Chapter. 01

Which Brother? [TEN X LISA X BAMBAM]

Ten walks out of the house and into the sunlight. Everything's so bright, as if the world knows that today's a happy day. Ten, BamBam and their best friend Lisa are all going on a vacation trip to Thailand. This is the first time going back home for all of them since their trainee days started. Before, when they still lived in Thailand, they would all go to the same dance clubs and hang around each other. Always. But this time, they'd all chosen different companies to join; YG Entertainment, SM Entertainment and JYP Entertainment. Of course, all three of these companies are great. But secretly, each of them thought that their company was better than the other's.

"BamBam! Hurry up! We gotta go!" Ten shouts.

BamBam hurries down the stairs, struggling to carry all the luggage. He pants as Ten stares at the bags. As usual, all BamBam thought about was how he looked. Whenever they went on holidays together, BamBam would have at least double the amount of luggage Ten brought.

"Do you really have to bring all that rubbish? Mom and dad kept our clothes and stuff back at home. You know that, right?" Ten asks.

"Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you can boss me around!" BamBam complains.

Ten sighs and effortlessly loads all of BamBam's bags into the car. They smile at each other and climb into their seats. It's hot and stuffy, but this is nothing compared to Thailand's weather. BamBam pulls out an electric fan and starts to fan himself. Ten laughs at him and pushes his hair out of his face. The car starts to leave as Ten's manager drives the car out of the driveway. Ten stick's hit head out the window and enjoys the breeze while BamBam sits inside and tidies up his hair.

In a few minutes, they arrive at Lisa's house. Both of them jump out of the car to help her load the bags. Lisa's face lights up in a smile as soon as she sees them. First, she gives BamBam a hug and then turns to Ten to give him one too. Ten shrugs it off and hugs her back. They all lift Lisa's luggage into the trunk and Ten opens the door for her in the front seat. As a joke, she curtsies and climbs in. After exchanging a "hello" with Ten's manager, they set off for the airport.

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Chapter 5: TenLisa please <3