Love at the Bus Stop

Chanyeol stood at the bus stop with an umbrella as rain pelted down. It was kind of hard to see anything through the rain and the noise of it was so loud. Just then he seen a small figure running towards the stop holding their bag above their head to protect themselves from the rain, even though it didn’t save them much from getting wet. As they approached closer and halted as they reached the bus stop, Chanyeol realised that it was Baekhyun and, without even thinking, he immediately ran over and held the umbrella over Baekhyun. The boy noticed that he wasn’t getting wet anymore and put his arms down, allowing his backpack to fall down by his side. He looked up with his big brown innocent eyes to see Chanyeol towering beside him and using the umbrella to cover both of them, not noticing that Chanyeol’s shoulder was getting soaked as he held it to Baekhyun’s benefit so that the small boy didn’t get a single drop of water on him. Baekhyun threw his bag on his back and looped his arms through the straps. 

‘Thanks’ he heard him say. He spoke to me! Chanyeol’s mind buzzed and his heart started beating like crazy as the first word that Baekhyun had ever said to him rang in his ears. His voice is so beautiful. God has given this adorable boy a voice more heavenly than an angel, he thought as he just stared at Baekhyun with his mouth hung open and his body frozen from shock. Baekhyun ran out from under the umbrella and Chanyeol didn’t understand why. He thought maybe he had scared him off from staring at him the way he did, maybe he thought Chanyeol was weird or completely stupid. Then he realised that the bus had arrived as he watched the faint outline of Baekhyun rush onto it and sit down in his usual window seat. Chanyeol let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding once he couldn’t see that bus anymore and then sighed dreamily as he held his hand up to his heavily pounding heart and smiled, replaying the scene in his head again.


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Chapter 1: First time reading a chanbaek story! OMGFGG i didnt know I'll ship them like this! Thank youuu!
jungie_9_12_6 #2
Chapter 3: Hi, I'm ChanBaek shipper in Vietnam. I really love your fic. It's very cute ^^ .Can you give me the permission to translate your fic into Vietnamese ? Of course, I will take out with full your credit. Thank you so much for writing it.