The Kintsukuroi

Drabble Collection//Writing Practice[clovern/PraePanda collab]
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The Kintsukuroi


Kintsukuroi. When something is more beautiful after being broken. 

Yoongi was a Kintsukuroi. 

He had the warmest smiles but the most heartbroken sobs. 

If I ever saw him, all he would ever say was the same exact thing. 

“Don't worry about it Kookie, I'll be fine.”

But he wouldn't be fine. 

It's been a year since we knew for sure that he wasn't fine, that he wouldn't be fine. 

It was time for us to visit again. 

Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok. All of us piled in the car to go. 

A quick walk got us to where Yoongi was staying now. 

We all stayed, talked to him. We all cried, we all told him that we wanted him to visit again at the studio. 

They all left until it was just me. 

I gave his new home one last look, then walked away. 

RIP Min Yoongi
Brother, Son, Idol, Role Model
Pray That he Rests in Heaven

Yoongi was a Kintsukuroi. He had been broken, and he gave beauty to all his friends because of that break. Eventually, he just wasn't strong enough. 

And that has left the rest of us the same as him. We will grow from his loss, and spread joy so nobody will ever need to feel the same way. 

We are all Kintsukuroi. 

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Chapter 15: I need to stop reading these right before bed holy cow Clover that was dark
I'm going to need to add fluff for the next chapter bc that was sAD
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
Chapter 10: Squeeeeeeeeee ahhhh I really loved my Drabble!!!!!!! Jimin!!!! Hehehehehehe can I make another request? :)