The King's Fall

The Last Warrior

 i stood up infront of my mirror.examining myself.i took a deep breath.tonight,i need to be brave

i have to face this. a slight knock interrupted by thoughts.i took a deep breath and opened the was Louis,with his brown hair cleared from his face,his light blue eyes sparkling as
ever.he wore a white polo and a pair of braces,he looked wonderful as expected "wow my
princess you look wonderful" my princess.he called me his princess.those words echoed in
my head again and again.i stepped aside,giving him way to enter."do..don't call me 'princess'
please" he smiled,brushing a strand of hair away from my face "you look beautiful.please be
brave" his hands traveled down from my face to my hands.he held it tight and smiled.i couldn't
help to sulk in the way he held my hand.his touch agonizing.i jerked my hands away from his
and walked towards the balcony." scared Lou" he followed me and stood next to me "don't
be" he whispered.i couldn't help to remember Donna, i took a deep breath,preventing tears to
drop from my eyes "well we should go now" he said "i'll go down later,could you call Liam"
i smiled "sure" i looked up at the sky,breathing in the sweet scent of the night."you called me"
a husky voice from my back said.i turned around and smiled.i rushed towards him for a hug.
i wouldn't lie.i missed him.he slowly wrapped his arms around me."im scared Liam.i really
am"i used to hug him everytime that i was scared when we we're little "just close your eyes
for a moment and everything will be alright" i took a deep breath and held his face "you look
sad" i said.he held my hand and said "dad again thinking im not enough" i smiled and patted
his cheeks "you're're the best looking archer here not to mention the best and the
youngest" he smiled "im lucky're my friend" i slowly removed my hands from his
face and said "lets go" i smiled offering my hand "shall we"
The ballroom was bright as it could be.festive music playing,people dancing.i then saw Lou.
my guide.looking stunning as ever.i shaked hands and talked to many people that i barely mother and father sitting infront.mother looking stunning as ever and father looking
quite stunning as well but he looked worried."oh my daughter" my mother greeted,hugging
me and brushing cheeks.she held my hand and walked me towards my father "oh my stunning
daughter" he hugged me tighter than he used to "scared" he asked "a really is heart
pounding" he laughed and pinched my cheeks "you'll be fine".After a while the feast started
festive music playing again and again.overflowing food were served to every guess.afte dinner
the coronation shall father stood up "i hope all of our guest is having a good
time" everyone applauded and smiled " it is time to coronate my daughter Emily
as princess of carnocipia" a loud applaud surrounded the room.i took a deep breath as i stood
up.Louis handed my father the golden crown "i know pronounce-" my father was silenced 
when someone shouted "fire! fire!" all of us looked at where the scream came from.the choir
stand now blazing in red fire "guards guards" as soon as the guards surrounded the choir
stand,the large windows shattered by a group of people in black.they entered the ballroom.
everybody started running and panicking.Louis and Liam gathered me and my mother at  the
side of the stage.people was being killed,harassed didn't took time for me to
figure out that its the Madon people with their fierce king Zenthra.i looked at my father as
he kept on directiong the guards but our guards wasn't that strong,every guard was shot,
stabbed and punched by every one of Zenthra's guards.Louis was holding a small knife while
Liam kept on charging his bows and arrows in every Madon guar who attempted to touch
us.i looked at dad,guardless.i couldn't bear to loose another family member,so i rushed
towards him,stepping away from the safe circle that Louis and Liam provided.i raced against
Zenthra as he walk towards my father when a strong hand grabbed both of my arms,causing
me to stop and almost fall "Dad" i shouted.i tried to jerk away from his strong hold,moving
my arms up,down and sidewards,thomping my feet on the ground "step away from him!"
i shouted with full strength "quiet her!" he commanded.a guy in a mask walked towards
me,charging a knife in to my jugluar.he blocked my view of Zenthra and my father.all i
could do was pray.i suddenly felt a tear drop from my eyes.i looked at the masked man 
eyes,studying them very carefully.his eyes were brown and sparkling,he had the eyes that
a mad man shouldn't have.his eyes wasn't full of hate.he jerked his face away from mine
and said "what are you staring at brat!" the knife was still charged on my heart
pounding to death, my mind going on and on saying "" i closed my eyes
reminisced about the fresh breeze and the green grass but the sound of men and women
crying and weeping kept on blocking it.i searched the room using my eyes,i spotted Louis
and Liam lying on the floor powerless,both of them bleeding and beaten.i closed my eyes
and cried "so here we are again" Zenthra said,i kept my eyes closed,quietly wishing that we
would survive this "Zenthra what do you want" my father's voice sounded brave but you
could feel him scared "your only daughter" he said "not her.i lost Donna because of you.
isn't that enough!" my father's voice echoed across the room,everyone was silenced,scared
"no" i hear a loud thomp on the ground,father's aching voice.i closed my eyes tighter,i 
could feel tears flowing down my cheeks "leave.her" he said then i heard another loud thomp
.my heart started to pound louder and louder.louder than ever "lets choose.give me your
daughter you don't die.don't then you'll die" my heart pouded and pounded.i heard my mom
shout "NO!" but then Zenthra threatened her "choose now king.oh wait let your daughter
see"the masked man pulled away the knife from my neck while the other man pushed me
to tears was flowing over my cheeks "dad..ju..just give me to Zenthra enough
of this" my voice sounded weak and scared "no no my Emily.remember what i always
told you" my face trembled,hands shaping into a tight knucke,tears falling from my cheeks
"well then..lets shed us some royal blood" Zenthra said. his guarsds applauding and laughing
charging his knife towards dad "no! please no! please" i cried aloud "oh why my princess why
 should i stop? your father choose this"  i could hear my mom weeping "just please Zenthra
enough please" he wiped his knife with his bare hands "what about this as an answer" he 
charged his knife  into my father's stomach "no! dad! no!"  i cried aloud,i felt my knees 
weakening.i started to move my arms and feet in attempt to get away "oh so maybe a little 
bit of this should quiet you!" he stabbed my dad in his back.father was now lying in his own 
blood "no! dad! let go of him! just let go of him!" i cried aloud.i felt my back snap as i move.
i arched my back in pain."one last cut" he said.he slit my father's throat in a knees
fell on the ground,hitting them hands slipped from the man's grip.i saw my dad's
life flash before my eyes.i crawled to him "dad please please stay with me" my peach lace
dress soaking in red blood,i could hear Zenthra's laugh "i i can't" my dad reached for the crown
next to him.i held his hands "no dad" he weakly place the crown in my head "you're now ..a
princess" i placed his bloody hands in my cheek "remember what i said before" i nodded
"let me hear it one last time" i held his hand tighter "dad" "please" he weakly pleaded 
"a princess..should be strong..for when her kingdom falls.."i couldn't continue,i couldn't bear
seeing him like this "she'll be the last warrior..the last warrior" he held my face tighter
"just close your eyes and everything will be alright" i closed my hands.holding his hands.
i then felt his hands slip away from my face.i opened my eyes,seeing his now cold body.
i cried and cried.i hugged him one last time.not minding if he was covered in blood "dad
dad dad" i cried aloud.i felt Liam and Louis come towards me,trying their very best to 
ccomfort and protect me.
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