Put to the Test

How I See Myself in Five Years

This has been tiring. I have two award ceremonies that I need to attend plus I need to take my midterm examinations for my masterals. I couldn't do anything at this moment. My body was tired and my ounce of energy isn't cooperating with my system.


I slumped my head on the bed as I doze off. But then, it had to be disrupted by a nudge on my shoulder. "Omo-what is it-*yawn*..."

"Woah. The work must've took an effect on you, Chaeyeon." I saw Manager-nim. "Are you okay? How about I schedule you a day-off. I'm sure Sajangnim wouldn't mind."

"I can't. I still have the awarding ceremonies to attend to." I mumbled, trying to get up. "How about next week?"

"Hmm...I see what I can do. You should get some rest, Chae." Manager-nim said as she leaves me in my room.

A day-off? I've been dying to ask Sajangnim for that but the timings of schedules weren't in my favor. I would even wonder when there would be a day without packed schedules to really officialize a day-off.

Then again, despite of having said day-offs, the time allotted will just be used for studying. The midterm exams were on their way and I need to do my best. 

I finished my studies but my father said I should do my masterals on culinary. I would've finished years ago but I aspired to be an actress, an ambition that I've always dreamed of. But I didn't want to make Appa feel bad so I took my second course in culinary arts. Appa owns a restaurant and wants me to run it when the time wll come. I finished the said course but I was still in the brink of masterals. The midterm examination was important so I needed to study.

But the ? I'm stressed. How am I going to do this?

Another problem was the midterm examination itself. The test composes of a written exam, in which I'm sure to pass, and the practical exam, which was a bit complex.

The practical exam wouldn't be that difficult. I was also sure to pass that but there was a problem: each of us needs a client to try our dishes.

I asked Manager-nim to be my client but on the day of the examinations is also her appointment on an important meeting with her father's business. I asked Mina and Sohye but they will be busy plus they scheduled their date on that day. I asked Yeonjung but she can't eat sweets, which was actually part of the practical exam. Why not Yeonjung? The client should try ALL dishes...and Yeonjung will be screwed by her manager is she tastes one dab of icing.

Chungha was also busy as she and Sejeong were doing a collaboration with another artist for Sejeong's new album. I could only sigh in desperation and wonder what to do? I can't fail this exam. I just can't...


I was out of dreamland when my phone rang. I snapped out of my dazed state as I went to grab my phone, seeing Sejeong's Ahjusshi look blink.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Chaeyeon." I felt my heart beat as I heard Sejeong's husky voice. 

"Why did you call?" I asked.

"I just sense something wrong. If not wrong, something's disturbing you," said Sejeong, taking me off-guard.

How could this God have the right senses? But then, who am I to share it? "Ah...you must've mistaken, Sejeong."

"Ah, okay." Sejeong said. "Then again, I wanted to call you to see how you've been."

I didn't want to get into this again. But somehow, Sejeong's concern made my heart flutter in a good way. "I'm fine, Sejeong." Wait. That wasn't it. "Well...I've been...cramming."

"Cramming? Why?" Sejeong asked worriedly.

"Ah,,,even though I'm an actress living the dream, I'm studying my second course: culinary arts." I answered.

"Oh, so you did pursue your father's dream." She said and I just sighed.

"Yeah...I did." I said again. 

"Ah...you would be studying just now. I shouldn't disturb you at this hour so...I'll call you soon or you can text me if you want to talk or anything." Sejeong said.

"Okay." I said.

I hung up instantly. I put a hand on my forehead as I feel that there was something missing. I shake my head and focus on studying.


Finally, I can get some sleep. The awards were great yet I really need to get some rest after today's work. I was happy as well since Sajangnim granted me a week-off. I can finally study and I will thank Manager-nim tomorrow for granting it for me. As I close my eyes droopily, it focused on the calendar. Seeing the date, I alsmot fell on the bed.

Damnit. The exam was already next week!

I called her...and I hope she answers. 

"Hello? Chaeyeon?"

Oh my ...thank goodness she did. "Sejeong?"

"What is it, Chaeyeon?" She asked.

"Uhh...are you busy with something recently?" I asked.

"No. I just finished my schedules. Why? Do you need anything?" She asked again.

"Well..." I mumbled, wondering if I should say it to her.

You see, Sejeong and I friends but...we seem to be off lately, technically for five goddamn years. We intend to keep the peace but in terms of socialization, we had to take it to a minimum due to the fact that the past was hard to forget. And in dire times like this, we had to forget everything for both of our sakes.

But at this point, I had no one to ask favors. And as much as she's busy, I hope she can accept this little request, just this once...

"You see, the practical exam requires me to have a client to taste the dishes I would be cooking. Eventually, all of my friends are busy...and you're the last one I'm asking."

"Maybe I can be of help, Chae. What day is that?" Sejeong asked.

"On the 25th, Saturday." I answered.

"That's great timing 'cause it's my scheduled day-off." Sejeong cheered on the other line. "I'll be you client for your exam, Chaeyeon."

"Huh? Are you sure, Sejeong?" I suddenly asked. "You would get tired. I'll just ask someone else."

"Heh...you're kidding, right?" I heard Sejeong ask me. "You said you asked your friends, told me I'm the last one you ask...then you say you won't let me help you?"

Despite of trying to ignore her due to such circumstances, do I really have a choice? My family could help but...they're busy everyday and were in their own lives now. And with the exam with next week...

"Sejeong...is it really okay for you to be...uhh..."

"Say no more, Chaeyeon." Sejeong said. "Just text me where you want us to meet and we'll get this thing over with."

"Thanks, Sejeong." I said, smiling. "I owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything, Chaeyeon. I'm doing it for you. Anyways, I need to go. See you soon." Sejeong said as she hungs up.

I froze, Sejeong's words playing on my mind like I was a broken record. I put my phone on the table as I decided to sleep.

Somehow, Sejeong was in my dreams and I didn't force myself to get her off of my head.


The exams came and here I am, finished with my written exam. I went with the other students to proceed with the practical exam and proceeded to my station. I looked around, wondering where Sejeong was as I saw the rest of the students with their clients.

I sighed as I worry. If Sejeong won't coming, I would not pass this. I thought of Appa's disappointment look and his lost dream being drifted away because of this mistake. But knowing Sejeong, I can trust her...but I hope she stuck to her word.

"OMO-is that Kim Sejeong?!" A student yelled as I felt them gather around someone.

My hunches were bickering behind my back and there was Sejeong, rushing close to where my station was. I felt a bit icky yet I was thankful for her to come. 

"Am I late?" She asked me.

"No." I answered. "I'm so grateful for you to come." 

"Don't mention it." Sejeong gave me a thumbs-up. "Godspeed..."

I nodded as the rest of my fellow students were at their stations. Sejeong was at her spot with the other clients as I huffed, feeling a bit of pressure for the exam we're having.

The proctor came, talking about the mechanics of this exam. I paid attention and took note of important details. 

"Okay, aspiring chefs. You have 3 hours to create a meal course with the following courses: appetizer, main course, and dessert. The clients that you will be corresponding will rate your dishes plus they hold the fate of your grades through an eating contest. 50% of your ratings of the dishes will be for your final result together with the 50% of points corresponding to the rank of your client in finishing the dishes within the given alloted time later on."

"Do you have any questions?" She asked as most of us shook our heads. "Alright. You can only make the dishes with the corresponding ingredients on your stations. Your time starts...now!"

I was quick and focused as I started to cook. The practical exam went smoothly. Judges would ask questions, processes of food would follow, then there were also circumstances of making mistakes.

I looked at Sejeong and she gives the assuring look of encouragement. I felt my heart beat quickly just by looking at her but I returrned my focus to the exam.

During the course of the exam, I was reminded of one memory in which Sejeong and I worked together for the exams, earning the very top places on our class...

It happened when we were still freshmen in college. The exam we had has a bit of a twist. Part of it was bad because it was difficult yet we were lucky since we'll be discussing with pairs.

The teacher only has that authority to choose partners. For Sejeong and I, together with our squad, we're hoping that the pairs we will have would limit to our squad, with one sacrificed outside of the box. Our teacher got to pick as I heard bickers from other students that they wish to pair with Sejeong because she was our first placer.

"Joo Kyulkyung and Min Kyunghoon." 

Kyulkyung cheered lightly as Kyunghoon joined her. Some students whined and the teacher gets another pair.

"Lim Nayoung and Kim Chungha."

I could see Chungha celebrating. Nayoung maybe a bad influence sometimes but she's smart as hell. She's an epitome for badass students who have brains. The whines were getting louder, most of them wanting to parther with Sejeong. The teacher shrugged that off as she got another set of names.

"Kim Sejeong..." I gasped just like the rest of the students.

"Who could be Sejeong's partner?" I heard Kyulkyung wonder.

I gulped, crumpling some used paper. I heard whines and screams as the teacher said the second name. "...and Jung Chaeyeon."

Most of them wowed and mumbled, saying that I was lucky to be Sejeong's partner. I even laughed at one of them saying we were like the Egyptian Gods Amun and Mut. That was really...weird...

The calling went on. Some were cheering, some were dismayed, and even some were already embracing the possibility of failing. I looked at Sejeong and she gives me an assuring smile.

I'd be relieved somehow that I was partnered with a smart student. But no. I'm just really happy to be her partner...


With those days, Sejeong and I had our usual agreements regarding the schedules of our studying for the exams. We'd switch the initialtion of studying in our houses then study on places that made us calm, composed, and focused. Another thing was that, the sessions wouldn't last long due to our level of comprehension, which was greater than the rest of the class, which was actually a huge chance of passing and getting the first two places in the list.

Today, we were at the city library, reading silently. I was focusing more on Math as Sejeong read tons of books, starting off with Literature. I wowed silently. How in the world did this God get so smart?

"Do you need help, Chaeyeon?" She asked me. "You seem to be dazed. Are you okay?"

"I'm good, Sejeong." I said, although I was feeling otherwise.

"You can ask me anything, okay? We're a pair so we need to cooperate if we want to get our names placed on the top 2." Sejeong smiled.

She was right. She also felt the same way I was dealing with in class.

Being second was sometimes a bother but not to me when it comes to Sejeong. She deserves to be first. She is responsible and a good leader. She helps our classmates and never hesitates. And being the honor student next to her, my confidence as an aspirant of being first in the academe were taken to a minimum.

"Sejeong?" I called and she responds with that smile.

I was in a trance. Sejeong was never dubbed beautiful but to me, she looked charming, especially that husky voice and that uncle-like smile of hers. A pat on the head greeted me back to reality as I wonder of what Sejeong was talking about.

"Are you okay, Chae?" She asked. "You need help with Math?"


Sejeong moved to my spot as I ask some of my weak points for this subject. I could hear her give me tips and techniques of the different formulas but later on, I felt tingly.

I could feel her on my back. I can even feel her breath and hear her very husky voice, clear as crystal glass. I could hear my heart pound outside of this quiet library and felt her hand beyond mine as she helps me write some terms I need to remember.

"Is it clear to you now?" She asked and I was snapped out of my daydreaming.

I looked at my notes and saw new and clean info written all over it. I laughed inside. I have this gift of being able to write stuff and listen while I get distracted sometimes. Not only that, I had great comprehension so I understood what I wrote. 

I was enlightened of my weak points. I nodded and hugged Sejeong, thanking her a lot.

"Haha...no problem, Chae." Sejeong said as she chuckled.

Instead of going back to her seat, she sat next to me. She was done with Literature and moved on to Science. I gulped. Sejeong was quick in reading and comprehension. She'd be done by that book and proceed with the third and here I am, still stuck in Math but since I got it, I got to my second book on Social Studies.

"Chaeyeon?" Sejeong called.

"Yes, Sejeong?" I responded.

"Can you help me with explain genetics? I seem to get confused with various traits."

I nodded and began to explain. I could watch Sejeong scrunch her temples as she tries to understand. She looked cute that I almost let out a giggle.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked. "Is there a zit or something?"

"There's none." I chuckled as I pat her cheeks. "You just look adorable."

"Haha...thanks." Sejeong chuckled back.

She got it right away then we both continue with out studying session.


The exam was indeed different. It was like a quiz bowl as pairs sat on respective seats. They had their markers and little whiteboards. Most of the students were cramming. Kyulkyung and Kyunghoon were memorizing, Chungha and Nayoung were reading silently but Sejeong and I? We were chilling.

"You good?" Sejeong asked and I nodded. "Good. I got something for you."

I watch get something on her bag and she hands it to me. I wowed as I accepted it right away, opening the pack and getting a bite. "This is..."

"It's strawberry ecclair. I thought you need to eat something sweet to get your brain working." She said.

'"Thank you, Sejeong." I said.

"No problem..." She winked, giving me a thumbs-up.

All of us were called up front. I was at the front of Sejeong and sat beside Kyulkyung and Chungha. We got our markers and whiteboards ready as the proctor explained some instructions.

I was nervous as I felt my finger playing with the marker and the whiteboard. But then, that was eased with a touch on my shoulder.

"It'll be fine. We'll get perfect. I'm sure of it."

I trusted her with that...I just did...

"Time's up!"

I got my dishes done. I joined with the others in serving our dishes to the clients and I was almost fidgeting as I got closer to Sejeong. As I put the tray of food onto my table, she wowed. But then, she got serious as she looked at my dishes and tasted them, evaluating like a true master.

I watched Sejeong tasting the dishes and writing at the scoresheet. I did my best to hide my adoration to the Ahjusshi from her thumbs-ups to her sighs of remarks. I looked at the time and gasped. The other clients weren't finished with their meals and here's Sejeong, already down to the dessert. I cheer her on and she eats like a lady but she was quick. Sejeong finished everything, pressing the button.

"First, Jung Chaeyeon, 50 points."

Sejeong wiped , letting out a cute burp as she cheered. I was overjoyed that I got perfect on the second part but I wonder of what Sejeong thought of my dishes. I saw the proctor coming towards us as I bowed and asked. "May I dismiss myself and my clients, Teacher?"

She nodded, congratulating me and Sejeong for a job well done. I got out of my apron and held Sejeong's hand, dragging her out of the room.


We got out of the school and watched Sejeong call for someone. I was following her throughout the whole time since we got out. She hung up and faced me, making me stop for a moment.

"Hey, Chae. I need to go. I have an abrupt schedule I need to assess to." She said.

"Hey..." I held her hand before she could go. "Thank you."

The next set of events shocked me as she pulled me for a hug. My heart beated frantically as I felt her tender arms around me. I gulped, my hands reaching to hug her back.

"Anything for you, Chaeyeon. Just a call away and I'll save the day for you." Sejeong said.

My emotions broke free as I hug her back, my head leaning on her shoulder. I wouldn't have done this. I swore to move on and get over Sejeong. But sometimes, even the slightest precious moments cannot be forgotten. 

"Do you really have to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. Mind me for this schedule." Sejeong said. "But I'll call you soon. Don't worry."

I nodded. Sejeong gives her smile as she pats my head gently. "See you soon, Chae."

I nodded. She hopped on her little scooter and drove off. I smiled as I felt this relieving sensation on my chest, all while waiting for Manager-nim to pick me up.

I recalled the test when we were freshmen. We got perfect on that exam, maintaining our ranks. And in the present, I'm sure I'm getting that first rank.

Sejeong never fails me...she never does...

Hey, guys. I want to say Happy New Year in advance. Thank you to my readers who have been staying tune to my little journeys here in AFF. I'mma whip up some stories this 2017 so please anticipate.

Love lots from asahdako <3

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Chapter 7: Niceeeee ending! Chaejeong ship's not bad at all! ;)

And that ending note.... I'm amazed that you still stay on making I.O.I fanfics :)
Chapter 5: Well I don't know... But I still remembered that day when we used to be happy together... Sorry for being sentimental right now hehe.... :(
Chapter 4: Oh my this is so tragic.... :(
Chapter 3: Whyyyy what happened? :3
Chapter 2: Oh boy, what's going on? /smiles widely like an idiot/
Chapter 1: Okay. This is very suspicious....
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 was inspired by tfios, aw aw
flatsya #8
Chapter 6: Are they going back together again?? Still need to read more about their past though
And i'm still very emotional right now, My babies T_T
Thanks for the update
rhk7130 #10
Chapter 5: I really want to know what happened to them?seems like sejeong still care about Chae a lot, but chae keep trying moving on from SJ?
Did sejeong do something bad to hurt Chae before?