Chapter 6

You Lost Me // N

"I still can't believe it that you leaving tomorrow!" One of Ji-yoo's friends, Caroline said. "I never wanted to make a goodbye party!" Ji-yoo giggled and Jenny wrapped her arms around her tightly. "We'll miss you!" She said. "I'll miss you guys too," Ji-yoo said and she was brought into a group hug.

"I need to breath!" Ji-yoo said, making her and her friends to laugh. "No! Die! This is the only way you will agree to stay," One of the friends, Ian said, making them all laugh again. 

"It's sad that Mi-kyung couldn't come," Ji-yoo said sadly as they broke the hug. "Hey, she wanted to, don't forget! She couldn't get away from her job," Kelly said and Ji-yoo nodded. "Yeah. I know."

"So, it's time to say goodbye," Jenny said with a sad look. "Hey, I'll call you guys, I promise," Ji-yoo said. "We know," Caroline said and hugged her again. "But we still going to miss you."


"How do you feel?" Ye-jun asked as they walked to the front of Ji-yoo's house. "I'm sad but ... It's not the end," She replied and they stopped in the front. "Thank you for taking me home."

"It's fine. I'm going back to Korean in two days, remember? So I'll see you there," He said and she nodded. "Good night," She said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking inside. 


"I'm so excited, Yeobo," Ji-yoo's step mother said when they reached to their seats on the plane. The four of them sat on the First Class. "Me too," Her father said with a smile. 

Ji-yoo smiled, looking at them both before looking down at Shi-woo as he sat down on his seat. "Shi-woo, are you excited?" She asked, smiling at him. He grinned, "Yeah, Noona, very," He admitted.  

Ji-yoo giggled slightly, shaking her head as she sat in her seat. She sighed softly, looking outside the window at the morning sky, waiting for the plane to take off so she could be back home. 

Soon, the pilot spoke, saying the plane was about to take off and Ji-yoo couldn't be more happy then to hear this. "Ji-yoo." She looked at her step mother. "Yeah, Eomma?"

"I got a call from a friend from Korea a few minutes ago. She invited me to a fashion show, do you want to come with me?" She asked. Ji-yoo smiled, "Okay." Ji-yoo wasn't that interested in fashion but she was going to for her step mother. 


"Wow, is that our house?!" Shi-woo asked, looking through the window car of the back seat. Ji-yoo's jaw dropped, looking at the beautiful house. "Yeah. You guys like it?" Their father asked with a smile as he pulled the car at the front. 

"Like it? We love it!" Shi-woo said, making the three laugh. "Let's go," Their mother said with a smile and they all climbed out. They took their things and went into the house. 

The rooms, the kitchen, the living room and even the backyard were big. Ji-yoo found her room and smiled. It was almost the same as her room back in America, but much more space. 

"Hey," Ji-yoo's step mother said with a smile. "Do you like your room? I asked for it to be the same like your room back at America." Ji-yoo smiled as she looked at her, "Yeah, Eomma. Thank you, I love it."

Her step mother smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. Tomorrow in the afternoon we'll go to the fashion show. I already called my friend and told her you'll come with me and she is excited to meet you." 

"Me too," Ji-yoo said. "I'll let you settle down," Her step mother said with a smile and walked out of the room. Ji-yoo went to her new bed and dropped on it. She sighed happily and closed her eyes. 

I'm back.


"Noona, wake up." Ji-yoo opened her eyes slightly to see Shi-woo on her bed, grinning. "What is it?" She asked. "Noona, you fall a sleep like that. It's morning," Shi-woo said. 

Ji-yoo's eyes grow wide, "What?" She asked, seating up. She glanced out of the window and saw it was really morning. "Eomma told me to wake you," Shi-woo replied. 

She sighed and nodded, "Okay. I'll be down soon," She said and he nodded before running out of the room. Ji-yoo got up and closed the door before taking her things for the bathroom and walking to her own bathroom. She took a shower and got dressed before leaving her room. She went downstairs and went to eat with her family.


"N Hyung, come out!" Hakyeon went out of his room that he was sharing with one of s band, Taekwoon. "What is it?" He asked once he walked into the living room to see everyone else there. 

"Hyung, Ravi said that one of his mother's friends invited all of us to a fashion show this afternoon," Jaehwan said. "Really? Fine with me," Hakyeon said. "So we all going," Wonsik said before placing his phone to his ear, "Eomma, everyone agreed. Yeah. Bye." With that he hung up his phone. 

"Isn't the show in two hours?" Taekwoon asked, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, we have time for it," Sanghyuk said. Hakyeon went back into his room. He set down and pulled his phone. Suddenly, when he was looking at his pictures, he found one of his with Ji-yoo before she left. 

"I wander how is she," He mumbled. He wanted to know and when she was trying to call him, he wanted nothing but to answer or call her back but he wanted to forget her. He really did but he couldn't. He thought maybe she finally give up on him when she stopped calling and she was probably happy now. That was the only thing he was thinking.

"Are you still thinking about her?" He snapped out of his gaze on the picture and looked up at Taekwoon. He sat down on his bed in front of Hakyeon's and looked at him again. 

"No," Hakyeon lied but Taekwoon know him to well. "You should call her. You didn't spoke to her for five years," Taekwoon stated. "Exactly," Hakyeon agreed, sighing. "Five years. I think she moved on."

"How do you know that?" Taekwoon asked but Hakyeon didn't reply. "You see? You don't know that. What if she is waiting for you?"

"And what if she isn't?" Hakyeon asked. "If she has someone and you still love her, then you should fight for her," Taekwoon replied. "You let her go once don't do it again."

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elena97 #1
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