Four - ready

Jealousy never wins

Yoongi and Jimin have been interacting a bit more lately though it is always indirectly interacting. Yoongi would sometimes compliment Jimin during interviews and looks him in the eye and tells him it's okay to do this and that and basically give him courage. Jimin would usually just say thank you and compliment yoongi too. However they have yet to have a real conversation. 

Now Yoongi is finally ready, by ready it means writing him a note. 

Jimin-ah hyung wants to ask you a favor. Hyung misses you, i know it's selfish for me to say i miss you when i am the one who created this distance between us. Hyung's sorry, but I have my reasons though it's very stupid. So, I was wondering if you could come and sleep in my bed tonight but please sleep before I come home. I don't want to face you yet, I'm afraid you might leave me but please give hyung a last chance to cuddle you. I miss you Jiminie, so please consider. Saranghae.

- yoongi

Once yoongi finished writing he gave it to hoseok and asked him to pass it to Jimin after he wakes up. 'Alright hobie you better be my hope today' yoongi thought to himself as he left to the studio.

When Jimin woke up, he went out to the living room. Jungkook and Taehyung was playing xbox on the television while Hoseok watched. 

"Hyung where did the others go?" Jimin asked as he sat down beside Hoseok. 

"Jin hyung went grocerry shopping with Namjoon, Yoongi hyung left to the studio....... Oh! And he left a note for you, I left it on the dining table." Hoseok replied.

"Oh okay." Jimin said as he stood up and headed towards the dining table. He picked up a pice of folded paper he assumed was the note Yoongi wrote for him. 

He read through it and a blush crept onto his face, he smiled at the letter before putting it against his chest and hugging it. He didn't even need to consider about the favour, of course he was gonna go cuddle with Yoongi tonight, he's not gonna miss the one opportunity he has to cuddle with his boyfriend or whatever is their relationship now in so long. 

At night

Jimin was nervous, he was right infront of Yoongi and Jin's shareroom, he had nothing to be nervous about since Yoongi's not even home. But the thought of being so close to Yoongi when he sleeps was just nerve wrecking even though he isn't gonna be awake when Yoongi comes home to cuddle him. The next thing he knows he's already walking towards Yoongi's bed. He sat down and played with his phone for awhile before he slowly drifted off to dreamland.

Yoongi had just finished everything he had to do in the studio and was about to head home, he was also nervous because he didn't know if Jimin has accepted the favour. Part of him wants to find out but the other part of him doesnt want to find out as all. He was going to have to go home anyways so might as well hope for the best.

When he reached home, he inhaled a large breath before slowly heding towards his shareroom. He hasitated for awhile but he opened the door afterwards. He smile as he sees a little Jimin hugging a pillow on his bed, he was surely asleep judging by the little snores that came out of the younger's mouth. Yoongi chuckled before removing his shirt and joined Jimin in bed. He wraped his arms around Jimin's thin waist which reminds him that if they ever get back together he's deffinately going to force food down the youngers throat. 

"Jimin ah i know you probably can't hear me right now but hyung wants to say he's sorry, for being so selfish. You probably think i'm an but you have to hear me out someday, what am I saying i'm the one who is not saying anythig to you. Well maybe soon I will, goodnight jiminie i love you. I'm sorry if you find an empty spot beside you tomorrow when you wake up. I'm just not ready but ready? I don't even know what I'm saying." After finishing the words he wanted to say to Jimin for so long, he kissed the youngers forehead. He smiled at the sleeping  younger and slowly drifted off to sleep.


So this is the end of part four. I'm sorry guys i know i said i was gonna post this yesterday or the day before but i had homework to do so I couldn't finished this part by yesterday. So sorry but i hope you enjoy. 

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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 7: Aw cute chapter tho :]
mrlasagna #2
Chapter 6: Aww, I thought Jimin really hadn't forgiven him, I was so scared! This is going well, excited for the next update :]
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 5: This was cute, I'm so glad Yoongi's trying and Jimin doesn't have hard feelings ㅠㅠ
mrlasagna #4
Chapter 4: I think it's a good story :] breaks my heart that Jimin's so upset but it's an interesting story and I'd love to see where it goes!
mrlasagna #5
Chapter 3: Aw I'm happy they're both trying! And the chapter wasn't boring, it was progress! Excited for the next update :] (if you plan on continuing)
mrlasagna #6
Chapter 2: Please continue! It doesn't , though it is really sad. I'd love to see where it goes and I'm excited for the happy ending haha also your English is really good! I noticed a few typos but nothing major. And it's not confusing at all! :] keep up the good work! I'm excited for the next update!