Happiness is all we want!!

My 12 Vampire Mates!!

Sehun and Aeiline came home after their "session" when they opened the door they saw a very worried Ayalinna and s when Suho asked " where were you two?" Aeiline said " we went on some rides and we forgot the time!" Aeiline felt sickness in her stomach so she ran to her room and quickly went in the bathroom and threw up...

Ayalinna came while Aeiline kept throwing up... she asked her " is your treasure is still there sweety?" Aeiline shook her head and said " mom Sehun took mine while I took his... we had in the Lotte World and please don't get mad at me I might be pregnant!" Ayalinna caressed her by laying her down with her head in her legs...

Ayalinna smiled and gently combed through her hair with her fingers admiring her wavy blonde hair... Tao came in and said " Aeiline... Suho doesn't want you and Sehun to be together no matter the consequences!" Aeiline got up and hugged her mother crying in her arms...

Tao came and gently rubbed her back when Aeiline turned and hugged her uncle... Ayalinna hugged her behind trying to calm her down but they fail she cries even harder... Suho comes and sees... he knew she would cry but it's the best for them...

4 months passed....

Aeiline was in college studying to be a Veterinarian Technician which is her dream goal... she is quickly at learning so when the teacher asked the class " ok how do you take blood out to test it?" Aeiline quickly rose her hand while the others are still thinking as the teacher pointed to her...

Aeiline said " well if you want to do it by the butterfly needle you can do that but regularly you use an actual needle so do this (she was called by the teacher to come and show how) you need to find the vein to puncture it so you grab this rubber tie and tie it around the leg or the arm and wait for a couple of seconds then gently begin to slap it until shown...!" 

The teacher was writing her good notes about her as she continues " then you take the actual needle and make sure when you put the tube in the name goes in the bottom and gently insert the needle and get the tube ready then you pull this off and soon blood will fill the tube but don't fill it up just about to this line then take it out and shake it a little then grab the other with the name facing down and insert and there all done!"...

The whole class clapped at her while the teacher said " well done Aeiline you've succeeded in my class and I know you studied to do this now tell me is your family in specialized in this?" She nods and says " we have a healer and my mother who is also a Veterinarian Technician herself... she has her own company and she is the manager of it!"...

The teacher said " oh what's the healers name?" She says " his legalized name is Zhang Yixing but we call him by his stage name Lay!" She nods when the bell rang signalizing end of the day when the teacher said " um... don't forget we have a final project before you guys graduate early so please come and get your final project please!"...

All of the students lined up to get the project then out the door they go... but for Aeiline who was assigned to do something else the teacher said " Aeiline can you bring Zhang Yixing and your mother here and show us how to bring back an animal from the dead?" She quickly nods as she bid farewell to the teacher...

At home...

Lay was practicing his healing and has a dead animal on the table while her mother helps him when Aeiline comes and says " mom and Lay my teacher asked me if you can come to school and show everyone how to bring back an animal from the dead?" Her mother said " oh were working on it since the teacher told us so thanks again for telling us!"...

Aeiline walked by her uncle when he said " hey let's go practice our powers!" Aeiline nods when they go outside as Aeiline saw Chen, Chanyeol, and Sehun practicing their powers... Tao snapped his fingers and everyone froze when he snapped his fingers again everyone moved...

Aeiline was making a purple fire in her hands as she aimed at a empty spot and then shoot it making the purple fire expand so she goes quickly and makes a ball of water and puts it out...

Night was nearing so they all went inside as Lay and Ayalinna were done when Aeiline saw the animal alive and moving around the house... perfect...

Next morning...

Lay and Ayalinna have a presentation at Aeiline's college so they get themselves ready when Aeiline said " you guys ready?" Ayalinna nods so does Lay... upon arriving at her college Lay grabs his bag while Ayalinna grabs her medical bag...

Aeiline walks into her college when Lay and Ayalinna comes in sitting by her waiting to be called upon... then the teacher said " ok for our final student who brought her family please welcome Lay and Ayalinna!" The students clapped when the teacher brought a dead cat on the table...

Lay takes out his healing things while Ayalinna takes out her needles and blood bags... Lay pulls the cat closer and examined it carefully while he creates a green light and aimed inside of the cat healing it while Ayalinna inserts the needle and fills the cat with blood... Lay takes out a tube with purple liquid in it as he pours inside of its stomach as Ayalinna searched for a pulse...

Ayalinna found a pulse which means they are succeeding then Ayalinna grabbed another blood bag and inserts it as blood still going then Lay took out the last tube with blue liquid as he opens the cats mouth and pours it in making the cat swallow as the cat slowly begins to move then the cat opens its eyes and then " meow" they did it....

Lay and Ayalinna revived the cat... they know how to revive it... Aeiline was looking at the clock and it took them 34 minutes to revive a cat... then the announcer said " attention to all students you may go to change into your graduation cap and gown and we will see you on the stage!" So all of the students headed to their changing rooms including Aeiline...

Lay and Ayalinna sat where it said " reserved for Lay and Ayalinna from Aeiline" they sat right in front... then all of the other families filled up the whole gym... then the principal came on the stage when he said " thank you family and friends who came and on this very stage of this college is the class advisors and also the class president Huang Aeiline!" Aeiline stood up and bowed in respect...

The principal handed the speech to their secretary Jung Jeanne as she spoke " we may have our memories here but outside of this college is where I should be growing to be who we want to be and we have our families who support us and to never fail us no matter what the consequences might take but we are who we are!! Fighters and we fight to get where we want go so I say this let's go make our world a better place!!!"...

The people clapped as Jeanne goes back to sit down as Aeiline smiles at her... then the principal came with Salutitorian  and Valectitorian medals... the principal said " I now have to present the Salutitorian and Valectitorian to the only two people who are so smart and deserve this medal I pronounce you the two students... Jung Jeanne and Huang Aeiline!"...

They both stood up and walked over to claim their medals as Ayalinna got their attention and took a picture of them two... she smiled while wiping her tears... then the principal said " ok students you may stand up and move your tassel to the right and I pronounce you that all of you are graduated from this college and ready to start your future... CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES you may celebrate!"... 

Caps were thrown in the air when Jeanne hugged her bestest friend Aeiline while crying knowing she will miss her... Aeiline will miss her too as Ayalinna wanted the last picture of them both as Jeanne said " hop on my back like if I was giving you a piggyback ride!" So Aeiline hopped on her back while smiling and Ayalinna took it...

Aeiline graduated now!! Will she now marry Sehun?? Or will Suho still refuse 

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AidaAiBTS #4
Chapter 1: The story are kinda cute though.. goodluck anyway