
You Are My Sunshine

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping


Everyone knew this day was coming. It was inevitable, yet such a sensitive topic that no one liked to talk about. Final preparations were being made and people rushing back and forth, making sure nothing was out of place. But, there was still something solemn about the situation, a tense air permeating around the area.


It was a peaceful chaos. A comforting nuisance. A silent thunderstorm.






I dreamt I held in my arms.


The good memories flowed through their heads like a waterfall, the emotions cascading onto them in waves. The nostalgic feelings that they all shared connecting them into the one their well known phrase spoke of.


From the moment they met, to the moment they became what they are, to the times that happened between then and this present moment. They were everything during these times. Aliens, animals, bad asses, trolls, beagles, mothers some might even say legends. But to each other they were more. They were friends, brothers, confidants, pillars,


They thought of the music, their accomplishments, all of the teasing they put each other through. Obnoxious laughter, savage statements, embarrassing dad jokes, all these things being shared among the group present in this moment. Their moment.








When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I held my head and cried.


But as those moments went through their heads, they were also reminded of the bad ones


Devastating losses. The first one. Then the second. Then the third…

The underlying fear of another one, the depression and frustration of the losses they’ve already been forced to face. Not one hurt less than the other, but were certainly more expected.


They reflected on the tears with one another. The times they were comforted by another, and the times they hid away to cry alone.


They recalled their skinny days. The days they wouldn’t eat, couldn’t eat. Certain individuals remembered the extreme diets, starving themselves dry in order to have the ideal bodies. The intense mental strain in order to be good enough, to feel good enough in order to remain on top.


Separation also came to mind. They couldn’t always be altogether. And that made it hard, hard for them, but so much harder on the ones who adored them so much. Announcement after announcement that only serve to bring news of prolonged separation, until the fear of another lose became too much of an almost reality.







You are my sunshine


But they managed to overcome this challenge, like they’ve overcame every challenge. With hope and perseverance. Having unwavering optimism in their hearts and continuously remembering the people they’re doing this for.


My only sunshine


They pictured the loud chanting, the smiling faces, the encouraging posters at every turn. The gifts and letters, almost never ending, but never failing to give them that extra boost to keep going.


You make me happy, when skies are gray.


Late night dance practices, days of jam packed schedules, the occasional tantrums and breakdowns thrown in the mix. Those instances where they were the only thing that held everything together. That kept them from throwing in the towel and leaving all of this behind.


You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you


They brought them this far, with their love and endless devotion. With their voting, streaming, and encouraging messages, they are truly the backbone, the foundation, of all the magical events that have occurred in these past years. And they’ll never know just to what extent their love and gratitude reaches for everything they’ve done.


Please don’t take my sunshine away.


So as they line up together and prepare to out, they really focus. They focus on this moment and the atmosphere. They join hands to give each other strength for this performance.


This isn’t just any performance, this just any ordinary show. This is them about to give their all for this last time. This is them releasing all the emotions they’ve been bottling in. This is them showing the embodiment of their presence to the people who gave them so much life, But most of all this is them saying goodbye.


So once again, as the prepare to walk out on stage- not for last time, they’ll never be a last time- they look at each other, not quite crying and bright smiles on their faces.


They bask in this atmosphere, one that’s completely theirs and unwavering, and they know…




...It will never be the end.


“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” -Dr, Suess

A/N: Thank you for reading it to the end. Once again, I hope you liked it. 

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