Lean on me (OT6/wontaek/luck)

Vixx boyxboy one shot (request closed for now)

Hello this story was requested by Fourteenlove this will be in 2 parts. I hope you enjoy. Lastly sorry for the long wait please forgive me. Hope you enjoy.



Leo had woken up with a fever that would worry anyone, he did not tell anyone not even his friends, he just kept it to himself, he thought it was best for everyone if he did not burden anyone with his problems and that is what he did.

His friends started to get worried when Leo did not answer their calls or text, they had wondered what is going on with the silent male, and they had gone through every possible explanation that their minds could conjure up.

Nothing had come to mind until "do you think hyung is tired of us" Hyuk asked worried etch to his words "why do you say that" Hakyeon curious. "Because we are mean to him but play full not intentionally" Hyuk had come to love Leo very much, at one time he thought the older male was intimidating and scary that he was afraid to be near him.

"It has been a week since hyung has talked to us," Hyuk pouts "he is probably busy Hyuk-ah" Ravi latches on to the tall maknae trying not to let Hyuk's words pollute his mind with negative thoughts. "We just need to wait and see what happens" Ravi said optimistically.

"If he is still ignoring us we will go visit him" Ken smiles brightly.

A week later:

A week had passed and still nothing from Leo, he went m.i.a nothing from the older male, he was not heard from or seen. Every time they went to his house, he was not there and his work said that he has not been in or he already left. What gives!

They were desperate at this point for Leo’s attention; they decided to do a stake out. Go all FBI kind of thing and just corner the older male themselves. Thy wanted answer and they are tired of wait for him to tell them what is wrong so they take matter into their own hands and went into investigation mode.

It has been more than eight hours probably less but it felt like a forever ago since they have been sitting in Hakyeon's minivan or as everyone likes to call it "soccer mom's van" it was a cliché in their mind. However, they have been sitting outside of Taekwoon's little quaint cottage style home, waiting for the male to appear but nothing has happened and it was aggravating.

"Nothing again" Hongbin and Hyuk groaned while the rest tried not to feel annoyed by the little progress they have made. "We should just confront him" Wonshik sighs "no that won't work" Hakyeon throws his hands up.

"Well what then" Ken shouts and then it turns into one big shouting match between the five men (boys) yelling back and forth, and they did not notice the person at the window.

Knock, knock, knock "oh " Hakyeon screamed looking at the person. He rolls down the window "hey, what are you doing here" he laughs, "I live here" Taekwoon does not look amused.

"Oh really" Jaewhan smiles "you guys are es" Taekwoon sighs "hyungie" Hyuk shouts smiling wide "Sanghyuk-ah" Taekwoon smiles at the maknae with love. Ravi just huffs and Hongbin sighs "what are you guys doing here" Leo pulls his jacket closer to himself not wanting to get worse then he already is.

"Nothing much we wanted to see our favorite person whom seems to forgot about us" Jaewhan sounded spiteful but they all knew he was joking but with Leo he didn't know if it was serious or not.

The boys did like to bully him sometimes but it was not meant in a severe way only in a funny way. They did not know themselves that Leo was mentally effected by their behavior towards him; he thought that if he did not act or do what they wanted, he felt that they would be displeased by him and leave.

The thing is all of them have been friends since elementary and Leo join the group in high school. Therefore, he still 3 years later did not understand their dynamics and everyone understood that and still loved the older male dearly.

They all treated Leo as though they had known him since their youth and made sure to include him in everything. They treated him with love and respect because he is the second oldest and most reserved one of the group so they tried to joke around with him and make him feel welcome and free.

Along the lines, Taekwoon understood to a certain degree that they were not trying to be hurtful towards him but it still hurt him when they "bullied" him and it made him feel out of place because of it. He still had not opened up himself to the group because he was terrified of what they might think of him. In many ways, he was still that scared little boy and he hated that so he tried to compensate that with this facade that he was a cold and uncaring person that did not give two s what people thought about him. Through time that mask cracked and started to decay showing the real Taekwon, the one that needed love and to be cared for he might be cold person but he was a big baby that was playful and cared the most about the ones he loved and he wanted to be loved.

"Taekwoon" Hakyeon brought him out of his thoughts and back to reality among the living "we have a bone to pick with you Jung," Jaewhan shouted not out of anger but because he was one for dramatics and he is Jaewhan after all. "We are here to talk" Ravi saw how Jaewhans words made the older male flinch and he did not like it seeing his hyung like that. Wonshik loved his hyung and cared about him wholeheartedly and without ant motives he just wanted to be a part of his hyungs life.

"I am busy right now" Taekwoon tried to get rid of them without making them worry he was still sick and feeling like he was really good at hiding things and he intended to smooth it all over once he felt better. "This is not up for discussion" Hakyeon meant business because he was terribly worried about his dongsaeng and friend most of all he felt like Taekwon was a part of their weird dysfunctional family.

"Please let’s not argue" Hakyeon words held authority and dominance it made everyone cower into submission. Hakyeon steps out of the car and the rest fall in line "let's go" and everyone cross the street to the shy male’s house.

They go into his humble adobe and sit on the wool couch all piling in one by one as the commotion stopped it was down to business "what is going on" Jaewhan was eager for answers he turned into a crazy person. Wonshik hit his arm harshly trying to settle down the hyper male "wae" Jaewhan whined "get yourself together man" Hyuk threw at pillow at his hyung.

"You stupid ungrateful brat" Jaewhan got up from the couch ready to attack when Hakyeon with composure calmed him down "Jaewhan remember why we are here" Jaewhan sometimes allowed his emotions to overrule his logical sense. "Sorry hyung" Jaewhan sat beside Hongbin again "okay now what is wrong?" Hakyeon asked patiently.

"Nothing is wrong" Taekwoon was a pro at lying but Hakyeon was the only to see through such childish acts. "Let's be honest here" Taekwoon felt unsettled by how well the older male could see right through him, almost like an open book which fright frightened him more.

"I am" he tried to come across confident in his answer "bull" Hakyeon was having none of it, his harsh tone made the cat like male flinch and Hyuk wanted to hold his hyung because he could see the distress in his eyes.

"Stop it hyung you are scaring him" Hyuk went to Taekwoon on the recliner and embraced the older male in his arms. Hyuk was always one to be so protective of his hyung; he held much respect and love after Taekwoon had helped him through what he called his "dark days" a time of unforgiving struggles and period of taking revenge against oneself without mercy. Having to live with the guilt and the pain storing it in and letting it harbor truly did kill Hyuk silently but thankfully, Taekwoon was there for the youngest one of the group. That is why Hyuk is sometimes childish when it comes to Taekwoon because he treated the younger male like a baby. But if anyone tried to hurt his hyung, he would turn into hulk mood and defend him.

"It is okay hyung you can tell us" he felt comfortable most with Hyuk because he felt like he did not have to be strong like he did with everyone else he felt content in the present of the maknae he felt to comfortable. Do not take it the wrong way he was happy to be around everyone and feel free just there are somethings he still did not feel comfortable with showing the rest so he felt the need to be reserved.

Wonshik was another story, he was the latter first friend when he first moved to this little town and he was not quite sure about Wonshik at first but as time went on, he could see that he was a pure soul that only wanted to be close to him and in away take care of him. However, sometimes he thought that he should be the one taking care of his dongsaeng in time of need or illness but Wonshik was there for him and was lucky to have him. He was lucky to have all five of his best friends at his side worrying about him even though sometimes they made him feel like even when it was not intended to be that way because Taekwoon had his own insecurities and issues to still work out but still unsure about the world and people around him.

"I got sick recently and it does not seem to want to go away" in reality he was still hiding so much from the boys, something he could not bring himself to say to them. He had so much things still wanting to do but so little time and too many regrets that is why he is not bringing up the extent of his condition to the boys. He wants to be happy with them, he wants to be able to push away a plague that has consumed his mind and allow himself the freedom he deserved so dearly. "Pabo why did you not tell us" Hongbin throws a pillow at his hyung but it ends up hitting Hyuk straight in the face "that is it Lee FIGHT ME!!!" Hyuk was about to pounce when Taekwoon wrapped his arms around Hyuk's lithe waist making him settle down without trying "still mind boggles me how you do it" Hakyeon was in awe whenever Taekwoon could get him to be level minded and calm.

"Sanghyuk-ah get off Taekwoon" Jaewhan just barely processed it all and realized that Taekwoon is sick and he needs to be ushered upstairs to his bed instead of down here with everyone, he needed to get well. “Hyuk got up instantly from his hyungs lap "we need to get you into bed now" Hyuk tugs at Taekwoons wrist wanting to help his hyung get better "okay guys let's get to work. Ravi go to the pharmacy, Jaewhan start picking up the living room, Hongbin" he assigned each person a job to do to help their sick friend to live comfortably.

Hyuk was first to watch Taekwoon so nothing bad would happen to the older male, Taekwoon was like a delicate flower almost fragile when he was under the weather so they had to take many precautions.

Taekwoon could not stop the thoughts that keep flowing through his mind like an assembly line working overtime he was stumped. He just could not stop thinking about things he just could not get over. It was hard for him to come to terms but he had to take it in strides because there was no escape this time he had to face facts. He is dying.


Hello everyone, I hoped you all enjoyed and I hope you liked the out come and please forgive me, if I did not succeed in making the story. Please try to understand I did the my best to my abilities. I am sorry if you did not like it.


If you do I am glad, again thank you for requesting.

I love you all my wonderful readers! Stay healthy and be happy. Bye!

I made a schedule for updates on my stories.

Out Of My League: every 2 weeks on a Friday 

One shots: double or triple updates every 2 weeks on a Monday

this will be starting March 27th and so on. I am sorry for making you all wait and I promise to update more. 

*I am making it every 2 weeks because it will give me time to write and edit and if it all goes well it will be an every Friday and Monday, but for now this is the schedule. (also I will have stories (one shots not from the vixx one) randomly published.) 


~Stupid Author(AndreaXx)



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fourteenlove #1
I love it so far author nim but please don't kill him. Sorry if I sound rude here. Please fluffy wontaek
najaem-acorn #2
Can I request a chapter where N and Leo are a married couple. They had a huge fight bout Leo cheating on him with another woman or man. N start to think of divorcing with Leo when he felt pain or morning sickness and decided to go to the clinic and find out he was pregnant. He told to all of his in law's and parents about his pregnancy except Leo. Leo knew that his wife is pregnant when he was in 7 month of pregnancy. It happened when N handed him the divorce paper or what did you call it(?) to Leo. They fight again before N faint and Leo took him to the hospital. That's when he knew N was pregnant. But can I request you make this chapter until the baby is 1 or 2 years old?? Or you can end this chapter after N gave birth.

Sorry if I distress you with my request. Love you author-nim
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 9: I hope you get better soon and take your time. First comes your health then writing.
Karenkitty1092 #4
Chapter 8: OMG this was so adorable.
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 6: I wanna read more about Hyuk and Hongbin one night stand.
fourteenlove #6
Chapter 7: Authorniiiiim please don't forget my story.
Chapter 7: its cute and i love it!!
inn_starlight here- can you do a one short leo x ken where when ken caught leo cheating and decided to cheat on him too so that he'll feel his pain. an angst but happy ending for keo pls :3
fourteenlove #9
Chapter 4: Wow this is soo good. I love it.thank you so much.and you can take your t8me.
mikyou44 #10
Chapter 3: OMG OMG OMG!!!! I love you so much!!! This is soooo beautifull.... Cant wait for the next part.... Thank you ^^