You allow Hoya to buy you a drink

Waiting for the Night to End - Hoya

Thinking about it a moment, your eyes floated to your boyfriend who was staggering on his feet to try and find his balance, “You may” You smiled turning your attention to your new friend.

“Can I have a two drinks please” Hoya ordered from the bartender as he held up two fingers before pulling a barstool up next to you. Leaning against his arm on the bartop, he smiled gently at you.

“I’m Lee Howon, my friends call me Hoya” Hoya introduced himself with a sweet smile

“I’m _______, nice to meet you” You told him as a smile curled on your lips.

A silence filled the space between the two of you as you tapped your fingers against the hardwood bar.

Should you speak first?

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Chapter 12: I really loved this style!! I have read all the chapters and I prefer her ending up with Hoya but without a fight with her boyfriend hahaha