
Love Bet {HIATUS}

Yuto's POV: 

   Does it really matter, Nakamura-san?
   So now I guess I'm no longer Yuji to her. I'd thought that after the day at the Amusement park, we would actually have something more than the usual. And as usual, my guesses are wrong. 
   I'd given up looking for Ryouma when he'd texted me. 

   Won't be coming back. See you when break's over. - Ryosuke

   And we hadn't seen him since. It had been two days since our day out at the Amusement park - two days that seemed like the worst ever. Yukiko seemed like she was avoiding me non-stop, like she was actually working hard in order for me not to pay any attention to her.
   Whenever I caught her gaze, she would duck her head down. Whenever I touched her arm or laid a finger on her hand, she would wriggle away from me and head over to Kawasaki. Even when I talked to her, she would give only one word answers, which pissed the hell out of me. Also...it kind of hurt. A lot.
   Plus, whever I tried calling her Yuki or Yukiko, she would glare daggers in my direction. So I was back to calling her Hiromi-san.

   "Hiromi, isn't it a nice day outside?" I ask her, stretching out my arms as she heads inside the kitchen.
   "Sure," she answers. Then she pours herself a glass of juice and leaves the room.

   I drop my arms frowning and my shoulders sag.
   Yuri and Kawasaki are sitting at the table, having breakfast. They're smiling at each other sweetly, probably enjoying seeing each other the moment they'd woken up in the morning.

   "Aw, don't worry too much about her," Yuri reassures me. "I don't know what you did to make her so angry the other day, but she'll eventually get over it."

   His words don't make me feel any better. He's been saying the exact same thing to me every time Yukiko had blown me off. Plus, my best friend is gone, and there's still the ever so horrible fortune that I'd gotten from that crazy voodoo man at the fortune telling booth. Your ability to love and forget will grant you no reward...
   I guess this is what the fortune had meant: Even though I was almost sure she had liked me after our time at the park and I had already given up and forgotten about Ayane, I would never be able to have her.
   Stupid crazy voodoo man and his magical ways.

   Also, today was Day 6 of our break. Including today, that meant we had two more days until we would have to go back to work. Yuri knew that, but he had nothing to worry about. Kawasaki san already knew about the two of us and who we were.
   But where did that leave Yukiko and me?
   And then there's the issue of Ryosuke. He liked Yukiko, that was for sure. But what did he plan for her when we had to go back to JE with the rest of the group?
   I guess I hadn't spent much time thinking about the future when the present was all I could really think about.
   But there was one thing for sure.

   I had to figure it out, someway, somehow.

Yukiko's POV:

   Who knew that avoiding this dude would be so damn difficult?!
   Every time I would look at him, I would feel the little butterflies in my stomach take flight and the color would rush to my cheeks. Every time he touched me, I would feel the skin where he'd touched tingle with happiness even when he let go. And when he said my name, me first name, I wouldn't be able to act cold to him much longer.
   So that meant three things.

1. Don't look at him.
2. Don't let him touch you.
3. Glare at him until he goes back to saying your last name.

   I thought that I could handle doing this, but when I found out that my system was working, I couldn't help but feel irrevocably sad. I really didn't want Yuji to hate me. I wanted him to do the exact opposite, really. So, yes, that means that I wanted him to love me.
   I already figured out that I loved him.

   But because of Ryouma-chan, I know that I can't show my emotions to him. Even if Ryouma-chan had already headed off on his own - my fault completely, I know - he was still Yuji's best friend, and going between them seemed like the biggest sin.

   So what the heck was I supposed to do now?!

   Okachan isn't saying anything about the new additions to her household, particularly because she doesn't mind the extra help with the flower shop, but I can tell that she's getting annoyed. And when she kicks them all out, will I even see Yuji again?

   Someone's voice interrupts my thoughts.

   "Hey, Yuki," Chiyo says to me. We pause for a moment before she talks again. "...So, you want to tell me about why you keep on ignoring Yuji-chan?"

   She's started to call Yuji by his first name now, so that left only me to call him by Nakamura-san. I guess it hurt him a little, but I never really dwelled on the thought that much.

   I wasn't sure about telling Chiyo about why I was ignoring him, but one look at her pleading face made me.

   "Chiyo....Can you keep a secret?" I ask her.

   She's pressing her lips together, eyebrows joining in confusion.
   "Of course, Yuki. You can tell me anything."

   I nod, take a deep breath, and face away from her.
   "...I'm in love with Yuji," I say, my voice barely a whisper.

   She hears it anyways.

   "Ehhh?!?! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH -"

   I clap my hand over .
   "Urasai!!" I hiss at her.

   She quiets and I let go of .

   "So...if you are in love with him, why are you hiding it from him?" she asks me, whispering now in case soemone comes in and overhears.

   I take another deep breath.

   "At the Amusement Park, Ryouma-chan confessed to me."

   She goes crazy again. "Ehh?!?! How come you didn't tell your best friend about it, huh?! Or do you think that I'm not trustworthy anymore?! Why do you have to be so -"

   I slap my hand over again and raise my eyebrows at her.

   "Ah...Gomen," she says, her voice muffled by my hand. When I let go, she continues to talk. "But the fact that you didn't tell me makes me feel bad." She pouts.

   I laugh. "Gomen. I just needed some time to think about it."

   "I forgive you," she says. "At least now I see why you've been avoiding Yuji-chan. You don't want to separate the two best friends, right?"

   I nod.

   "Okay then, but you should know that Yuji won't be staying here forever, you know," she says.

   "Maybe it's best if he leaves sooner," I say sadly.

   "Ok, that's good then because he's going to leave in two days," Chiyo says brightly.

   I whip around and my jaw drops open.

   "Kyaaa I thought you said it would be better....!!"

Ryosuke's POV:

   I'm having trouble not thinking about Yukiko. Every time I close my eyes, I see her face. Every time I hear a love song - which is a lot - I imagine it about me and her.
   I tried going around with my eyes wide open and my fingers stuck in my ears, but my methods failed pretty quickly.
   I find myself thinking alot. Is Yukiko with Yuto now? Are they dating? Should I go back and apologize, or just say goodbye? What's going to happen now?

   My phone vibrates in my pocket again and I look at the Caller ID. It's Yuto again.

   You know breaks almost over and we're not going to be able to see Yuki again ! At least come and say goodbye !
   Rude Bakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -

   The As trail down the entire screen. I chuckle softly to myself. Yuto still hasn't changed; he's still my best friend. I want to ask him the questions I've been wanting to know.
   I snap the phone shut and press my lips together tightly.
   I'm not ready to hear the answers.

Chiyo's POV:

   I'm about to open the store when I feel a vibration in my pocket. Looking at who it is, I see it's my mom.

   You stupid girl. Where the hell are you?! And where are the things I told you to get! I swear, if you don't come back soon I'm going to

   I stop reading, my heart racing. What's going on? How is she so worried all of a sudden? She only gets like this when she's really angry.

   There's one thing for sure, though. have to go back, and that means leaving Yuri, who I'd just recently realized I'd fallen in love with.
   And then I
snap back to reality.

   Yuri is famous.
   He is talented.

   He is amazing and kind and caring and handsome and perfect.

   Too perfect for me.
   If I leave, he might miss me, and he might be a little sad, but he won't miss me enough to fight for me. To tell me he loves me and protect me from everyone who tries to harm me.
   He won't love me.

   I'm just another girl he's gotten acquainted with and befriended. Another fangirl.
   So he might miss me, and be sad...
                                           But sooner or later,
                                                                                He'll forget me.



Yuri's POV:

   "Chiyo..?" I ask, looking over at her.
   I think over the past few days I've become more and more in love with her. She makes me so happy I feel like I'm going to burst every time
I see her.

   She doesn't answer and I grow concerned.

   "Chiyo, what's wrong?"

   She has her back to me and she doesn't bother to look back at me.
   And then she answers.

   "Yuri-chan, I think we have to stop being friends," she says suddenly.

   I stiffen and my heart stops.

   "What?" I say, knowing for sure I didn't hear her right.

   "We have to go our separate ways," she says.

   I laugh a little, thinking that this is just another one of our jokes, another overexaggerated drama scene, but she doesn't laugh with me. Her face is painfully serious and expressionless.

   There's a pause between us.

   "...Why?" I finally say.

   She smiles sadly.
   "I have to go somewhere," she says. "And I don't think I can stay friends with you and be where I'm going at the same time. So I'm leaving today. Have fun back at JE with the other members for me okay?"

   And then she turns and heads up the stairs, leaving me behind with a stricken expression.

   How can it end like this....

Yukiko's POV:

   I don't know why I'm staying here in Yuji's room for so long.
   I guess I'm just taking advantage of the fact that Oka-chan made him go out to buy some thi
ngs at the convenience store. I want to remember what this room was like after he leaves, when it looked like there was still someone in here, someone to greet in the morning, smile at and have take care of me.
   This room no longer smells like my dad, but of Yuji. The bed is rumpled and he had clothes strewn everywhere - I used to nag him constantly about it - but I never really did mind. I kind of liked cleaning up after him.
   I sigh and start to feel around the floor for any clothes or stray garbage I could pick up or put away before he came back. My hands reach a smooth, wrinkled fabric and I bring it to my face and inhale. Even though it's oniichan's shirt, it has Yuji's scent all over it.
   I put it down, and smooth it out, about to fold it when my fingers touch a hard object in one of the pockets. Curiously, I dig inside the shirtpocket, take the object out and feel it in my hands.

   It's smooth and has alot of ridges. There are two smooth pieces of glass on the front, connected to a few strips of metal. And then I realize what it is.

   It's my glasses.

   Enthusiastically, I bring it to my face, relishing the moment I can see fully again.
   The bet doesn't matter anymore; he's going to leave me anyways.
   Just as my vision clears and I'm standing up and facing the exit, the door swings open and in walks....

                                                                                  Nakajima Yuto.




How will this turn out?!?!?
                                                                Please comment and subscribe !! >_<

PS: Sorry it took me a while to write this chapter !!




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When no more hiatus? :'(
Yoshida_Sayuri #2
UWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!I'm so excited for the next chapter to come out! XDD~
no__im_asian #3

thank you all for reading >.<
Uwaahhh~~ DOUE???!!!!!!
It pains me </3!!!!!!!!!
omg. .
i cried . .
why!! T__T
no__im_asian #7

update pls~
Shrawnder #9
Episode 13 UPDATE pls.
sakura14cherryable #10
chiyo... y so serious? lol.
i read all over again xDD
please update soon