Doni & Coni : Day 1 Report


"Hi ! I'm Doni -"

"And I'm Coni ! Welcome to the Hunger Games Report of Day 1. "

The two MC aren't feeling good about this. When they were on a camera, they were in their lovely studio, surrounded by all these talented idols, making them playing stupid games for the benefit of the fans. Earlier, when Doni saw, on live TV, Joshua being killed by his beloved Jisoo, he couldn't belived that he will, later, describe in details and with enthusiam the death of Joshua Hong. Coni, for him, have an endless film of Carats and Blinks screaming with pain rolling in his head. How could they do that ? Well, they both have families to feed and they don't feel like being shot by the President's minions. Coni coughs a little and he begins.

"Today, two tributes were kill. Joshua from District 2 and Jisoo from District 12." Tears are begin to fall on Coni's cheeks.He wipes them with the back of his hand. 

"Both stabbed, says Doni. Jisoo by Seungkwan anf Joshua by Jisoo. Maybe Seungkwan is someone to fear in those Games, Coni ?"

"More energy" whispered the director. " off", thinks Doni. 

"Well, we can't tell, co-star, fake-smiled Coni, this first day wasn't that deadly. I think that Seungkwan may be dangerous if a tribute puts his friend's life in danger. Unless, Seungkwan isn't a killer."

"Now, we could talk about the alliances, propose the other MC. The biggest we have is coposed of S. Coups, Mingyu, Suga, Rosé and Dokyeom. I'm a little surprise by this. I never taught Suga could be a team guy."

"You know, in times like this, all hidden faces are shown." sighs Coni. 

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