Back to You

How I See Myself in Five Years

Here I am at my room, contemplating of what happened during my visit towards Sejeong's place. All the events on that day replayed on my mind countless of times like a broken record and I was barely sure if I was indeed true to those words. It was one the bullty conventions of my conscience, a will almost correlated to any last good day. When the next terrible decline is suddenly plateaued, I am somehow perplexed if I really want to go back to Sejeong and be each other's one and only.

But no. It's a bit irrational...because there was no any sense of a special relationship in the beginning.


I got up, out of my inevitable world of second thoughts as I checked the dialler. I smiled as I answered it. "Hello, Sejeong. How've you been?"

Technically, I would've avoided her as much as I want to. But somehow, something in me was enlightened. I guess I really do have a spot her despite of those five years. I chuckled lightly as I listen to her Ahjusshi voice that made me giggle.

"Good evening, Chaeyeon. I got a question for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Were you really true of what you said to me when I was all sick due to my ty stomach?" She asked back.

I dilated my eyes, my gaze focused on the diary Sejeong gave to me before. "Well...I may have..."

"Do you think you can make it here in the Han River in the next few minutes?" Sejeong asked again.

"Seriously? It's already late, Sejeong." I answered. "Are you even there in the Han River right now?"

"I am." Sejeong answered and I gasped. "Manager-unnie came here with me so that my being is well assured."

"I could...if you give me a legitimate reason why I should go." I said.

"I've always loved you, Jung Chaeyeon."

She hung up. What the was that? And why am I flattered of this? I snickered...but somehow, my legs had minds of their own as I got a jacket and went outside. Little did I know, Manager-nim was still up, watching the MV of our song in TV.

"Unnie, can I have the keys to the van?" I asked right away.

"What?" She asked. "Why? Where are you going?"

"I have to go to the Han River." I answered.

"And why?" She asked again.

I sighed because this answer would be the death of my conscience in terms of puppy love. "To see Sejeong."

She gasped lightly. I told her not to react that way as I explained further. "Apparently, Sejeong called me to meet up there. She also said to me she's there with her Manager...and she wants to talk to me about something."

"Cute." She said, her grin plastered on her face. "It's actually beautiful and insane. Give me some gists, Chaeyeon. What's your relationship with Sejeong?"

I sighed and sat back down. It took me some time to say , all while I fiddle my fingers as words formulated in my brain. "Well, Sejeong and I have this star-crossed feelings in which we didn't accustom five years ago."

"I see. But what's with the ignorance?" She asked.

"Well, it was a long story..." I began. "And I think this is one thing that we're going to talk about at the Han River."

"Was she your ex?" She asked again.

" be completely honest, we weren't in a relationship. We had understanding. And believe me, the recent call was crazy. It's like 3 in the morning and she's already in the Han River, waiting for me to come."

"That's super insane. Unless..." She muttered.

"Unless what?" I asked.

"You're bluffing." She smirked. "She's your ex, Chaeyeon."

"No-stop it! Do not-UGH! SHE'S NOT MY EX! Focus, unnie! Can I go?" I ranted.

"'re blushing. You must've liked her so much...even until now! Ha! I knew it!!" She cheered.

"Aish, stop it." I huffed. "Pay attention. Please...can you come with me? That way, Sajangnim won't screw us." 

"As your manager, I love this little screenplay. And...yeah, you and Sejeong need closure." She said, getting up and grabbing the keys.

"Nice." I clapped as I went with her.


In a few minutes, we got to the Han River. I saw another car, probably Sejeong's of her manager's. Anyways, Manager-unnie and I got out of the car. I saw Sejeong's manager and greeted her for a hug as I asked. "Where's Sejeong?"

"She's by the river, Chaeyeon." Sejeong's manager said. "She's been nagging me to send her here because she wants to talk to you about something."

"It's the relationship," said my manager.

"Really?" Sejeong's manager reacted. "Well, you need to talk to Sejeong now. She's been waiting for almost an hour. She even had to bring my in here."

"Really?" Now it was my turn to react. "Mind me for all this. Let Sejeong and I explain everything once we finish talking."

Both managers nodded as I went down close to the river, seeing Sejeong looking at the dark horizon. I smiled, seeing her. She's been quite the charmer...and maybe Manager-unnie was right about one thing. Maybe I still had that spot of her after all those five years.


She faced me, all wrapped up in her black jacket. She smiled and went closer, happy to see me as much as I was to see her. 

"Thanks for coming," she said. "Although I shouldn't have disturbed you at this hour."

"It's fine, Sejeong." I said. "So...what do you want to talk about?"

She gave me a sad smile. Nonetheless, I followed her close to the rails, looking at the dark river illuminated by the moon and the city lights. I waited for her to say something as I felt a hand holding mine.

"I want to talk about us." She said and it made me look at her. "When you visited me, it gave me time to think. And when you left already to go back to your apartment, I realized that we need closure."

"Me too." I said. "I would've scheduled a day but I never thought you would call. I would've been the sourpuss I was but I realized it too."

"Chaeyeon?" Sejeong asked and I responded. "Were you really true of what you said to me? That you wouldn't mind if we had gone back to the way we were five years ago?"

I smiled lightly. And little did I know, I held her hand back. "I was true to those words, Sejeong. I wanted to go back. That's why we're having this closure, right?"

"But it's not just the closure, right?" She asked.

I sighed and leaned on her shoulder. "No..."

"You still remember, right?" Sejeong asked.

I nodded. Of course I did. It felt like it was just yesterday...

It was another day in school. I was by the library, resting at the lounge while reading a good book. I flipped the pages as I engage in the story. And then...I felt a presence by my front. I looked up and saw a familar figure. "Sejeong?"

"Hey, Chaeyeon." She smiled, a bunch of posies on her hand. "I reckoned you were here. Kyulkyung was right after all."

"Why? What's your concern?" I asked.

"For you." She said, handing me the little bouquet. "I heard from Chungha you like posies so...I want to give a bouquet for you."

"Is that even allowed?" I asked.

"Yeah. I asked to the librarian about it and it's fine." She smiled.

I couldn't help but smile too. I thanked her while accepting the bouquet. I saw her lend a hand to me and I wondered. 

"You want to make a conveniece store run?" She asked.

"I don't see why not?" I answered.

She gave me that smile. I smiled back as I put the book back to where I found it and went with Sejeong.


Sejeong and I walked towards the convenience store and got in. I went directly to get strawberry treats, especially a strawberry slushie. Sejeong only got a slushie and I heard her chuckle on my load of treats. 

"You seem enthusiastic about this," she said, eyeing the treats. "Come on."

I nodded and followed her. She lets me pay first. I put my treats down to get some money when I heard a beep. I looked up to see my items already paid. 

"Next customer, please." The cashier said. 

Sejeong got her turn and hers was paid like mine with the same credit card. Then, my shock grew when she gave the card to Sejeong. "Here's your credit card, Miss Kim."

"Come on. It's on me." She winked at me.

. I was flattered for this. I felt my cheeks getting flushed and my heart beating quickly. I got my pack and slushy as she drank hers. I gulped and bowed lightly. "Thanks, Sejeongie."

"No problem." She smiled. "How pay me for this by going on a date with me later."

I gulped. Well, I've been admiring Sejeong lately. And with the weekends tomorrow, I don't see why not." Okay?"

"Great. Meet me at the exit after class." She said and I nodded.

I followed her out, going back to class. I couldn't thank Sejeong enough for her efforts in giving me flowers and treating me. We got back to class as I grew excited for that date.


Classes were over. My classmates left as Sejeong and I stayed for a bit. Once everyone got out of the classroom, I went closer to Sejeong and held her arm. "Shall we go?"

"Someone's excited." Sejeong smiled. "Come on. Let's go."

We both got out of the classroom, engagin little talks we we went to the exit. Sejeong leads the way, heading towards a cute restaurant that serves the best of delicious street food. I got us a seat as Sejeong went to the counter to order. I waited for her to finish as she came back with some deeokbokki and black bean noodles.

"Woah..." I wowed. "This looks delicious."

"I hope you like them." Sejeong smiled.

I could only nod as I grabbed a bowl and indulged on the noodles. Sejeong joined me as we enjoy eating and having our talks. I had a wonderful time. Sejeong was wonderful company. As we ate, I felt my heart beating quickly as Sejeong would spare gazes at me. I lower my head a bit and felt a hand holding mine. I looked at my front and saw Sejeong so close, our faces inching towards each other.


"I really like you, Chaeyeon." She confessed. "I've been feeling this for a long time."

I couldn't say anything. But then...that kiss changed everything.

"I never thought it went that way," Sejeong chuckled. "Why weren't we in good terms before?'

" left to transfer school without saying anything to us. After you confessed, you just left out...and it made me mad at you."

"Oh, yeah...I guess my senses were right." Sejeong said again.

"Sejeong." I called and she responded. "We could just start over and be together, you know?"

"I know, Chaeyeon. I'm doing it now." She said.

I didn't understand but then she pulls me towards her and we share a kiss. I sighed in my thoughts and kissed her back by the moonlight like that moment five years ago.

The future in uncertain but I see myself with Sejeong as lovers, just like how I saw myself before in five years time...



That's the story, everyone. Mind me for the ending. Thanks for reading this. Lovelots from asahdako. Two more to go, guys...and I say goodbye to all of you...TT



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Chapter 7: Niceeeee ending! Chaejeong ship's not bad at all! ;)

And that ending note.... I'm amazed that you still stay on making I.O.I fanfics :)
Chapter 5: Well I don't know... But I still remembered that day when we used to be happy together... Sorry for being sentimental right now hehe.... :(
Chapter 4: Oh my this is so tragic.... :(
Chapter 3: Whyyyy what happened? :3
Chapter 2: Oh boy, what's going on? /smiles widely like an idiot/
Chapter 1: Okay. This is very suspicious....
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 was inspired by tfios, aw aw
flatsya #8
Chapter 6: Are they going back together again?? Still need to read more about their past though
And i'm still very emotional right now, My babies T_T
Thanks for the update
rhk7130 #10
Chapter 5: I really want to know what happened to them?seems like sejeong still care about Chae a lot, but chae keep trying moving on from SJ?
Did sejeong do something bad to hurt Chae before?