twist in fate


I’m on my way to my class but the sight of that young lady keeps popping in my mind. I don’t know why it’s happening anyway. I shove it off my mind for awhile anyway. I need to pretend that I’m new in this University, and to all my classmates. So practically, I went to the office of the secretary to ask where will be my classes are. Then, I went straight to the class. Apparently, most of my classmates are already there, our professor is also there and about to start the class. I went inside, greet my professor and gave her my schedule list and registration form.


“You’re the new student? Sophia Lopez’s twin brother, right?” The teacher asked.


“Yes  ma’am.”


“Okay. I’ll just introduce you to the class.” She said. “Class, meet your new classmate, Andrew James Lopez II. He’s the twin of your late classmate, Sophie.”


“Hi. Good morning. I’m Andrew James Lopez II. You can call me James or AJ. Please to meet you all.” I said casually hiding my nervousness.


“Find your chair now Mr. Lopez, I am also informed that you’ll still be wearing your civilian clothes. I think you could sit next to Ms. Jacinto since it’s your sister’s close friend here.”




I went to the seat next to Ms. Jacinto also known to me as Nicole Jacinto, my best buddy in college. We are that close because we have the same likes and hobbies. Of course, I would have to act as if I didn’t know her. Well, it’s really hard because this girl knew me for a long time. Wow, I’m sweating like a pig, what if she found out my secret, which would be a capital ‘BIG’ problem.


“Hi. You’re Sophie’s twin? Really? She hadn’t told me anything about you. Btw, I’m Nicole Jacinto. You can call me Nicole or Nikki.” She said.


“Uhhmm… Hi too. Yes, you’re right I’m her twin. I’m Andrew James but you can call me AJ. Sophie and I really haven’t got the chance to be close since she died and we have been separated for all of our life that’s maybe why she hasn’t to you anything about me.” I replied.


“Oh, maybe that’s it. Condolence btw, Sophie’s really a good friend of mine. Do you know that she’s one of the smartest in this class? Mind you, she really was. Really, it’s a shame that she died. I miss her now.”


“Really? Wow. She’s really a good person then. I envy you all for knowing her. I just wish that maybe we had met sooner to know more about each other. Are you crying?”


“Oh. No. Don’t mind me.”


“Okay. But don’t cry, it doesn’t suit you.”


After saying those words, I swear I saw her blushed. I’m shocked. Mind you, Nikki’s not someone who would just blush in front of a guy unless she found the guy handsome. Oh my gosh! This could not be happening. I have to do something about this. I leaned to her and ask something about introducing myself to the class and knowing my sister’s (Of course, my friends but I have to do this) other friends.

Well, after the period ends, Nikki introduced me to my other classmates. First is Jewel Ann Montañez, my other best buddy, she and Nikki are my two best buds in the class. We shared the same genre about books, novels, movies and of course food but differ in the guys that we liked (Well, that’s all in the past now). Other people are the following: Khryss Jade Noblejas, my friend since high school; Katherine Natividad, Illyze Marquez, and Sheena Perez, our class brainiacs; Christin Pearl Ledesma, my close friend; Erik Morales, Kent Palma, Jason Luna, Peter Lacson and Irvin Jayme, our gentlemen; Czarina Montaño, Lykah Jane Pascual, Laurice Nadal and Carla Narciso, our pretty, sophisticated yet kind ladies; Gabrielle Montejo, Michelle Milaño, Kim Jardeleza and Justinne Moreno; our class clowns; and the others are to aloft to be mentioned here (haha…They are not that friendly).


“Am, so tell us, do you have a girlfriend?” It was Lykah who asked.


“No. I don’t have one.”


“Really, can I apply? Hahaha.” Kim asked. Well, she’s the joker as always.


“Why not. Hahaha.” I decided to ride along.


“Really?! I think I’ll apply to. So tell us AJ, what are your requirements?”  Gabrielle asked.


I was taken aback by that. I never expected to be asked on my first day but the woman earlier popped in my mind so what I said to my friends is…


“A woman with an angelic face, chinky eyes, smart, tall, and kind. I think that would be it but most important is I love her.” Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve said it. I’ve said those description based on the girl that I just met. Man, what happening to me.


“We all do have angelic faces AJ. Does it mean that we’re qualified? Haha.” It was Nikki.

After she said that, everybody turned to her with a shock expression in their faces.


“Did I just hear it from you Nik? You have a crush on AJ, right? Hahaha.” It was Jewel.


“No I’m not. I’m just joking. Am and I are just friends. He’s like a brother to me just like his sister.” Nikki defensively said.


With that everyone started to , and instead of getting mad, Nikki joined their laughter.

So now I’ve officially met them all as AJ Lopez II. I’m ready now for the next task.


Meanwhile I was sitting in the room when I saw her again. The woman with angelic face, chinky eyes, fair complexion, with a beautiful smile, and mid-shoulder length hair blowing by the air.

And unintentionally I was being drawn to her like being hypnotized. I just don’t know what exactly is happening to me.

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