The Tree Stands Tall

Like A Tree...

It was a beautiful, perfect day. The sun was out and shining, there was a slight breeze blowing, the chirping of birds blended nicely with the noise around the university.

From his spot near the entrance, Sunggyu stood calmly with a smile on his face, though on the inside, he wanted nothing more than to jump and dance in glee. He had been waiting for this day for months and finally, it was here.

On the other side of the courtyard, his husband was busy taking photos with his friends and chatting with his classmates, their graduation caps askew as they waved their diplomas around. Even from a distance, the corporate manager could make out the glinting of a silver dog tag hanging from his husband’s neck.

He wore it all the time now. So cute.

Today, Woohyun finally graduated from college. Sunggyu was the only one in attendance for the ceremony. The rest of their family and friends were waiting at the Gangnam-do branch of Namu to surprise the younger.

After Woohyun had confessed his feelings for him, Sunggyu had never felt such happiness and bliss in his entire 26 years of life. It felt like the honeymoon stage again, where everything that Woohyun said or did made him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

The first few days after his confession, the younger had reverted back to his shy behavior, but it was now accompanied by reciprocated affection. Woohyun freely showed his love with no reservations and Sunggyu drank it all in with much happiness in his heart. He felt like nothing could make him unhappy again. Woohyun was the love of his life and he never wanted anyone else.

It was cheesy, but it was the truth.

Finally, Woohyun was done saying goodbye to his friends and was now scanning his surroundings, searching with a slight frown. Sunggyu stayed put, practically vibrating in anticipation.

When Woohyun met his eyes, the younger broke into the biggest smile and bounded over to him.

“Gyu, you made it!” he exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of his older husband.

The younger’s hair glistened in the sun; he had dyed it a light brown just a days ago (“To give me a little color!” he said). His dark brown eyes sparkled with glee at finally being finished with school forever. And although he was sweaty due to heat and the graduation gown, he still glowed.

Without a word, Sunggyu gently took his hand and pulled him closer to wrap his arms around him. Woohyun instantly curled up to his chest with a chuckle.

“Of course I would, silly,” the older said, fondly. “My husband just graduated, how can I not?” He pulled back slightly to show Woohyun the bouquet of flowers in his hand. “For you, waifuu.”

Woohyun scowled slightly at him. “I’m not a girl, you know,” he said, but taking the flowers anyway.

Sunggyu wasn’t offended; he knew the younger didn’t mean it with any malice. That was just the way Woohyun was. And he loved him for it.

“You’re still my waifuu,” he teased as the younger blushed in response before smacking his arm.


In response, Sunggyu leaned down to press a deep kiss into those tantalizing plump lips. They tasted just as sweet as their first, the cute little sounds Woohyun made drove him crazy; Sunggyu couldn’t get enough of it.

When they broke apart, Woohyun was red but smiling, happily. It was a beautiful sight.

Sunggyu would make sure to keep that smile on his face for the rest of their lives.

He held out a hand. “Shall we, my husband?” he asked with a teasing grin.

Woohyun nodded before slipping his hand into his. “Let’s go.”



Leaning against the doorframe of their brightly-lit kitchen, Sunggyu watched in quiet observance as his husband sliced fruit and arranged them neatly on a plate for them, humming as he did so.

They had just returned home from Woohyun’s graduation celebration an hour ago and now his husband wanted to watch a movie before they went to bed. He also insisted on preparing them snacks.

Sunggyu didn’t get the chance to give him his graduation present so now was the best time as any.

Quietly, he approached and wrapped his arms around Woohyun’s waist. His husband jumped a little before relaxing, so Sunggyu tucked his head into the crook of his neck.

“Gyu! I told you not to startle me when I’m in the kitchen!” Woohyun scolded, frowning at him. “I’m holding a knife, you know!”

“We both know you’d never stab me,” Sunggyu teased. “Not on purpose, anyway.”

Woohyun scoffed before continuing his task, Sunggyu still attached to him like a koala.

“Hubby, ahh,” his younger husband said, holding out a piece of strawberry for Sunggyu.

The older grinned before claiming the fruit, playfully biting at the younger’s fingers while he was at it. The younger made a show of wiping his fingers on Sunggyu's shirt.

They stayed in that position, Woohyun occasionally popping a sliced strawberry into his husband’s mouth.

Sunggyu loved to be fed. And his husband spoiled him so much.

When Woohyun was finished, he put the knife down and turned around in Sunggyu’s arms to wrap his own around the older’s neck.

“You’re clingy,” he commented, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.

“Because I like holding you,” Sunggyu replied, rubbing their noses together.

Woohyun chuckled. “You’re like an octopus.”

“You can have me for dinner then.”

“Yah!” Woohyun smacked his arm as he turned red in embarrassment.

Sunggyu really enjoyed teasing him. The blush made him extra cute and he just wanted to eat him up. But, he would save that for later. Right now, he had other pressing matters at hand.

Taking Woohyun’s hand, he led him out of the kitchen (the younger not forgetting to grab their plate of snacks).

In the living room, the T.V. played the movie’s main menu on loop. On top of the coffee table laid a blue manila folder.

Sunggyu picked it up and with a loving smile, handed it over to his husband. Woohyun took it, curiously.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“My present to you.”

“So the expensive white gold bracelet wasn’t it?” Woohyun teased.

“That was a joint present from myself and my parents. This one is just from me. Open it.”

So, Woohyun flipped it open and began to read the contents. Sunggyu vibrated in anticipation, watching Woohyun’s face for his reaction.

A myriad of emotions showed on Woohyun’s face – confusion followed by comprehension, a slight frown before eyes widened in realization. He looked up at Sunggyu.

“Are these…?”

Sunggyu nodded. “A list of all agencies and their audition dates,” he explained, excitedly. “Many are still months away, but that will give you time to prepare. I had Bora print out all the applications, they’re all attached, you just need to fill them out and we can mail them out with your headshot and audition reel. I’ve already arranged for day offs on those dates so I can accompany you and… Woohyun, baby, are you crying?”

Slim tears were running down Woohyun’s cheeks, sniffling as he wiped them away with his arm. He looked down at the folder’s contents again before tossing it gently at the coffee table. Before Sunggyu could ask any more questions, the younger had thrown himself into his arms.

“Y-You… I-I hate you…” he stammered, voice muffled as he buried his face in Sunggyu’s chest.

Amused, Sunggyu hugged him closer. “Why? You don’t like my present?”

“That’s just it. I love it. I love it so much. And…. I love you.” Woohyun lifted his head to look at him with tear-stained eyes. “And I hate you for it.”

Sunggyu chuckled and kissed his forehead. “I love you too.” He wiped away the remaining tear tracks. “I told you, didn’t I? I’ll stand beside you when you’re reaching for your dreams. I’m not going to break that promise.”

Woohyun laid his head on his chest again, ear at his older husband’s heart. “You know, my appa had been hoping you could talk me out of becoming a singer.”

“I know.”

“He’s not going to be happy.”

“I’ll be happy in his place. Because I want you to be happy, waifuu.”

“I already am. You just made me extra happy.”

“I’m glad for that.”

They stayed in that position for a while, Sunggyu whispering sweet promises into Woohyun’s ear. And when they finally sat down to enjoy their movie, Woohyun was attached at his waist, refusing to let go.

Sunggyu had no complaints.

This was all he wanted and ever needed in his life.

At some point during the movie, Woohyun broke away from his hold and climbed into his lap. Without a word, the younger leaned down and pressed his lips to his, moving gently but seductively against Sunggyu.

There it was… the bubbling fire in his belly that erupted every single time Woohyun touched him…

Sunggyu could feel the desire and want from his husband as the younger’s lips left his own and began to nibble at his neck.

Meanwhile, the older couldn’t stop his own hands from wandering, feeling Woohyun’s waist and then lower to feel that plump backside underneath his fingers; he gave it a soft squeeze – Woohyun had a really nice .

Before he knew it, his husband’s hands had snuck under his shirt to feel his lean stomach, teasing his belly button with a finger before wandering up to his chest.

Sunggyu groaned in pleasure. Woohyun was such a tease!

“Waifuu… if you keep doing that, I won’t be responsible for what’s next.”

Pulling back, the younger smirked at him. “Oh really? It’s probably nothing compared to what I can do to you, old man.”

Damn. Until now, Sunggyu couldn’t believe that Woohyun could also be such a little ert. He was making him lose control in so many ways.

Before he could even come up with a response, the younger had leaned down to whisper into his ear, “Remember what I did for you in your office last week? I can do it again, if you like.”

He bit gently at the ear.

That was it!

Without another word, Sunggyu hoisted Woohyun up into his arms, the younger immediately wrapping his legs around his waist.

The movie was forgotten as the couple spent the rest of the night exploring each other’s bodies, whispering words of love into each other’s skin.  

It was a night just like any other night, but they couldn’t ask for anything better. They already had it.



A few months later, Sunggyu found himself parking outside one of South Korea’s biggest and well-known Entertainment companies. There were a good number of people going in, many of them with nervous but hopeful smiles.

Beside him, Woohyun was fiddling with the dog tag around his neck, staring at the entrance with foreboding. He was nervous. Sunggyu could tell when he picked at his breakfast that morning, when he changed his shirt five times, and when he called Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Kibum in succession.

Sunggyu reached out to hold his hand and squeeze it in comfort. “You’ll be amazing,” he said.

Woohyun bit his lip. “What if I mess up and don’t make it?” he asked, in a quiet voice.

“Then we’ll go on the next one,” replied Sunggyu with confidence. “And the next one and the next one… We’ll go to all of them. We’ll nag them until they take you… or they’ll regret letting you go.”

When Woohyun finally broke into a sweet smile, Sunggyu felt pride.

He had confidence in Woohyun and knew that his husband would give it his all. He was a talented singer with so much passion… these entertainment companies wouldn’t know what hit them.

Sunggyu certainly didn’t know when Woohyun entered his life… and he would never let him go.

“You always know how to make me feel better,” his husband said to him before leaning over to kiss him.

Sunggyu placed his hands on Woohyun’s cheeks and playfully squished them. “You’re going to blow them away, I know it. And I’ll be right here waiting for you, okay?”

Woohyun nodded before grinning, shyly. “Can I get another kiss? For luck?”

Of course, Sunggyu complied, pressing his lips against his husband, pouring all his love and affection into that simple kiss.

He watched as his husband exited the car and headed towards the entrance of the building. Before going in, Woohyun turned around. Catching Sunggyu’s eye, he smiled a loving smile of appreciation. With one last wave, he entered the building, out of Sunggyu’s sight.

Meanwhile, the corporate manager leaned back in his seat, making himself comfortable. He brought his laptop along to do some work while waiting – Namu’s Japan expansion was going well. Woohyun had some great ideas to help with the promotions. They made a great team.

Also, their one-year anniversary was approaching. The corporate manager couldn’t believe how much things have changed in just a year.

He was still Kim Sunggyu. But a better one. A happier one.

Kim Sunggyu was a perfectly average South Korean man. He was the corporate manager of one of South Korea’s biggest companies and was next in line for CEO. He was an obedient son to his parents, an affectionate younger brother to his sister, and a loving husband to his husband.

He looked outside towards the entrance of the building. More and more people were trickling in for the auditions. Somewhere inside that building, his husband was giving his all to show those judges how great he was, that he was worth it.

And as he observed his surroundings, he couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction.

The trees were growing, nicely.


A/N: And that's a wrap! Thank you guys so much for following this story! I know that chapter was short, but I hope it was sweet!

I had such fun writing this! I intended it to be a one-shot and then a 3-shot but it just kept growing and I'm quite satisfied with how it ended. 

Remember, falling in love is easy! But, staying in love requires work! Keep planting your seeds of love but don't forget to nurture them until they grow tall and strong, just like the WooGyu in this story!

I love you, chingus!

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705 streak #1
Chapter 8: Shy Woohyun is so adorable 🥰
Chapter 8: So fluff,, so cute, so nice and soo wonderfull,, thank you for your story ^^ i love it
Chapter 6: I just want to cry T.T
Chapter 8: I miss WooGyu so much!
Chapter 8: my emotions for this fic are still as strong as the first time no matter how many times i’ve already read this ahhhh hope you’re having a nice day miss caithy <3
Chapter 8: here again! woohyun inspired me to read again, he said, "sunggyu-ssi, sarangheyo!" during their vlive this afternoon! i miss them so much!
Chapter 8: I lost count of how many times i have been here rereading the whole story, it's still as wonderful as the first time i read it ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: Hey how r u doing??? I was just missing your writing so i came back reading it again.