One - how it started

Jealousy never wins

There he was again for the fifth time this week ( not that Yoongi was counting ) with Jungkook being so clingy with Jimin. Yoongi didn't like it not even a bit but what hurt was that Jimin looked so happy with him. Yoongi knows he shoudn't be jealous but he can't help it, who would want to see their boyfriend so clingy with someone else? Deffinately not Yoongi. 

Yoong had tried to stay calm and not jealous but everytime he came around, he would see jungkook and jimin get clingy again. Yoongi wasn't happy but he wasn't going to tell jimin either because what kind of guy tells their boyfriend to stop hanging out with their band mate. Thats why Yoongi doesn't even think about telling Jimin.

However it wasn't a matter of time when Jimin had gotten too close with the other. They would always go practice together, go gym, vocal training and everything basically. Yoongi didn't want to blame Jimin thought because Yoongi was lazy, he doesn't like to exercise so Jimin wouldn't ask him. Yoongi doesn't sing either so Jimin obviously wouldn't ask him, but it doesn't make him any less jealous.

After one week Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to see Jimin with Jungkook but he refuses to pull them apart so all he did was watch. He stayed silent when Jimin and Jungkook talked to each other. He also stayed silent when Jimin would talk about Jungkook or Jungkook would talk about Jimin. Jimin found it weird but he didn't ask anyways becuase he didn't want to cause trouble.

Slowly Yoongi felt he couldn't watch anymore so he gave jimin the silent treatment. Not that he doesn't talk to the boy but it would usually just be a 'hi' or 'bye' or 'yes' or 'no'. Jimin wasn't happy about it but he was afraid to ask, he was afraid that yoongi would leave him. So he kept his distance, he let Yoongi give him the silent treatment. He allowed himself to only smile when he was infront of the older and said nothing to him.

Slowly yet quickly, they both stopped talking, Yoongi was sad he really wanted to go back to Jimin and apologise but he couldn't. He felt like a jerk for ignoring Jimin and letting himself get jealous of his band mate. He knew it was stupid, but he didn't want to hurt Jimin so he continued keeping his distance. Little did he know that Jimin would cry himself to sleep hoping that one day Yoongi would come talk to him pick him up and continue their daily happy life. 


End of chapter one, i'm sorry if it's bad and might seem a little sad but i promise it has a happy ending.

Byeeeee! I might update soon because i want to try and finish this story fast.

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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 7: Aw cute chapter tho :]
mrlasagna #2
Chapter 6: Aww, I thought Jimin really hadn't forgiven him, I was so scared! This is going well, excited for the next update :]
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 5: This was cute, I'm so glad Yoongi's trying and Jimin doesn't have hard feelings ㅠㅠ
mrlasagna #4
Chapter 4: I think it's a good story :] breaks my heart that Jimin's so upset but it's an interesting story and I'd love to see where it goes!
mrlasagna #5
Chapter 3: Aw I'm happy they're both trying! And the chapter wasn't boring, it was progress! Excited for the next update :] (if you plan on continuing)
mrlasagna #6
Chapter 2: Please continue! It doesn't , though it is really sad. I'd love to see where it goes and I'm excited for the happy ending haha also your English is really good! I noticed a few typos but nothing major. And it's not confusing at all! :] keep up the good work! I'm excited for the next update!