The Storm

This time it is different

“Will you break today, Ponyo?”


No, he wouldn’t break. Storms didn’t matter to him anymore, did they? But this wasn’t the time to think about it. It was time for classes today. And this time he didn’t want to have his mind being a mess while thinking about the past.

Mr. Hwang was already in the classroom when the two friends entered it. Bowing in front of their teacher they made their way to their seats until Mr. Hwang called Sewoon to come to his desk. Feeling uneasy the boy went to his teacher.

“Let’s talk somewhere more privately. Gwanghyun-ah, you don’t need to worry. Your friend isn’t in trouble.”

Walking with his teacher to a more private room, the brown haired boy felt really uneasy. What would he be scolded for he wondered.

“Sewoon-ah. Miss Yoon called. You have been skipping your meetings with her. Actually she couldn’t even tell me which hair color you are currently having. And you know what this means.”

Sewoon kept quiet. The young teacher sighed deeply. “Sewoon-goon. I know, it’s difficult for you, but you need to open up. I promised that if anything would happen to them, I’d take care of you, but honestly you are making it pretty hard for me to keep that promise.”

“I don’t believe in promises. Sorry for making you worry. But I am fine.” “Sewoon-goon. I try to read you so, but it’s nearly impossible. Also… There will be a huge storm today. You sure you want to attend classes? I can call Euiwoong to lead you home. We both know about your situation.” This was the second person who reminded him about the storm. Didn’t they consider the possibility of Sewoon checking the forecast as well? He knew it already before Youngmin told him about him. The boy was close to agreeing until

“Will you break today, Ponyo?”

No, he had already answered that question. He needed to show them his change and if he managed to get through the day without any struggles, maybe they’d stop chasing after him and return back to Busan. “Thanks, Saem, but I will decline. Miss Yoon showed me this technique with that I should be able to control myself. Oh, and Saem, class is to start soon. Shouldn’t we head back?”

A lie. It was still over 30 minutes ‘til the beginning of his class and his teacher knew that. But that’s how Sewoon usually ended these conservations. He was known not to be a friend of many words.

His teacher simply nodded. “Well, maybe I should check some stuff before the lecture. See you in class, Sewoon-ah.”

After his teacher had left the young boy leaned against the wall and fought his tears. Tears. Only they knew his story. His tears and his guitar. Releasing a deep breath Sewoon decided it was time to return to the classroom. Sadly, he met a certain one when he passed the said person’s locker. Their eyes met and time seemed to stop.

 “Hello, Jung Sewoon. If you find a little Ponyo, please be so kind and tell him to come back to me. I miss him badly. Tell him, my lips still remember his cutes ones. And tell him, my waist misses the touch of his hands on it. Also my chest feels to different ever since the last time his head was placed on it.” The boy took a few steps until there was only a little space between them. “So, if you see my little Ponyo, tell him to come back home.” After creasing Sewoon’s check gently Jaehwan chuckled at the younger boy. “Well, see you in class!” And he went to their classroom.

Finally, Sewoon trusted himself to breathe again. He did not dare to breath when the older talked to him like that. Because Sewoon might have answered “Here he is! I am here! Take him back home, Jaehwan-hyung!” And this could not happen.


The rest of the first hours were plain and boring. There is no need to mention that Gwanghyun was overprotective when Youngmin, Donghyun or Jaehwan talked to Sewoon. Gwanghyun had changed seats with Hyunbin ‘to make sure Sewoon was doing fine’ as he called it. And Sewoon was glad his friend behaved like this. During classes he kept checking the sky in order to know when the storm would happen.


It was lunchtime when Sewoon had to face Donghyun, Jaehwan and Youngmin again. Mr. Hwang had requested the younger to show them the library and music rooms. Of course he could have lied and said he was busy, but Mr. Hwang was always really helpful to the young student, so he did as he was asked to.

“This is the library. You know, where you get books and stuff like that. Try to avoid going there when Mrs. Lee is working. She likes to force long and boring conversations.” He explained while keeping his voice as calm and normal as possible. The boys simply nodded and followed Sewoon as he walked down the hall in the direction of the music rooms. “Do you know if there is a good fantasy book?”, Donghyun asked. “I am not into fantasy, sorry.” Youngmin stopped his walking and raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t? So it was me who begged to go to the new book store in order to buy Harry Potter, right. Jaehwan, I think my memories are kind of weird. Do you remember me reading Harry Potter?” Jaehwan shook his head and Sewoon bit his lips before facing Youngmin. “Fantasy books give you an illusion about how things could be in another world. But they do not tell us what’s happening after the last page. They tell us about pain, but they don’t warn us about the true pain that comes once a page has turned.”


After his words a loud thunder was heard and Sewoon felt his inside shaking. “They don’t warn us about the loneliness that comes after the last page.” Another thunder, a louder one. And the boy’s eyes started to become wet. The three boys simply started at him, not being able to say anything. Another thunder was heard while no one said even a word. Sewoon bit his lips that started bleeding.

But he could not break, not now when he was showing them, that he wasn’t the same he used to be.

“THEY DON’T WARN YOU ABOUT THE PAIN THAT COMES WHEN THE LAST PAGE IS TURNED”, he screamed while first tears ran along his check. The storm was going with all its might and they could hear it clearly. And Sewoon was scared. He wanted to run into his music room and hug his guitar. After all, this reminded him way too much of that one night.

The three boys kept quiet and Sewoon hated them for it. He hated them for coming to his school when he thought he was over it.


“Little brother, don’t worry. One day, we will be happy, I promise! And you trust me, don’t you? You trust your older brother.”


Why out of all the time did he remember it now? He remembered the situation, the voice, the place and the hug that was followed after these words.



And Sewoon fall onto his knees his arms around his ears.

This was when the boys started to react. Jaehwan placed his arms around the boy and hugged him. “Shhht, it’s okay, hyung is here.” “Where is your guitar, Sewoon? Where is it?”, Donghyun asked with his calmest voice. Sewoon wasn’t able to say anything as he pressed his head into Jaehwan’s chest and kept calling for Howon. “Youngmin, go find one of Sewoon’s friends and ask them to help you finding Sewoon needs it.” Youngmin nodded and ran along the hall to their classroom.

Donghyun placed his arms on Sewoon’s head and the older boy. “I wanted you to break, but not while calling Hyung’s name. Don’t worry, Youngmin-hyung will get you Howon.”

“H-Howon-hyung! H-Howon! RUN AWAY”, Sewoon screamed and tried to free himself out of Jaehwan’s arms, but the older hold him tightly. “Ponyo, you can’t run now. Don’t worry, we are here. And soon, Howon will be here as well.” “Hyung, let’s get Sewoon somewhere more private. He wouldn’t want others to see him in this state. I will text Youngmin-hyung.” The older nodded and lifted Sewoon up, but holding him tightly. “A corner of the library should be fine. No one seems to be there.” More tears ran along Sewoon’s checks and the two boys knew what was happening inside of his head. They knew this situation too well.

When they got into a nice corner of the library both hugged Sewoon and made sure to cover his ears. “It’s okay. Donghyun, Youngmin and I are here, with you.” Sewoon opened his eyes shortly and looked the two boys. “M-May I stay? M-may I return?”, he asked with a shaking voice. That was before a new thunder was heard.

The boy could not take it anymore.

He fainted in Jaehwan’s arms.


A.N: Okay, sorry for the cliffhanger… Again… Also I did not proofread it, but I still hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! The name of Sewoon’s guitar is mentioned here!
Also, next chapter will be an explanation chapter, but there are still some secrets for the upcoming chapters. As always, comments are loved and make me update faster < 33

And omg, thank you SOOO much to call new subscribers! Please feel hugged < 3
I am grateful to anyone reading the story, even you, you silent readers :3

Btw which me good luck for my first exam on Thursday… I really hope I’ll pass with a good grade

Okay, that’s from my side! Talk to you in the comments or next Chapter!!

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golbarg76 #1
golbarg76 #2
MizuDrop #3
Chapter 10: This made me so shook oh my glob, BUT IT IS SO GOOD
blissfulxo #4

Keep writing!! ♡
17got7 #5
Chapter 9: Awwwee my little foetuses <3 they're so cute
17got7 #6
Chapter 8: Oh no did Dongho kill howon? (That's the only idea I have :( ) and I'm probs wrong, I've been reading to much violent books. Thank you for the update
17got7 #7
Chapter 7: Oh no so much drama. (Darn it another clifthanger) thank you for your hard work~
17got7 #8
Chapter 6: I'm like concerned about Sewoon with his mood swings and good luck studying for your finals~
michiru10 #9
Chapter 6: thank you for the update!!! it was my bday yesterday kkkk. i love reading your work. ^^
blissfulxo #10
Chapter 5: update soon please, i'll waiting ur nice story! :)