Shadow: [εκιά]

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Of course, Seolhyun was being punished.

And it was a big deal to Hyejeong.

She lugged her to the gym first thing in the morning, showing Seolhyun a few exercises she wanted her to do, a couple of weight reps, and then a whole set of cardio.

Seolhyun so hated cardio.

But she so hated Hyejeong more.

Hyejeong never mentioned the night she’d busted her at the party. She also never really explained what she’d meant by, “I remember you”.

Sure, Seolhyun came up with a crap ton of ridiculous explanations. First, her talent with mouth-ing was so amazing that everyone knew who she was. Or two, her antics in and out of the training rooms. Or three, she’d been so stunningly beautiful Hyejeong couldn’t help but notice her.

That last one was the most absurd.

While she ran around from one exercise machine to the next, Hyejeong sat down, stretched out those long legs of hers, and cracked open a book that probably weighed as much as elephant did.

Seolhyun stared at the leg press machine. “What are you reading?”

Hyejeong didn’t look up. “If you’re able to talk while working out then you aren’t working out hard enough.”

Seolhyun made a face at Hyejeong’s bent head and climbed into the machine.

There were a few more machines Hyejeong wanted her to work with and Seolhyun was quiet for next five minutes or so. “Who reads books that big for fun?”

Hyejeong lifted her head, pinning her with a bored look. “Who talks to hear themselves speak?”

Seolhyun’s eyes widened. “You’re in a lovely mood today.”

With the obscenely large book balanced on one knee, Hyejeong turned a page. “You need to work on your upper body strength, Seolhyun. Not your motor speech skills.”

Seolhyun glanced down at the dumbbell and pictured it flying across the room, at Hyejeong’s face. But ugh, it was such a nice face, and she’d hate to ruin it.

So hours went by like this:

Hyejeong had read her book, Seolhyun would annoy her.

Hyejeong would yell at her, and then Seolhyun would hop on another machine.

Sad as it was, Seolhyun was kind of having fun messing with her and she thought Hyejeong was, too. Every so often, a small, really small smile would grace her lips whenever Seolhyun asked her an irritating question.

She wasn’t even sure Hyejeong was paying attention to the book of–

“Stop staring at me and do some cardio.” Hyejeong flipped another page.

She blinked. “I hope that book of yours is all about charm and personality skills.”

“Cardio… do cardio. You’re fast, but Demons are fast, too, and hungry Demons will be even faster.”

Seolhyun’s head fell back as she groaned.

Five minutes later, Hyejeong glanced up and saw how fast Seolhyun was going. Exasperated with her, she stood and walked over to where she was jogging. Without a word, she increased the speed, and then went back to her book.

Damn you Hyejeong Shin.

Out of breath and still completely out of shape, Seolhyun nearly fell off the treadmill when the timer hit sixty minutes and slowed to cool-down mode. She glanced over to where Hyejeong leaned against the wall, engrossed in her mammoth size book.

“What… are you reading?”

Hyejeong glanced up and sighed. “Greek Legends.”

“Oh!” Seolhyun had always loved reading what the Mortal world wrote about their Gods. Some of it was kind of correct while the rest was just gossip.

“I got it in the library. You know, it’s the place you should be hanging out in your spare time instead of drinking and partying last night.”

Seolhyun shuddered and shook her arms out. “I hate the library. Everyone hates the library here.”

Shaking her head, Hyejeong closed the book. “Why is it that Myx believe there are hellhounds and furies living in the library? I don’t get it.”

“Have you not been in the library, seriously? It’s creepy and you hear stuff all the time. When I was a kid, I heard something growling in there once.” Seolhyun stepped off the treadmill and stopped in front of Hyejeong. “Chanmi heard wings flapping in there, near the bottom level. I’m not kidding.”

Hyejeong laughed deeply. “You guys are ridiculous. There’s nothing in the library. And all those creatures have long since been removed from the Mortal world. Anyway,” she lifted the book and shook it, “it’s one of your textbooks.”

Seolhyun dropped down beside her. “Oh. Boring. I can’t believe you read textbooks for fun.”

Hyejeong turned her head toward her. “Cool-down stretches.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Seolhyun saluted her, then stretched out her legs and grabbed her toes. “So what legends are you reading about? How Zeus was the most playboy God of them all?”

That was a legend the Mortals actually got right. Zeus was responsible for most of the original demigods all those years ago.

“No.” Hyejeong handed her the book. “Here. Why don’t you take it and do some reading? I have a feeling after today you’re going to spend some long evenings in your room.”

Seolhyun rolled her eyes, but took the book.

Shortly afterwards, she did go back to her room instead of sneaking off with Chanmi. Bored out of her mind, she picked up the musty smelling book and thumbed through the ancient thing. Half of the book was written in ancient Greek and out of her ability to decipher. It looked like a bunch of squiggly lines to her.

After finding the part in English, Seolhyun discovered it wasn’t about legends or fables. It was actually a detailed explanation of each of the Gods, what they represented, and their rise to power.

There was even a section on Genuines and Myx.

Seolhyun skimmed through those pages, coming to a stop on a small block of text under the name, “Therene Calliope”. Even Seolhyun remembered that name, all of them Myx did. She was the first of selected group of Myxs who could control the elements.

But… oh, she was so more than that. She was the first Elpis… the only Myx with the ability to control the elements and use the same kind of spell and compulsion the Genuines could use on Mortals.

In other words, the Elpis was one big, badass of a Myx.

“Therene Calliope, born of a Genuine and Mortal in Venice, was the first recorded Myx to display the abilities of a true Genuine. As foreseen by the Oracle, at the age of nineteen, her power was awakened.”

There were conflicting statements on the origination of the Elpis and her purpose. Popular belief stated the Gods who hold court in Olympia bestowed the gift of the four elements and the power of Ether, the fifth and final element, upon Therene as a measure to ensure no Genuine’s power surpassed that of their masters.

The Elpis had a direct linkage to the Gods and acted as the Hope.

The Elpis was known as, “The only hope who walk among the Gods. The Destroyer.”

Seolhyun skimmed past that part and turned the page. There was another part describing the characteristics of the Elpis and another passage she was unfamiliar with.

Her breath caught as she read it once, then twice. “… No way.”

“Throughout time, only one Elpis had been born to each generation with exception of what came to be known as “The Catastrophe of Solaris”. In the year 3107 ED (1518 AD), a second Elpis was discovered. The birth awakened Solaris (last name and parentage still unknown) into power on her nineteenth birthday, setting in place of startling and dramatic events.”

To this date, there had never been an explanation of how two Elpis existed within the same generation.

Or why.

There were never two Elpises. Ever.

She’d heard when she was a kid about the possibility of two, but she ignored them as… well, legends. It was believed the First sensed the marking of another Elpis upon her nineteenth birthday, and, unaware of the consequences, joined her in the Awaken. The effects of their union were chronicled as damaging to both Genuines and their masters; the Gods.

Seolhyun read the section again.

“Upon meeting, as if they were two halves meant to be one, the powers of Solaris shifted to the First Elpis, therefore the First became what had always been feared; The God Killer. The power of the First became unstable and destructive. The reaction from the Gods, as in the Order of Thanatos, was immediate and righteous. Both Elpises were executed without trial.”

“Whoa…” Seolhyun slammed the book shut and sat back.

The Gods, when threatened, didn’t mess around. One Elpis was able to fight anything, but if there were two of them at once?

There was an Elpis now, but she’d never met her. She was kind of like a celebrity. They knew she was out there somewhere, but they never actually saw her in person. Seolhyun knew the Elpis focused on Demons instead carrying out justice against Genuines now. Since the creation of the Council, Genuines no longer thought they could take on the God.

Seolhyun sat the book aside and turned off the lamp.

Poor Solaris.

Poor Elpis.


Seolhyun took a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts. Soon afterwards, she headed back to the hub of the campus to meet up with Chanmi and Jisoo in the cafeteria.

They were already there, in deep conversation with another Myx about who’d gotten better scores in their field exercises at the end of last semester. Since Seolhyun had yet to take part in any field exercise, she was pretty much left out of the conversation.

“You going to Rowoon’s party tonight?” Chanmi asked.

Seolhyun shook her head. “No more party. Just got punished. Not like I have anything better to do, though.”

“Promise we don’t have a repeat of last time.”

Seolhyun shot her an evil look. “Don’t leave me hanging while you run off to Orchid, you chick.”

Chanmi laughed. “You should’ve come. Rose was ing up until the moment she saw Rowoon without you. She practically ruined everyone’s night. Well, Taeyang actually ruined everyone’s night.”

Seolhyun pulled her legs up and leaned back in her seat. “What happened?”

“Someone brought up the God’s Order crap again, and he was really out of it. He was saying stuff about Myxs not belonging on the Council.” Jisoo chimed in. “Oh hi, Seolhyun.”

Seolhyun made a face.

She continued. “Yeah, then he said something about how the two shouldn’t mix and all the crap about the genuineness of their blood.” Jisoo paused, eyeing someone behind Seolhyun with great interest.

Seolhyun twisted around, but she only caught a glimpse of caramel-colored skin and long, wavy hair. She turned back to Chanmi with a raised brow. “So, what happened?”

“Well, a couple of Myxs got pissed. The next thing we know, Taeyang and Rowoon were brawling. Boy, they were going at it.”

Two eyes widened. “What? Did Taeyang report him?”

“No,” said Jisoo, grinning. “Hwiyoung talked Taeyang out of it, but he beat him down. Of course, the two idiots made up afterward. They’re fine now.”

Relieved, Seolhyun settled back in her seat. Striking a Genuine, even in self-defense, was a fast way to get kicked out the Ephensy. Killing a Genuine in any situation would get you executed, even if they were trying to cut your head off. As unfair as it was, Myx had to be careful. Genuines were untouchable in more ways.

Pushing off her thoughts, Seolhyun turned and saw a Genuine, Mina Kwon, standing with the other female Genuine she’d caught a glimpse of earlier. She was a very pretty brunette. “Is that Jennie?”

Jisoo’s gaze settled on Mina’s companion.

Chanmi nudged her arm playfully. “Drools.”

Jisoo turned and sighed. “That’s Jennie. Her last name is one of those beautiful, unpronounceable Greek ones.”

Chanmi laughed, informing Seolhyun. “Jennie Kim is her Korean name.”

Seolhyun continued watching the girl. She wore a pair of designer jeans she would’ve killed for. “How come this is the first time I’m seeing her?”

“She’s been with her dad. I think.” Jisoo cleared . “She’s actually… kinda nice.”

Chanmi looked at her sharply. “You like her, don’t you?”

“No! No, of course not.” Jisoo’s voice sounded sort of strangled.

Seolhyun’s curiosity increased as Jisoo’s eyes seemed drawn back to Jennie. A red hue colored her ears. “Sure. You aren’t interested in her at all.”

Jisoo took a long gulp of her drink. “Shut up, Myx.”

Seolhyun opened , but whatever she was about to say was cut off when Mina strolled up out of nowhere. Seeing Mina, Jisoo, and Jennie in cafeteria when all the Myx hovered together was shocking, anyway.

Mina swept them with her gaze, and a mischievous grin broke across her face when she saw the little group. “Uh, what are you doing here, Jisoo?”

Jisoo choked on her drink. “Same to you.”

Mina took the empty spot between them, seemingly unaware of the shocked stares. “What? Jennie and I got bored over on the main island.”

“Aren’t they going to know you’re gone?” Chanmi cut in, looking at Jisoo and Mina in turn.

“And come over here and ruin all our fun,” Seolhyun gave her a warm, welcoming smile. “Hi. I am Seolhyun.”

Mina returned the smile. “I know. I’ve been dying to meet the famous Seolhyun Kim everyone’s here talking about.”

Jisoo shrugged. “Absolutely. In about an hour, some Linus, most likely my sister, will realize we’re missing and come looking for us.”

Seolhyun’s mouth dropped open. “Hyejeong’s around here?”

“You came here knowing Linuses would follow you?” Chanmi frowned.

Mina appeared entertained by both statements. “Yep,” she brushed a curl off her forehead.

“Crap!” Jisoo started to stand, “we should go.”

“Sit down.” Mina put up a hand. “I’ll give the Linus enough time to clear out. Trust me.”

Jisoo didn’t seem to hear her. She stared back down the seashore, where Jennie and a Myx stood close, really close together. Seconds passed while her pretty face hardened.

Leaning over, Seolhyun tugged the hem of her shirt. “You like her.”

Jisoo sighed, curling her lower lip. “You know what? I’m pretty tired. I think I’m going to head back to the main island.”

“Someone is jealous.” Chanmi whistled.

Jisoo finally stood. “Sorry. Come on, Mina.”

Mina raised a brow. “Huh? But where are we going?”

Chanmi chuckled. “And the fun was just starting, but Seolhyun and I also need to go back to our dorm. See you around, Genuines.”

Tossing a quick goodbye to them, Seolhyun followed Chanmi up the hallway. She stared at the intricate designs on the pathway. They were runes and symbols carved into the marble, some represented various Gods.

Seolhyun lifted her eyes from the strange markings. “Jennie and Jisoo would make a badass Genuine couple.”

Chanmi nodded. “Maybe I should just hook up with Rose or someone else. How about you?”

Seolhyun shot her a dirty look. “Seriously, you don’t want to hook up with just anyone. You want something… meaningful.” She stopped, not sure where that came from.

“Something meaningful? Girl, you’ve been out in the normal world too long. You know how it is for us. We don’t get the ‘meaningful.’”

She sighed. “Yeah, I know.”

“We’re either Guards or Linus. Not husbands, wives, or parents.” She stopped, frowning. “Flings and girlfriends. That’s what we have. Our duty doesn’t allow for much else.”

Chanmi was right.

Being born a Myx wiped out any chance for a normal, healthy relationship.

It was a harsh, lonely life, but one with purpose.

Seolhyun kicked at a small pebble, sending it flying into the thick underbrush. “Just because we won’t have the children, doesn’t mean– ” The skin of her forehead creased as a sudden chill brushed over her. It came out of nowhere, and by the sudden confused look on Chanmi’s face, she knew she felt it, too.

“Two girls, one with a bright and short future, and the other covered in shadows and doubt.”

The raspy, ancient-sounding voice brought both of them to a standstill. Chanmi and Seolhyun turned around. The stone bench had been unoccupied a moment ago, but there she was. And she was old, like should’ve-been-dead-by-now old. A massive pile of white hair sat pinned on top of her head, skin was dark as coal. Her crooked posture aged her even more, but her eyes were sharp.

Seolhyun had never seen her before, but she instinctively knew who she was. “Grandma Choa?”

The Oracle tipped her head back and laughed wildly. “Oh, Seolhyun Kim, you seem so surprised. Did you not think I was real?”

Chanmi jabbed her friend with her elbow a few times, but Seolhyun couldn’t stop staring. “You know who I am?”

Her dark eyes flickered to Chanmi. “Of course I do.” She smoothed her hands over what appeared to be a housecoat. “I also remember your momma.”

Disbelief brought Seolhyun a step closer to the Oracle, but shock left her speechless.

“I remember your momma,” Choa went on, nodding her head back and forth. “She came to me three years ago, she did. I spoke the truth to her, you see. The truth was only for her to hear.” She paused, her gaze falling back to Chanmi. “What are you doing here, child?”

Eyes wide, Chanmi shifted uncomfortably. “We were… walking back to our dorms.”

Grandma Choa smiled, stretching the papery skin around . “Do you wish to hear the truth? What the Gods have in store for you?”

Chanmi paled. The thing with truths, they usually messed with your head, right?

“Grandma Choa, what did you tell my mom?” Seolhyun asked.

“If I told you, what would it change? Fate is fate, you see. Just like love is love.” She cackled as if she’d said something funny. “What’s written by the Gods will come to pass. Most has already. Such a sad affair when children turned against their makers.”

Seolhyun had no clue what Choa was talking about, but she needed to know what Choa had said. Maybe Chanmi was right, and Seolhyun needed closure. “Please. I need to know. What made her leave?”

Choa tilted her head to the side. “Don’t you want to know about your own truth, child? That is what’s important now. Don’t you want to know about love? About what is forbidden and what is fated?”

Seolhyun’s arms fell to her sides and she blinked back sudden tears. “I don’t want to know about love.”

“But you should, my child. You need to know about love. The things people will do for love. All truths come down to love, do they not? One way or another, they do.” Choa sat up a little straighter. “Two people see each across a room, their skin tingles. Their souls recognize the person as their own. The soul always knows… whether it’s right or wrong.”

Chanmi grabbed Seolhyun’s stubborn arm. “Come on. Let’s go. She’s not telling you anything you want to hear.”

“The First… the First is always the most powerful.” Grandma Choa closed her eyes, sighing. “Then there is need and fate. That is a different type. Need covers itself with love, but need… need is never love. Always beware of the one who needs you.”

Chanmi hissed. “Seolhyun, we need to go. Now.”

“Sometimes you will mistake need for love. Be careful. The road with need is never a fair one, never a good one. Much like the road you must walk down. Beware of the one who needs you.”

The old lady was a gag, and even though Seolhyun knew this, her words still sent shivers down her spine. “Why won’t the road be easy for me?” She asked, ignoring Chanmi.

Choa stood. Well, as much as she could stand, since her back hunched forward it stopped her from standing up completely. “Roads are always bumpy, never flat. This one here,” she nodded at Chanmi with a tiny cackle, “this one has a road full of light.”

Chanmi forced a smile. “Grandma, that’s good to know.”

“A short road full of light,” corrected the Oracle.

Her face fell. “That’s… still good to know.”

“What about the road?” Seolhyun asked again, hoping for an answer that made sense.

“Ah, roads are always shady. Your road is full of shadows, full of deeds which must be done. It comes to those of your kind.”

Chanmi shot Seolhyun a meaningful look, but Seolhyun shook her head. She had no idea what Crazy Choa was talking about, but she was still unwilling to leave.

Choa hobbled past her and Seolhyun stepped out of the way. Her back brushed against something soft and warm, drawing her attention. She turned, finding large purple flowers with bright pink middles.

“Be careful there, child. The beauty sometimes is very dangerous… much from those who walk among the Gods. Intoxicating, sweet, and deadly… you need to know how to handle it right.”

Choa smiled softly, as if she were remembering something.

“The Gods move around us, always close by. They are watching and they are waiting to see which one is revealed to be the strongest. They are here now. You see, the end is upon them, upon all of us.”

Chanmi passed Seolhyun another wide-eyed stare.

She shrugged, deciding to give it one more chance. “So there’s nothing you’ll tell me about my mom?”

“Nothing you haven’t already been told.”

“Wait…?” Seolhyun’s skin felt hot and cold all at once. “What Rose said is true? That I was the reason why Mom died?”

“Let’s go, Seolhyun.” Chanmi took a step back. “She’s freaking crazy.”

Choa sighed. “Always ears around these parts, but ears don’t always hear correctly.”

Seolhyun blinked and in the time it took her to open her eyes, Grandma Choa stood in front of her. The old lady moved that fast. Her clawed hand grabbed her shoulder hard enough to make her wince.

She stared up at Seolhyun with eyes as sharp as blades, and when she spoke, her voice lost its raspy edge. And she didn’t sound all that crazy. Her words were clear and to the point.

“The Gods have spoken it, the Gods have come to foresee it. You will kill the ones you love. It is in your blood, in your fate.”


The Next Day

“Seolhyun! Watch his hands. You’re letting too many blocks get through!”

Seolhyun nodded at

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Dnff__ #1
Chapter 41: I’m like fifty years late, but this was an amazing story! I NEED MORE, FEED ME MOOOOORRREE PLLEEEAAASSSEE!!
Mememe124 #2
Chapter 41: This story is honestly astounding. Your writing is astonishing and the way you describe the emotions of the characters is fantastic. Well Done.
hoseulbae #3
This is the best fanfic ever !!
Chapter 31: Hyejeong caught my attention in Queendom and reading this fanfic now makes me fall for her even harder. I'm quite near the ending but I don't know how much my heart can take.
Chapter 5: Oh my god this is so good, I can't even...
cupcaketree123 #6
Chapter 41: And here i am, reading the whole story for the third time. And it‘s still as amazing as ever. I mean i‘ve never even watched a movie more than twice in my life. And here i am reading this story for the third time. Gods, this is so good. It took me days to finish it, but everthing was sooo worth it. It‘s amazing how i always seem to forget how it ends actually. I couldn‘t remember at all, just that it was amazing. But that actually makes it better, not knowing how it ends while reading it. Btw authornim, i‘ll always wait for you and maybe a new story. I honestly don‘t know if Elpis or Felix Culpa is better. Every time i read one story, i’d be like daaamn this is sooo good!! But they‘re both a masterpiece! <3
Chapter 41: This is so damn good!! I thought I'd never gonna end it because the chapters were long ah, but every single paragraph worth it. Besides, I knew what you did here, leader (Yonghwa) vs leader (Jonghoon), band vs band, really clever.
It's an amazing story, I'm a trash for greek mythology since I read Percy Jackson, and this is amazong, you worked so hard putting every detail in each chapter, and the world you created was amazing. I'm amazed. One of the best ff I've ever read.
I'm gonna keep this is because maybe I read it again someday, great, absolutely fantastic job♡