim Hana?

"What did she say?" I asked hoping that it was a no. Please tell me she said no. She rejected you...

"She said yes." I felt a stab in my heart. The one and only girl I loved... Kim Hana, belongs to Choi Minho now... I got up and walked away. I needed to go think... or something...


Thinking back to our high school years, I regretted that I didn't ask Hana first. Instead, Minho did, when I was the one who knew her longer than Minho. Minho, aish! I hated him, I hated his name. He knew I loved her and yet he betrayed me. Some friend. Ever since then, I've never been close with Minho ever again... until now there was still a barrier between us. He didn't seem to mind but when it was on screen... I acted professionally. Here we are 3 years later, and he was sick and I was the one filling his place taking care of her. I didn't mind but the fact that she was unhappy, made me unhappy. All this time, I stood by her... her happiness was to my account. What do I do now? She was hurt and all she wants is Minho to get better. Will he? 


Updated. If there is any spelling and grammar mistakes, dont care about it. Im to lazy to do the spell check.

Im soo tired, so i apologised. Please comment. thanks a bunch.

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 17: lovely story...<3
Amazinggg =))
BananaNutt #3
awhhhh <3
minionsbanana #4
like it!~~~
this story is so sad it makes me cry
this story is really addicting
chas_ssmentrok #7
omygosh! Thnx for takin my cmmnt into consideration =)<br />
So thats wot hppned..aigooo...i thought it woz minho's fault y she got into an accident coz she couldnt remember him
Taemeans #8
awwwww it ended:"( that was a good story reeaaaaaaaly awesome:D
PLease read chapter 16. That's the whole story. :)