Chapter 11

The Neglected Twin

“So this is what you guys have been doing behind my back?”


Kyuhyun broke the kiss when they heard Kangin’s voice. Kyuhyun simply smiled at the jealousy and anger radiating from his brother. “Hyung, your boyfriend tastes good.” That earned him a punch from Kangin.


But Sungmin’s fast reflexes saved Kyuhyun from being punched. Sungmin’s palm received Kangin’s fist. Kangin misinterpreted Sungmin’s action. “So is that how it is? You choose Kyuhyun over me.”


Sungmin wanted to explain but no words were coming out from his mouth. This time around it was Kangin, who went on ignoring Sungmin for two days. Sungmin and Kyuhyun were still spending time together but Kyuhyun noticed that Sungmin was being less comfortable and a bit more awkward about it although Sungmin still tried to be friendly and act as if nothing went wrong.


“Sungmin, aren’t you mad at what I’ve done? I just ruin your relationship with my brother.”


“No, it’s not your fault that you liked me. You simply made your move and showed me how much you liked me. It’s my own fault for not instantly rejecting you. I was even entertaining the thought of kissing back. Just with that kind of thought, I think I’ve committed a sin against Kangin.”


On that night, Sungmin packed his things. He decided that now is probably a good time to go back to his own house and family. Kangin and Sungmin were still sharing a room together although they were on bad terms. Kangin saw that Sungmin was packing.


“It’s good that you’re leaving. You already messed up my life a lot and I’m not going to allow you to mess up with my brother’s life. Even if my brother loves you, I will not allow that two of you to have a relationship. Because even if I’m currently mad at my brother, he’s still the brother that I love and I don’t think he deserves to experience what I’ve experienced being with you.” Kangin said coldly.


Sungmin didn’t say anything back because he wanted for Kangin and Kyuhyun to be in good terms again. In order to do that, he just had to stay away from them. Late at night when Sungmin thought that Kangin was finally asleep, Sungmin couldn’t stop himself from stealing a quick kiss to Kangin and whispered a very soft “I love you.”


With gentle footsteps, Sungmin carefully walked out of the door. He didn’t expect for Kyuhyun to be standing right outside Kangin’s room.


“So you’re just going to leave without letting Kangin know the truth?”


“I prefer it this way. I want you and Kangin to be on good terms again. Kyuhyun’s, next time you fall in love. Make sure that it wouldn’t be Kangin’s future boyfriend, okay? I won’t be there to patch things up between you and your brother if something like this happens again.” Sungmin patted Kyuhyun’s shoulder in a friendly manner before leaving.


End Of Chapter 11


A/N:  Back to angst again... lolz! Comments please?

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sjmunchkin #1
Chapter 13: "Yeah, i do", aww you really got your way to my heart kanginnie...
Chapter 13: waah this was so amazing!! i really like how it ended!!
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 13: Kyaaa I love it you have me almost lost for words adore the story
Chapter 13: Chapter 6 was the best. Poetic really, with the mountain and back and forth between the real Sunny, fake Sunny and Sungmin while Kangin spoke. Really touching. Loved the Kyuhyun twist. The idea of him paired up with Heechul is intriguing. I must find a story with those two or write one myself and its all your fault!
hmwlove #5
Chapter 13: Haha, kyuchul in the end :p kangmin is <3
Chapter 9: OMO....die sungminnie's dad.....DIE!!!!
LovingKitty #7
Chapter 14: OMg altho it went by fast it was still an amazing story loved and the ending made me cry LOL
i'm in chap 2 now & it seem to be nice story xD
Chapter 14: Awww... I totally love this story! It has a great plot (multiple to be exact), super cute main characters and it is a little bit lengthier than your usual stories... :) I hope some of your stories I haven't read yet will be at least as equally good as this. :)