three - Trying

Jealousy never wins

"Yah, Chim!" Taehyung said as he approached Jimin from behind.

"AH! Yah! tae what the hell was that for??" Jimin shouted as he clutched his chest from getting scared by Taehyung.

"I've called you 3 times chim and you didn't even look at me. You just kept staring at the television!" Taehyung replied as he jumped onto the coach from behind.

"Oh..." Jimin replied as he pulled out his phone to check the time. It has already been 20 minutes since he started staring at the television. He didn't even know why he was staring maybe he just wanted to clear his mind? Who knows. He unlocked his phone and saw a lot of messages popping up basically spamming his phone. He sighed as he saw most of the messages were just group messages so he decided to just leave it be.

"Why were you even staring?" Taehyung suddenly asked making Jimin jumped.

"I don't know... Well i'm going to the practice room now call me when dinners ready." Jimin said as he walked to his, Hoseok and Taehyung's shareroom to grab some clean clothes and a bottle of water before headin towards the door.

"OKAY! Don't work too hard though! I won't take care of you if you get sick Chim!" he heard Taehyung shout as he was about to close the door. He chuckled at his bestfriend / band mate's reply. 


Okay so to be honest Yoongi knew that Jimin was going to work himself out in the practice room. He knew that was how Jimin calm his mind but he didn't like it. Though who was he to say anything about the younger's passion for dancing. Sure, he asked Jimin to stop using dancing as a way to forget everything that's going on but Jimin would just reply with a 'sure' that never really meant anything. So Yoongi didn't really bother to ask him to stop, he would just stop by the practice room to get Jimin to have a break and eat when he went to dance to release stress. However, now he can't do it anymore because he knows that Jimin went there because of him and he didn't want to risk having a quarrel with Jimin.

However after that day of lecturing from Jin, a small talk with Hoseok and seeing Jimin going to the practice room late at night almost everyday, he's been trying to look at Jimin more and smile at him when he felt that Jimin was happy. He tried, he didn't stop and he continued. He knows Jimin noticed the change because the other doesn't cry to sleep anymore but he does tear up a bit on some days. He only found out when Namjoon asked him to try harder to talk to Jimin because that little change he made, allowed Jimin to slowly return to his normal bubbly happy self rather than always going to the dance room and cries to sleep. Yoongi's happy that maybe just maybe Jimin wanted him back too.


Jimin was happy Yoongi finally looked at him and smiled at him sometimes. Jimin would be lying if he said that he wasn't hoping that maybe Yoongi was going to come back to him and explain whatever he was mad about. Yes, he hoped, he is hoping and will continue to hope. Even though it was just a little change, Jimin was glad to see that Yoongi was a bit btter with him now. That made Jimin think, maybe he should try, he knows he tried to talk to Yoongi before and that was what caused all the crying at night and practicing late. But now that Yoongi was showing a little change, he was going to try again because everyone in this world knows that Park Jimin doesn't completely give up after giving up. ( if that even makes sense )


Hello, so i decided to continue this story. This chapter is kind of boring, I know because I didn't know what to write and I might have probably repeated a lot of things and some part doesn't relate to the others. I'm so sorry if you had difficulty understanding this chapter because I wasn't completely sure what I was writing either.


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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 7: Aw cute chapter tho :]
mrlasagna #2
Chapter 6: Aww, I thought Jimin really hadn't forgiven him, I was so scared! This is going well, excited for the next update :]
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 5: This was cute, I'm so glad Yoongi's trying and Jimin doesn't have hard feelings ㅠㅠ
mrlasagna #4
Chapter 4: I think it's a good story :] breaks my heart that Jimin's so upset but it's an interesting story and I'd love to see where it goes!
mrlasagna #5
Chapter 3: Aw I'm happy they're both trying! And the chapter wasn't boring, it was progress! Excited for the next update :] (if you plan on continuing)
mrlasagna #6
Chapter 2: Please continue! It doesn't , though it is really sad. I'd love to see where it goes and I'm excited for the happy ending haha also your English is really good! I noticed a few typos but nothing major. And it's not confusing at all! :] keep up the good work! I'm excited for the next update!