Minds Touch...

Us against the World

Cautiously you approach him. Should I call him Ghost? Or just JoongKi? Ghost seems so impersonal, but he asked me to.... Or was that just to minimise the chances of someone finding out who he is? What about JoongKi oppa? Too personal? JoongKi-ssi? But I don't even speak Korean...

You stood there for a few seconds, debating in your mind what to say. In the end, you went with,

"JoongKi-ssi? Are you okay?" Oh my gosh, he's crying and I just asked him if he was okay. He's clearly not, you moron!

He quickly wiped his face with his hand and looked up. You stared for a second at his face, wondering how he still managed to look so good after crying. His eyes were slightly red, but the tears had fallen beautifully down his face, glittering like crystals, the ones on his eyelashes like diamonds.

"I'm fine, thanks," he said, his face showing the total opposite.

"Oh, right. Err.....well....." Quick, what do I say now? I'm so bad with stuff like this! But what did you expect? That he would pour his heart out to you? Not likely. You only just met, get over yourself.

Stumbling over the words, scrambling around in your brain searching for something appropriate to say, you manage to mumble,

"Well, if you're sure.....I guess..I'll be going then...." You turn back the way you came, cursing yourself for failing to offer even the slightest bit of comfort.

"Wait, Angel, do you have something to do?" he called after you.

"Not really....." you reply, unsure of what he was going to ask you.

"In that case, if it's not asking too much, could you sit here awhile with me? It's so far away from home, and I'm so lonely...."

His voice drifted across to you, and oh, he sounded so young. Like a child, missing his parents for the first time. You quietly walk over to the bench, your feet making no sound on the grass and sit on the bench next to him, leaving a small gap between you.

Well, this is nice and awkward, isn't it? We don't even really know each other....

You don't know how long you sat there for. There was total silence, only the birds calling to each other, the soft, calming flow of the river and the distant cars as background noise. The air was crisp and the park was beautiful, the golden-red leaves clinging to the trees for a few more days before the cold winter set in. JoongKi only sat there, lost in his own thoughts, the tears that were running down his face drying up.

After about an hour, you stopped daydreaming and looked over at JoongKi. He had nodded off, head dropping onto his chest. He looked so innocent, like a baby, free from the cares of the world. You edged over and gently moved his head so it was resting on your shoulder so that his neck wouldn't ached when he woke up.

Sigh..... what am I doing? I've never been this close to a guy before.....

You sat there with JoongKi's head on your shoulder for a while longer. The sun was slowly going down, and you were just about to wake him up, when he suddenly said, "How could you do this to me? No.....please....don't do this....don't go......come back......please....."

He had started crying in his sleep. You couldn't bear to see this, that perfect face beset with sorrow. You lightly shook him awake.

"JoongKi-ssi, it's four o'clock, we should go. You might catch a cold. Sorry, I've still got your jacket in my room, I'll get it now,"

He slowly adjusted to his surroundings and took in the situation. His nose and ears were pink from the cold.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have fallen asleep like that. Thanks for staying with me. I'll take you back," JoongKi said as he got up. His poker face was back on, betraying nothing of what he felt. But his gaze was kinder than before, even if only by a fraction.

You walked back with him, back to the college. You led him to your room.

"Wait here a sec, I'll get your jacket. Thanks by the way, it was so warm," you told him. You left him outside the door and grabbed the jacket from the chair, subtly smelling it for the last time. You turned round but were shocked to see that he had come into your room and was staring around.

"Why do you have so many k-pop posters?!" he said in amazement. Embarassed, you shrugged.

"It's a hobby. Enjoyment. Obsession. Whatever you want to call it,"

"Yeah, I can see tha- AHHHH!"

He had tripped over the suitcase that was lying on the floor and fallen. On top of you. Luckily (or unluckily), the bed was behind you.

You were now in the VERY awkward position where you were lying on your back on the bed, with his arms supporting his weight on either side of you. He was so close you could feel his every breath tickling your cheek. You were both frozen, unsure of what to do next.

So you, like a typical awkward turtle, blurted out, "So who left you?"


His body never moved an inch but you could tell his shock by the proximity of his face. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes widened a minute fraction.


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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 13: Ohh~~!!!!! That's gotta be awkward....Especially how Joongki's iness will reel in her cousin as soon as he sees him....PLEASE update ASAP!!!! Fighting~!
Chapter 13: Umm I bet Joongki would look REALLY Y with messy hair!! I'm REALLY looking foward to the gay cousin scene :D Plz update soon k fighting!!!
nokazkuran12 #3
This is so good! Please update ^^ I'm really looking forward to the cousin scene :D
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #4
Hurray update! Haha thus chapter was very cute. Joongki with messy hair, I would like to see that.
MszCassie123456 #5
i really love your story! pleas update soon!!! :)
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #6
Dont worry it was good. I like that they are taking it slow and they have such a comfty and sweet atmosphere :)
ahhh sorry haven't updated in a few days, been so busy >< hope this chapter is okay, I haven't really got much experience in romantic scenes :S
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #8
Omg first kiss!!!!! So super surprised!!!
loool your comments are so sweet and funny!! much appreciated, thanks for giving my fanfic so much love!! <3 yeahh poor JoongKi, I feel bad for him just writing this!! ><