
Us against the World

You walk out into the college's expansive gardens, following JoongKi's lead. You wait for him to speak, but the silence drags on. You're too nervous to say anything, and while you walk, you desperately try to think of a way to ask the questions that you want to, but they all seem to have fled your mind. After a few long minutes, he finally says, "Didn't you have questions?"

"Ah, yeah, ummm, I don't really know where to start....."

"Okay then, I'll start. What's your name? Subject? Blood Type?"

"Oh, I'm Angel, Economics and Management. Sorry, I don't know what my blood type is," you manage to reel off automatically, before pulling your brain back together and starting on the questions you've been burning to ask.

"How come you're here? Aren't you supposed to be filming a drama in Korea? And how old are you, didn't you already finish university? Why isn't anyone supposed to know you're here? Did you study abroad before? Your English is perfect. Why shouldn't we meet again?"

He paused, considering all the questions you've bombarded at him at once. Realising that, you quickly apologise.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to blurt that all out at you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just that I'm curious. I mean, I've lived in the UK since I was born, but I love K-pop and K-dramas, although I don't think I've seen any with you in them. Ah, sorry! I didn't mean for that to be rude! It's just that I'm not really into period dramas, which you seem to be in a lot of. I recognised you from Running Man, but I only saw a few episodes...."

Arghhh, what are you saying? Can't you just shut up you motor-mouth? You're normally so shy around other people, but now you're the total opposite, just because he's famous and good-looking!! Control yourself! Shut up, shut up!, you berate yourself.

He suddenly speaks in the darkness, surprising you. "As you know, I'm Song JoongKi. I'm 25, and I already have a Bachelor's degree, but I felt like I could do a lot more. When the time came for university applications, I just applied so I could have the option of going back into studying. I got some offers, but I was going to reject them and film the drama instead. But then, there was an.........incident, while I was filming. I didn't want to stay there any more, and it just so happened that I had got an offer from Oxford in December before, for PPE. The director had to accept that I was leaving, I paid the fine for breaking the contract, and he got another person to play my part. I did study abroad in Cornwall for a bit when I was younger, but when I went back to Korea, I kept studying English so I wouldn't have an accent. I came here to hide and re-arrange my thoughts, which is why it shocked me so much when you recognised me. I'm sorry about that, truly. I didn't know that anyone here would be interested in Korean period dramas, and I avoid the Korean people, but you still found me out. I guess Korea is really becoming popular nowadays..... But I would still be grateful if you didn't mention you knew me, I would prefer to keep as low a profile as possible. I think the best way is for you to just forget you ever saw me here, and carry on as if you don't know. Please."

You listened to his explanation, silent the whole time. It was the most you had heard him speak, and was likely to be the most you would ever hear him speak again. Which was really a shame, because he had the most gorgeous voice you had ever heard. It was low and soft, but lyrical in his expressions. Melodious and husky in the frosty night air, it was all you could think about.

"Uh, y-yeah, sure," you replied, not really sure what you were agreeing to.

"Thank you." He suddenly turned to you and asked, "Are you cold?"

Well, since he had asked, you noticed that you were actually shivering, the hoodie really wasn't enough at this time of the year.

"N-n-n-no, I-I-I-I'm fine," you said, not wanted to seem incompetent, but you suddenly felt him putting his jacket around your shoulders.

"Aren't you going to be cold then?" you start to protest, but he cut you off, "No, I'm fine. A guy shouldn't let a girl be cold while she's with him....." his voice drifting away towards the end of the sentence. He seemed lost in another time. He shook his head, as if clearing the thoughts from his mind, and abruptly changed his tone.

"Is that all you wanted to know? We should go back now,"

"Oh, uh, yeah, okay," you mutter unwillingly, wanting to drag out this time for as long as possible. You felt like something was missing, a deep secret he was hiding, forcing him to close himself off from the rest of the world. He always seemed to be on his own, quietly drifting from one place to another, consumed by his own thoughts. But there was no chance that you would even speak again, let alone break down those barriers. Anyway, he wouldn't even want to talk to you if there were other people around, you were the most awkward, not pretty, not funny, plain jane person there was.

You had walked a full circle of the garden, and come back to the front door again.

"I guess this is it," he said, "I'll see you around."

"Um. Take care," you reply. You turn to go back to your room.

"Oh, and Angel," you hear him call after you.

"Yeah?" you turn back a little too eagarly.

"If we do happen to meet again, don't call me JoongKi, call me what everyone else does."

"Uh, what's that?"

With a small smile, the first you had seen on his face, he turned back the way he was going, away from you. Huffily, you carry on back to your room. But before you had taken two steps, you hear his distinctive voice in the darkness.


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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 13: Ohh~~!!!!! That's gotta be awkward....Especially how Joongki's iness will reel in her cousin as soon as he sees him....PLEASE update ASAP!!!! Fighting~!
Chapter 13: Umm I bet Joongki would look REALLY Y with messy hair!! I'm REALLY looking foward to the gay cousin scene :D Plz update soon k fighting!!!
nokazkuran12 #3
This is so good! Please update ^^ I'm really looking forward to the cousin scene :D
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #4
Hurray update! Haha thus chapter was very cute. Joongki with messy hair, I would like to see that.
MszCassie123456 #5
i really love your story! pleas update soon!!! :)
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #6
Dont worry it was good. I like that they are taking it slow and they have such a comfty and sweet atmosphere :)
ahhh sorry haven't updated in a few days, been so busy >< hope this chapter is okay, I haven't really got much experience in romantic scenes :S
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #8
Omg first kiss!!!!! So super surprised!!!
loool your comments are so sweet and funny!! much appreciated, thanks for giving my fanfic so much love!! <3 yeahh poor JoongKi, I feel bad for him just writing this!! ><