Chapter. 02

Which Brother? [TEN X LISA X BAMBAM]

"Ughh," Lisa says, excited. "I can't wait to be there! All that sun, and heat, and ahh everything's going to be so good!!"

Ten laughs and high-fives Lisa. A look of jealousy spreads over BamBam's face as he sees how they're playing around with each other.

"You should sit back, Hyung." BamBam says.

Ten leans back with a confused look.

"Why do you care?" He retorts.

"For your safety," BamBam shrugs.

"Since when do you care about my safety?" Ten laughs. Lisa laughs with him, also confused.

"You're my brother. I always care." BamBam says.

"Hm.. Well... I don't." Ten leans forward again and starts talking to Lisa.

BamBam sighs and stares out the window. Ten and Lisa always seem to get along better. It's not fair! BamBam and Lisa are the same age so shouldn't they be better friends? Ten is one year older than both of them, but it never shows. Maybe he's immature and more fun for his age, or Lisa's more mature for her age. Either way, it makes BamBam feel left out. Pulling out his phone and headphones, he plays a song and shuts out the rest of the world.

While BamBam sulks in the corner, Ten and Lisa continue to talk and joke around. They're playing 'bang-to-bang' – a violent but fun game. Basically, they had to keep punching each other until one of them can't take it anymore. The person who gives up loses. Unfortunately, BamBam can never play because he's not strong like Ten. Whenever he offers Lisa to play with him, she always calls him a baby and says that his arm would probably break if Lisa punched him like she punches Ten.

Ten lets Lisa win. She starts to giggle and celebrate that she's won, even though none of her punches really hurt Ten.

"I let you win, you know?" Ten laughed.

"Shh~" Lisa jokes. "I still won."

Soon enough, the airport is in sight. A huge line of airplanes becomes visible and now the three of them are more excited than ever. Lisa hops out of the car and thanks Ten's manager. BamBam slowly steps out of the car and quietly goes to the back to get his bags. Ten also jumps to the back and retrieves all his stuff. He calls Lisa over, and takes out all of her stuff for her as well. Lisa thanks him and runs up to BamBam.

"We're best friends," Lisa says, putting her arm around BamBam's shoulder. "I'm not flirting and neither is he. Don't get all sulky!"

Lisa laughs and suddenly everything becomes okay again. It's weird. When Lisa laughs, it's like the whole world is laughing. If she laughs when you're sad, you're not sad anymore. BamBam stops sulking and becomes happy again. The three of them head towards the sign-in counter, where they have to hand over their luggage for the people to put it in the plane.

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Chapter 5: TenLisa please <3