Forgotten Friend

Love Bet {HIATUS}

Ryosuke's POV:

   Where the hell did Yuto run off to?
   I scan the streets again. We were supposed to go out and buy a birthday present for Kei - his birthday is June 22, and we had forgot to buy him one that day, and now it was July 22nd, two days after school had ended. We were way overdue.
   And then he had run off and left me here in my disguise while a papparazzi is walking past.
   Trying to look as normal as possible, I walk through the busy streets of Tokyo, acting like I belong.
   And then some ******* comes shouting my name.

   "Kyaaa~ it's Yamada Ryosuke!!"

   And that's when I start running.
   After I'm almost sure that I had lost them, I take a deep breath and survey my surroundings, panting.
   "Where the hell am I?!" I say out loud between breaths.

   Giving up, I start to walk away, when my foot hits something and I hear it go skidding. Curiously, I look down to see what I had kicked.
   It's a pair of glasses.
   I pick it up and look at it. On the side of them is a name.

   "Hiromi Yukiko," I read out loud. "Hm...I guess I'll hold on to these just in case I find her."

Yuto's POV:

   If you want to work at a flower shop and think that it will be easy and relaxing, you are so wrong. Well, working here might've been calming and relaxing if Yukiko wasn't yelling at me every few seconds to do a new task.

   "Nakamura-san!!" I hear her call again. Sighing, I leave my job of filling flower pots with soil and planting seeds to attend to Yukiko's new order.
   "Yes?" I ask when I've reached her.

   She's touching the glass wall of the store, squinting her eyes. "Nakamura-san, tell me...did a car just park in front of our shop?"

   I look out of the window. "Hai. It's a pickup truck with..." I groan.

   "What? What is it?"

   I sigh. "...bags of soil."
   I prepare myself for what she would say next.

   She claps her hands.
   "Perfect! Go outside and bring all of them in, and set them over there."

   She swings her hand around to an empty space in the shop and I have to duck so I won't be hit. Then she smiles smugly at the space beside me and says, "Arigatou, Nakamura-san." And then she walks off all superior looking until she bumps into a table and stumbles.

   I laugh at her and she scowls in the opposite direction.
   "Hey ~ you're welcome," I say, and open the door to the truck.
   A fat man is waiting outside with a clipboard in his hand. He looks up at me and raises his eyebrows.

   "Hey, are you..."

   Oh, crap, I think, bracing myself for him to say my true identity.

   "...a worker here? I haven't seen you until today," he replies.

   I let out a breath of relief. "Hai. I just started work here today."

   He grins at me, revealing a set of yellowed smoker's teeth. "Well, welcome to the job." He taps the clipboard with his pen. "Is Yuki here? I need her to sign this."

   I nod and point at the door. "She's inside. You want me to call her for you?"

   He smiles. "That would be nice. Thank you."

   Before I go, he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey - what's your name, kid?" he asks.

   I look back at him, trying to keep a straight face. "Nakamura Yuji."

   Yukiko's POV:

   It's harder than I thought - doing my daily activities without my glasses when I'm so used to having them on.
   And all the while my curiosity keeps growing - what does Nakamura-san look like?! He sounds my age, and he's nice enough, and when I had held his hand for that split second, I knew that it was the hand of a young boy, and not an old man. So he must've been about my age, and not some scary person, or else my mother wouldn't have offered him the job of working here. The image that I get of him when I look at him is a little like a tall thin blob. I think he wears a hat, but I'm still not sure. 

   I'm still pondering this when I hear him call out to me.

   "Hiromi-san!" he says. "There's a man out here that wants you to sign his clipboard!" 

   Hm. It must be Tarou.

   Slowly and carefully, I make my way over to the door successfully, open it, and walk straight into somebody's chest.
   Nakamura-san's annoying laugh starts up again and I can feel the vibration of it on my face.
   I feel my face get hot and I shove him away.

   "St-stop messing around and get back to work!" I say, and then make my way over to Tarou.

   "You okay, kid?" he says as he hands me the clipboard.

   "I'm fine," I say, scrawling my name on the paper and handing it back to him. "Why would you ask?"

   He chuckles. "Well, maybe because you didn't take the cap off of the pen before you signed."


   In the distance I hear Nakamura-san's phone ring.

Ryosuke's POV:

   I bring my cellphone to my ear and squint the sunlight out of my eyes.
   Yuto answers, sounding exhausted.

   "Moshimoshi," Yuto says. He grunts and then there's the sound of something heavy hitting the ground with a thump. "Who is this?"

   "YUTO YOU JACKASS!" I yell into the phone. "Where have you been?! Did you even realize that I was still out here?!" 

   I hear his surprised laugh through the phone and I want to smack him - which is impossible at the moment. "Yuto! Take this seriously! I have no idea where I am, and we still haven't bought Inoo's gift!"

   "Wait, you don't know where you are? What happened? You get lost?"

   "NO! When you left, papparazzi mobbed me and I had to run to get rid of them and then I ended up here!" 

   "So where exactly is here?"

   "Have you been listening to a word I've been saying?! I! DON"T! KNOW!"

   Yuto laughs again.

   "Sorry, I just wanted to hear you repeat it again." 

   "You know, when I see you, I'm going to rip out your vocal cords so you will never sing again." 

   He whistles. "Harsh."

   "Yeah, it is. Tell me where you are and what you're doing."

   Yuto sighs on the other line. " a job." 

   My eyes widen. "Ehhh?! What if the papparazzi finds out?! They'll mob the place!"

   Yuto laughs. "Stop overreacting, Ryo-chan. I'm in my disguise, plus the manager's daughter lost her glasses somewhere so she can't really see me."

   I freeze. "Wait - did you just say that the manager's daughter lost her glasses?"

   "Yeah - is the reception bad or something...?"

   "No, the reception isn't bad," I say, exasperated. "Just tell me where you are and I'll be there."

   "I thought you were lost."

   "I'm not lost! Tell me where you are!"

   Yuto chuckles, then tells me where he is. "The store's called Petals," he says after he'd told me the street and neighbourhood. "Catch me if you can." And then he hangs up.

   "Wai - Yuto? Yuto?" I say into the phone. 

   All I hear is the dial tone. "Baka!" I say out loud.

Yukiko's POV:

   Why do I feel so exhausted?
   I guess it's because I had been running around bumping into stuff all day without really knowing what or who I had bumped into. Grudgingly, I begin to clip some more dead stems when a sharp pain sears through my finger.


   "What? What's going on?" Nakamura's voice says. I hear him shuffle his way over to where I am. "Oh. You cut yourself."

   "I did?" I ask, incredulous. Looking at my hand, I see that a red blob had bloomed on my skin. "...It hurts."

   Nakamura-kun laughs. "Yeah, it's kind of a human thing," he says. "Here." I feel his warm hand envelope mine, and then he puts my finger in his mouth.

   I'm too shocked to say anything.
   When he's finished, he doesn't let go of my hand. "I stopped the bleeding," he says, and then he takes something out of his pocket. "I have a band-aid." He wraps it around my finger and pats my hand.
   "All better."

   I can almost swear that my entire face is as red as a tomato. My heart is beating so loud I bet that Yuji can hear it. Doki doki doki.

   "Yuki? Are you okay? Your face is all red," Nakamura-kun says. His free hand covers my forehead.
   Why do I feel this way..?
   He's so close now. I can feel his breath on my face. I close my eyes.


   I jump back, knocking my forehead against Nakamura-san's.

   "Ow!" we say in unison.

   "Yuki!" my mother's voice calls to me again. I look up in time to see her shuffle over. "The workday's already over. Boy -" She looks at Nakamura-kun. "Thank you for the help. You will get your paycheck by the end of the week. Workdays for you are Thursdays and Fridays, so don't be late, or else it's coming out of your pay -"

   "Oh, i don't want to work for money," Nakamura-kun interrupts.

   Okaasan blinks. "You...don't want money?"

   "No, I just want to work here for the fun of it," he says.

   There's a pause. And then she grins. "Well! There should be a lot more boys like you out there! Come on over here whenever you like when you feel like helping out. What's your name?"

   "Nakajim - Nakamura Yuji."

   "Okay then! You're free to leave now! It's closing time."

   "Hai." Yuto stands and bows. "Arigatou! I'll be back tomorrow!"

   And then he leaves, the last I hear of him being the tinkle of the door chime as the door closes.

   Then my mother faces me and barks out loads of orders.
   But none of that matters. I can't stop myself from blushing whenever I think of what happened between Yuji and I. I touch the bandage he'd put on my finger. His voice echoes around in my head. Suddenly, his laugh doesn't sound all that annoying.
   "Yuki? Are you okay?"  
   He'd called me Yuki...

Yuto's POV:

   I scan the streets outside.
   I guess Ryosuke didn't find the place after all, I think.
   As I turn around, the last thing I see is a fist heading to me at top speed.



Thank you for reading the second chapter! Please giove suggestions on what should happen in the meantime!
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When no more hiatus? :'(
Yoshida_Sayuri #2
UWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!I'm so excited for the next chapter to come out! XDD~
no__im_asian #3

thank you all for reading >.<
Uwaahhh~~ DOUE???!!!!!!
It pains me </3!!!!!!!!!
omg. .
i cried . .
why!! T__T
no__im_asian #7

update pls~
Shrawnder #9
Episode 13 UPDATE pls.
sakura14cherryable #10
chiyo... y so serious? lol.
i read all over again xDD
please update soon