When Jong-Dae Becomes Chen (Chen/Kim Jongdae)

EXO Recommendations & Reviews

When Jong-Dae Becomes Chen by SeasonsOfExo


  • Genre: Angst, Friendship, Psychological
  • Chapter Count: 18
  • Status: Ongoing


     When Chen first debuted as a member of EXO-M, a sub-unit of EXO, everyone thought that he was just "Chen." Everyone assumed that he was Chinese. Everyone saw him as just another pretty boy with a voice. No one knew what it took for a normal Korean boy who loved singing to be reinvented into a singer who must sing in Chinese-- a language he can never hope to fully understand-- yet to be the confident, sassy, high-note king Chen of EXO. No one knew his pain-- not even the members-- because he hid it. He hid all the hardships and the feelings behind a constant smile.

     "He likes to pretend that every mention of 'Chen' does not take away a part of 'Jong-Dae.'"

1. Well-woven Plot

I don't really have an affinity for non-romance books, but this one really hooked me with its unique storyline. It truly depicts a psychological side to what an audience can cognitively draw from Kim Jongdae and his actions-- whether it is from interviews or merely interacting with the other members on fancams, etc. This story's unique concept is thought-out and delved upon in the author's vision of Jongdae's struggles and how his mind functions-- how he thinks about his environment and those around him.

That being said, I think the story could be better executed. The concept is so, so good (I can't really emphasize this enough), but the arcs that amount to the entire story can be disconnected and 

2. Grammar/Spelling

No errors.

3. Realisticness

The story is relatively realistic, but there are several cliches that draw the story aback. The concept is very good, but the execution of its realisticness is not as well-executed. I don't want to spoil too much, but there are instances where some members are depicted slightly cringeworthily (i.e. Sehun).

4. Wow Factor


5. Opinion

I still can't emphasize this enough, but the story's concept is just so good. I love diving into people's minds, anticipating their next move, their personality, and their quirks, but I never would have thought to make it into a story. Kudos to the author. I recommend giving this story a read, as this story is refreshing against the myriad romance/AU/sci-fi stories on this website. This story's feature status is well-deserved.

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