
Us against the World

You felt him pull gently away, and you slowly opened your eyes, forcing yourself to remember to breathe. He was still quiet, watching you, his face only centimetres away from yours. Time stood still, and for this moment, there was only two of you in the world, him and you, you and him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he whispered, his eyes were still intense, but his face looked genuinely sorry.

"No, no, what are you sorry about....It's my fault..." you mumbled, finally looking away. You felt embarassed. Why was he sorry? Did he regret kissing you? Was it because you were a bad kisser?

"Don't be silly, I didn't mean it like that. Actually there's two reason's I'm sorry. The first is that, I know you think I'm still not over that person. You're not wrong in thinking that. No, wait, listen to me. I'm not over her yet, but I'm honestly trying. She's just a person of the past, but you're my person of the present. I..I really like you. You're always there for me, and you're the only one who understands me. I know it's selfish and unfair of me to ask this, but I have to. Please. Please, would you have patience and wait for this stupid heart of mine? I can't risk losing you to someone else......"

For the first time, you felt torn. You had liked him for some time, but deep in your heart, you knew that he wasn't over that person. It hurt you so much to think that you weren't the only person in his heart, but you felt elated that you even had a part of his heart. He was asking for a chance. It felt impossible to deny him, with his pleading expression on that perfect face. Slowly, you nodded.

"Okay. But you have a time limit. I'll give you six months. If we're still together by then, and you still can't decide.....well, I can't wait forever....." You were proud of yourself that your voice didn't shake.

Relief and happiness crossed his face.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. It's more than I could ask for, and you don't know how afraid I was that you would reject me."

He hugged you tightly. You leaned into his chest, praying to God that you hadn't made the wrong decision. But happiness and excitement flooded you, and you barely stopped yourself from jumping up and down right there and then.

With his arms still wrapped around you, JoongKi said, "Oh, and the second reason I was sorry was because originally I wanted to wait until after the holidays to confess to you. I didn't want it to be awkward, with me staying at your house, and your parents there and everything. But you look so beautiful in the lights, I couldn't help myself. So I'm just going to ask, do you want to go out on a date sometime?"

Again, all you could do was nod into his chest. You never wanted to move.

"This time, I'll take you somewhere, instead of you dragging me around London," you could hear a smile in his voice as he teased you.

"Hey, I thought you wanted to go sightseeing," you said, pretending to be offended.

"Nope, you were the one who wanted to take me sightseeing. I just agreed to spend time with you," he laughed, gently pressing his lips to your forehead, "Oh look, we're finished already,"

You looked around and realised you were already back on the ground, with people waiting to leave the capsule.

"Let's go and eat, then go home,"

"Okay, where do you wanna eat?"



You walked over to the sushi restaurant, his arm around your shoulder, and yours around his waist. You felt such a mixture of emotions, joy and nervousness being the dominant. Honestly, he was the first person who had ever confessed to you, the first person to kiss you, and now your first date. Wow, this guy was on a roll. But you didn't really know what to do, hoping that he would guide you in all the steps.

You reached the restaurant and sat opposite each other on a table for two. It was quite loud in the restaurant, a carefree atmosphere which didn't make it too obliging to be romantic. The plates of food that you had ordered to share arrived and he put some on your plate before getting his own. Suddenly, remembering all the scenes from the dramas you had watched, you picked up a sushi with your chopsticks and gave it to JoongKi to eat. He looked surprised but ate it anyway.

Looking at your expression, he laughed.

"Is this your first date?" he asked bluntly, back to his normal self, but with a lightness that wasn't there before.

You blushed and looked intently at your food.

"It is, isn't it?" he laughed again, "I don't mind, seriously. It's cute. Don't worry, I'm here, I'm still the same person as before,"

"Yes, clearly," you muttered under your breath, still blushing furiously. You finished your food, unsure as to whether you were splitting the bill as normal, or whether JoongKi was going to pay for it all, seeing as it was sort of a first date.

"Here, I'll get it," he said when the bill arrived, making you breathe a small sigh of relief. He looked over at you and chuckled.

"Come on, let's go. I think you've been watching too many dramas, you know," he smirked.

"I think you've acted in too many dramas," you retorted.

The train journey back was peaceful, you falling asleep on his shoulder, as you had many times before, only this time the feel was different. He woke you up when it got to your station.

On the drive back, you suddenly realised.

"You've got to remember to pretend you're gay," you weren't sure whether to laugh or be worried.

"Don't worry, I'm an actor, remember?"

Well, this wasn't going to be awkward. Not awkward at all.

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 13: Ohh~~!!!!! That's gotta be awkward....Especially how Joongki's iness will reel in her cousin as soon as he sees him....PLEASE update ASAP!!!! Fighting~!
Chapter 13: Umm I bet Joongki would look REALLY Y with messy hair!! I'm REALLY looking foward to the gay cousin scene :D Plz update soon k fighting!!!
nokazkuran12 #3
This is so good! Please update ^^ I'm really looking forward to the cousin scene :D
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #4
Hurray update! Haha thus chapter was very cute. Joongki with messy hair, I would like to see that.
MszCassie123456 #5
i really love your story! pleas update soon!!! :)
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #6
Dont worry it was good. I like that they are taking it slow and they have such a comfty and sweet atmosphere :)
ahhh sorry haven't updated in a few days, been so busy >< hope this chapter is okay, I haven't really got much experience in romantic scenes :S
HiHiPuffyAmiYumi #8
Omg first kiss!!!!! So super surprised!!!
loool your comments are so sweet and funny!! much appreciated, thanks for giving my fanfic so much love!! <3 yeahh poor JoongKi, I feel bad for him just writing this!! ><