
The 11th Member

        " OISHI!!!" Aisaka shrieked.

" Are? Miyazaki-kun you havent touched your food yet" she said.

" Hai.." I said and picked up my chopsticks. I covered my face with my left hand so that she doesnt recognize me.

I turned to look at Yamada.

" Poor Ryosuke..." I thought


* Flashback*

" Aisaka and Yamada were a couple"

It took me about 10-15 seconds for the info to sink in.

" EEEEEEEHHHH?!!" I yelled.

" Your kidding" I said.

" Im serious!!" Yuto said.

" Souka...demo why do you hate her?" I asked.

" The rest of JUMP hates her cuz she's just plain annoying" he said.

" But why'd they break up?" I asked.

Yuto sighed. " Dont tell him I told you this" he said.


" Well the truth is Yamada and Aisaka were a really lovey dovey couple. Yama-chan loved her so much

he really didnt care about the fact that we hated her. Yama-chan decided to pay her a surprise visit but

he came and saw her in the pool kissing some other guy" he said.

I gasped. " Yabai..." I said.

' So thats why he's been actig weird ' I thought.

" Ryosuke is...really brave" I said.

Yuto smiled and patted my head " We should learn to be like him ne?" he asked.

I nodded " Un!!"


         " Ano...Thanks for the food " I said getting up.

" Eh?! What about your second helping?" Keito asked.

" Im fine really..." I said and went up the stairs.

        I stopped at the top of the stairs ' Poor Ryosuke... there's gotta be something I can do for him..'

It then hit me ' I know!! I'll buy him something!! '.

" YUU-KUN!!!" I heard Yabu call. I ran down the flight of stairs and poked my head out from behind the wall.

" Hai?" I asked.

" Come here" he said. I went up to him and he slapped a couple of money notes into my hand.

" Eh?!!" I exclaimed.

Yabu grinned " We're going shopping tomorrow " he said.

" D..demo this is YOUR money!!" I said.

" Johnny-san sent some for us!!" Inoo said waving his money around.

" Inoo-chan your gonna drop-" Chinen said as the notes flew out of Inoo's hands.

" AHHHH!!!! MY MONEY!!!!" He screamed trying to pick it up.

        The others laughed. " Inoochii your so clumsy!!" I said.

" Urusai yo!!" he yelled.

        ' This is perfect I can get him something!! ' I thought.


     Next Day...

      " Minna!! We're here!!" Takasugi said. " We'll meet back at the bus after an hour ok?" he said.

" Ne..Aisaka hasnt come with us has she?" I asked.

" No Way!!" Takasugi said. " This is JUMP's shopping time " he said.

 I grinned " Yokatta" I said.

         I had done some research on Yamada the previous night and found out that he really like strawberries and manga.

I went to the baker and placed an order for a strawberry cake. I then went to the manga store and brought copies of the latest Shounen manga.

' Ryosuke's gonna be so happy!!! '


      I grunted as I dragged the massive bag of Manga behind me.

' Yabai...I think I bought too much ' I thought as I dragged the mini-manga store.

I held the cake box in one hand and dragged the bag. I stopped when I saw two people walking through the entrance Aisaka and her boyfriend.

" Yabai!!" I squeaked and turned to go but the manga bag prevented me from running.

As I struggled with the bag I heard a high pitched voice call. " Miyazaki-kun!!!"


I turned around and flashed a fake smile. " Konichiwa~" I said.

" Whats that?" Aisaka asked and took the cake box from me.

" Ah ano.." I started to see but Aisaka had opened the box.

" For me?!! Aw...Miyazaki-kun your so sweet!! Strawberry's my favourite too!!" She said.

I didnt say anything well...if I told her it was for Yamada she'd think im gay right?.

" Doue?" Aisaka asked." Want me to give you a kiss?" she said leaning forward.

" YADA!!!" I screamed and stared at her boyfriend who looked kind of shocked.

" Your so cute" she said pinching my cheeks." Jaa ne~" she said and walked away holding her

boyfriends hand.

" cake..." I grumbled.


      " YUU-CHAN!!!" Daiki screamed as he looked at my Manga bag.

" Guess you really like manga huh?" Chinen asked.

" Uh..Yeah.." I said.

" Ne minna I got you all something" I said and reached into my pocket.

I then took out ten keychains that looked like miniature versions of each of the members.

" Kawai!!!" Hikaru yelled.

" Im gonna hang it on my phone!!" Yabu said.

" Ne~ where's yours ?" Yamada asked.

" Mine hasnt come out yet I guess" I said.

" Yuu-chans so sweet!!" Chinen said.

" Arigatou Yuu!!" Everyone said bowing.

" Yaa...Daijobu minna!! Im glad you like it " I said.

             I turned around and sat in my seat.

I stared out of the window and frowned.

" My Cake...."



Finally I was able to update :)

Gomen ne..minna my siblings B'day was last week :)

Their twins XD (kawai ne~?)

Sorry theres less humour in this T_T

I'll surely make the next one funnier

Gambarimass!! :D


What do you think of this? Pls tell!! :D




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Aaand finish!!


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arashiakb48 #1
Chapter 12: Inthink left

it's very AWESOME!!!

pls. write more awesome stories and update your awesome stories miss awesome author!!! ;)
Chapter 31: hey its me danjirouriyoko-chan.....uwaaaa ^____^ if it would bed me ill choose keito. saa oyasumi :)
it was such a good fanfic!!!!!!!!!

LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i loved the ending!! yamada and yuki atlast!!

kyaaa! my name was there too! aw you so sweet! thank you so much! and i really enjoy, like and love the story!!!=)

*blowing kisses*
eeeeeeekk! yamada and yuki!!! yay! i love it!^^

but do she need to live still?:(
oh! that was sad!!!T_T
kyaa! yuki kissed yuto!! what's up?ha ha
T_T aw! that was sad!..