Summer Dance

How I See Myself in Five Years

I was pacing back and forth, seeing Manager-nim give me her bemused look. I sighed and told her to stop nagging me.

"How can I stop, Sejeong? I've never seen this side of you before. Usually you're composed. What gives now?" She asked me, still giving me that stupid look.

" do I say it..." I began as I stopped pacing. "...I'm a bit nervous on going to the club with Chaeyeon and her manager. Now I'm not nervous of manager-"

"Okay. I got the gist, Sejeong. Jeez..." My manager nods stoically. "Have you prepared on what you're wearing tonight?"

My eyes dilated as I went to my wadrobe to look for some clothes. "The ..."

I could hear Manager-nim laughing at me. I disregarded her stupid laughs and remarks and continued to search. As much as I love to wear simply, this is Chaeyeon I'm talking about. I need to make a good impression on her.

"Yah, Sejeong." Manager-nim called.

"What?" I responded.

"Relax..." She said as she shows me a set of nice clothes by my bed. "This is for you. Sajangnim said you deserve a little gift for your victory on your new song. So, I decided to get you cool clothes to impress Chaeyeon."

"Omo-really? For me?" I asked, seeing the coolest clothes I've ever seen.

I held onto a black leather jacket, a white sleeveless shirt, then a pair of black ripped jeans and a pair of black sandals. I put them on the bed neatly, then went to tackle Manager-nim for a hug. "Thank you so much~!!"

" problem..." Manager-nim answered. "Now get dressed. We'll be leaving in a few minutes."


I checked the mirror and looked at myself. Manager-nim gave me a thumbs-up from the back as she helps with my hair. 

"You need to look good to impress her, remember?" 

"I know." I nodded. "I'm just overwhelmed is all."

I heard the honk from the van. Manager-nim and I got out of our dorm towards the van. The door opened and Chaeyeon's manager came into view. 

"Wassup', you two?" She greeted, looking stunning on her sweatshirt. "You two look great."

"Thanks," said Manager-nim. 

"Sejeong, you'll be sitting at the back with the rest." Chaeyeon's manager said.

I nodded as the second door was opened. I cheered lightly as I saw Chungha, Yeonjung, Mina, and Chaeyeon. 

"Come on, Kim Sejeong!" Yeonjung said, motioning me to hop in. "You can sit on the vacant seat next to Chaeyeon."

I gulped. I saw Chaeyeon, wearing a black fit long-sleeved,one-piece dress, She also wore boots and had makeup on that I could gulp in admiration. Despite of that, I sat next to her and she greets me with that cute and innocent smile.

"You look great." I commented.

"Thanks." She smiled. "You also look good."

"You guys alright at the back?" Chaeyeon's manager asks us and we nodded. "Okay, let's go!"


As we got in the club, the music was loud. Lights surrounded the whole place followed by a sea of people dancing their heart out. The two managers escorted up to a private club for ourselves to enjoy. Within minutes, we got there. We weren't the only ones. There were also others. 

There was the staff, other friends, and there was this cute girl wearing a gory penguin-themed hoodie, black pants, and black boots. I watched Mina go towards the girl and kissed her, making me gasp a bit.

"Kim Sohye is just like Chaeyeon, an aspiring actress." Yeonjung said to me. "Mina's missed her since forever due to their schedules."

"Are they..."

"Yes. They're dating," said Yeonjung. "They're a cute couple, actually."

I could agree. I watch the couple make fun of each other as the DJ played some music. All of them went to dance, especially Chungha and Yeonjung. Me? I may aspire to be a dancer but I at dancing. For me, being a professional singer was just enough.

I sighed as I went to the bar, getting a drink. As I sip, I saw the managers dancing like drunkards, Yeonjung dancing with Chungha, and Mina dancing ily to Sohye. I chuckled as I just watch but later I felt someone beside me.

"You're not dancing?" Chaeyeon asked as she drank.

"No." I answered, downing my own drink. "I'm not inerested to dance at this moment. Being a er at a dance is never cool."

"Weird. You're not like that before, Sejeong." Chaeyeon said and I froze.

"Hey..." I said as she focuses her attention on me.

"What is it, Sejeong?" Chaeyeon asked back.

"Were you talking about the dance during our moving ceremony to senior high school?" I asked again and she gives me a little nod.

I didn't talk to her again. I downed my drink, looking at the dancing people, and thought of what Chaeyeon meant a while ago.

Dancing, for me, was supposed to be fun. Whether you're a professional, an aspirant, an enthusiast, a frustrated one, or a party-goer, dancing has its purpose of expressing emotions through movement. It's also a templar of creativity through choreographies. With dancing, you express and leave a good impression on the audience and even give inspiration to those who are aiming to just get in the groove.

With Chaeyeon reminding me of that day, I could recall that happy moment with her...

Exams were a pain to every student. The journey of writing on a test paper or doing a hands-on on the computer is like going on a journey to the center of the earth. Another thing is that the flow of answers defines the fate of the final grade. There are only three ways: you pass, you take remedials, and you fail.

I would hear complaints of students studying almost anywhere in the campus but I could only sigh and study. There were students that I tutor and I was obliged to do so. You know, helping a fellow student get through the exam is really relieving due to the fact that you pass together and that nobody gets left behind. I finished tutoring the third student who came to ask me and then came another, a student I didn't expect.


"Hey, Sejeong." She waved lightly and I smiled.

"What can I do for you?" I asked as she sits adjacently.

"Well, I need help in Literature and Science. But if you have something else to do, it's also fine-"

"Don't get all shy, Chaeyeon." I said, patting her head. "I can teach you anytime of the day."

She nodded lightly as she lowered her head. I saw her hands curled up like little cat paws that I stopped patting her head and proceeded to tutor her.


"Thanks, Sejeong." Chaeyeon said as we went together towards the exit.

"You're welcome, Chaeyeon." I answered with a smile. "I'm glad you finally understand the concepts."

As we walked together, I saw Nayoung, Chungha, and Kyulkyung. The two of us went to them as I wonder what their topic was about.

"Well, we were just talking about the moving ceremony," said Nayoung.

"I heard there will be dancing party afterwards...but each of us need to have a partner." Chungha said.

"You got yours?" Kyulkyung asked.

"I got Soogeun, the dwarf." Nayoung said as Chungha and Kyulkyung burst into laughter.

"I can't wait to see David and Goliath, hahahaha!!" Kyulkyung babbled. "Who's yours, Chungha?"

"Hodong, the wrestler." Chungha said seriously as Nayoung got her turn to laugh.

Kyulkyung laughed harder. I chuckled lightly as Chaeyeon laughed like an angel. Kyulkyung sat by the bench as she tries to relieve herself from all the laughter. 

"Who did you get, Joo Kyulkyung?" Nayoung asked, a bit pissed.

"Min Kyunghoon the charming singer in our school." Kyulkyung winked.

Nayoung and Chungha complain like little kids to Kyulkyung, all while messing with her for getting a charming partner. For Chaeyeon and I, I guess being aspirants of good grades and being academe warriors tore us apart from the university's social world.

"So..." I talk to Chaeyeon instead. "...did you know about this thing?" 

"Yeah, I did. In fact, boys and girls line up and ask me to be their partner...but I declined." Chaeyeon answered.

"What?! Why didn't you choose, Chae?" I wondered.

"What? Chaeyeon didn't choose anyone?" Chungha somehow heard out conversation that the rest of them motioned us to come closer. 

I sighed as Chaeyeon held my hand and we both went closer to the three. "Okay. Now what?"

"Is it true, Chae? I heard from students a lot asked you out for the dancing party," said Kyulkyung.

"Yeah, especially Heechul-oppa and Kyunghoon." Chaeyeon answered and Nayoung and Chungha clapped.

"Damn..." Kyulkyung cussed lightly as she also clapped. "So if that's the case, why did you decline?"

"Can you have any partner of the dance?" Chaeyeon asked, dodging Kyulkyung's question. "Because I want to partner up with a girl."

"Are you serious, Chae?!" Kyulkyung asked, her eyes dilating. "And who would you ask?"

"Sejeongie." Chaeyeon said cutely and the four us us froze, mainly me.


Exams were over and the results would be posted today. I was going towards the the bulletin board, seeing the results from Section A to F.

I saw my name on the top as I saw students congratulating me. I wasn't shocked of this, really. I was already aspiring to be the top. But as I looked at the results, I was really shocked. I got 100%.

"Woah!! You got perfect for the first time, Sejeong!" Kyulkyung cheered. "That has got be be lit! We should celebrate!"

"You should treat us," said Chungha, who saw her result.

"That's right." Nayoung also came as she had her arm around my shoulder. "You get perfect and THE Jung Chaeyeon asked you out to dance."

"Alright, fine..." I was lost as I agreed. "Speaking of which, where's Chaeyeon?"

Chungha pointed to someone just by the Section C list, which was Chaeyeon's section. I went closer to her and looked at the list, where her name was at the top.

"Wow. Congratulations, Chae-" I gasped as she faced me and hugged me tight.

I felt my heart pound out of my chest. I hear Chungha, Kyulkyung, and Nayoung squeal lightly behind me but then, my arms wrap around her as I hug her back.

"Thanks, Sejeong." Chaeyeon looked up, smiling at the already blushing me, the Ahjusshi.

"Haha...the tutorials weren't a sweat, Chaeyeon. Happy to help..." I said.

" it a yes? Will you be my partner for the dance, Sejeong?" She asked and it hit me.

I remember that day she said my name, that she wanted me to be her partner for the dance. I didn't say yes yet. I just said that I'll think about it because I'm not much of a person who goes in school parties. Nonetheless, Chaeyeon gave me until this day to finalize my decision...and it seems I made up my mind now. 

"I'd love to, Chaeyeon." I said as her eyes gleamed.

The three cheered as I give them a playful scowl. I face Chaeyeon again as she chuckles oh-so-cutely. "So...see you at the ceremony tomorrow?"

"I can hardly wait..." Chaeyeon said as I smile at her again.


The ceremony was grand. I got to climb on the stage with Chaeyeon due to us being first. It was all formalities and bearing to boring yet inspiring speeches and the party proceeds afterwards.

Nayoung, Chungha, and Kyulkyung were dancing with their partners as I adjust my uniform then going towards Chaeyeon.

"Congratulations on being the first in Section C, Chaeyeon."

"You're welcome, Sejeong. Congratulations to you too." Chaeyeon said.

"Would you like to dance?" I ask, lending a hand to her.

"I'd love to, Sejeong." Chaeyeon said as she accepts my hand.

We got down, joining the rest of the students and the faculty. With the music, I was getting hyped. I danced with Nayoung, Chungha, and Kyulkyung, all while letting Chaeyeon join in. I see her dancing but I think she was still shy. No wonder the both of us were pretty new to this.

"Hey." I called and she pays attention, all while moving her body to the music. "Just dance, Chae. Don't be shy."

I dance funnily as the students cheered for me. Chaeyeon smiled. I knew my dance as a bit funny but I want her to feel comfortable. Nayoung, Chungha, and Kyulkyung cheered like their partners as she joined in dancing, the both earning charm points from the students. 

Despite of that, all of us danced. I was having the time of my life with Chaeyeon and I thought I wish that it could be like happy with each other's company...

The music was getting louder as all of them continued to dance. My feet somehow went involuntary, tapping with the rhythm. I suddenly put the glass on the table and danced lightly. I watch Chaeyeon who was already laughing. I laughed too.

"Come on." I said, pulling her. "Let's dance!"

"I can't dance, Sejeong-"

"Let's do it for the old times." I said.

Chaeyeon nodded lightly and I pull her gently as we dance with the upbeat song. Chaeyeon was hesitant like on that day but I try to let her dance lightly. Chaeyeon somehow got it and was dancing actively with me. A slow song was played next and I watch the couples dancing slow. Mina and Sohye were swaying, Chungha and Yeonjung were dancing like in a trot music video as the others also swayed to the music.

I chuckled lightly but I froze when I felt Chaeyeon hug me. I felt her sway and I joined her, my face flushing as her head was on my shoulder. I chuckled and joined her in a way that we were in sync. With this, memories of us were flooding on my mind. And somehow, despite of such circumstances that broke us apart,there was still that spot in my heart for Chaeyeon.

"Chaeyeon?" I asked and she responds with a hum. "Can we ever love again?"

With that, Chaeyeon lets go. I sighed as I watch her run outside. I couldn't let this slip. I ran outside too, following her at a balcony. I sighed again as I ran closer and was next to her. 

"Sejeong." She says and I look at her. "You know we can't. We've been through five years ago."

I could only nod. With this, I feel exhausted. I want to go home.

But before I could leave Chaeyeon, I asked. "Did you change your number?"

"I didn't, Sejeong," said Chaeyeon.

"Okay." I nodded. "Can I text you from time to time?" 

"Sure. We're still friends, Sejeong." Chaeyeon said.

"Alright." I nodded then walked away. "I'm leaving now, Chae."

"Wait." i heard her as I stopped. "I'll text you. I hope you wait for it."

"Noted." I said as I left her to contemplate outside.



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Chapter 7: Niceeeee ending! Chaejeong ship's not bad at all! ;)

And that ending note.... I'm amazed that you still stay on making I.O.I fanfics :)
Chapter 5: Well I don't know... But I still remembered that day when we used to be happy together... Sorry for being sentimental right now hehe.... :(
Chapter 4: Oh my this is so tragic.... :(
Chapter 3: Whyyyy what happened? :3
Chapter 2: Oh boy, what's going on? /smiles widely like an idiot/
Chapter 1: Okay. This is very suspicious....
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 was inspired by tfios, aw aw
flatsya #8
Chapter 6: Are they going back together again?? Still need to read more about their past though
And i'm still very emotional right now, My babies T_T
Thanks for the update
rhk7130 #10
Chapter 5: I really want to know what happened to them?seems like sejeong still care about Chae a lot, but chae keep trying moving on from SJ?
Did sejeong do something bad to hurt Chae before?