What to do?

Hotel Friendships {HIATUS}


Hey dude! Super Junior just finished, they were amazing! You should’ve been here to see them, honestly!” He’s literally screaming in my ear, there’s so much noise!

“Oh... Really? I might check them out tomorrow!” I tell him, a bit louder than normal as well, and in Chinese.

“You should, man! It’s so crazy over here and the guys are doing their extremest best! It’s amazing!!!”

“Oh, I bet.... Hey, would you mind of I brought a girl?”

“A girl? Did you say a girl?” Aish, the noise is so annoying!!!

“Yes, a GIRL!!” I say annoyingly.

“Go ahead man! Who is she though? Do I know her?”

“No, you don’t. You’ll see her tomorrow, okay? Here in the lobby?”

“Sure thing! See you then, dude!” And he hangs up.

I look at Claire again and say: “Sorry about that... It was the friend at the festival.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Henry!” She smiles.

“Ah, okay... So... You wanna come with me tomorrow? To the festival?” Please say yes, PLEASE.

“Oh, that’d be absolutely great!” A twinkle starts showing in her eyes, and I feel glad that I made her feel so happy today.

“Henry! Thanks for everything today! I wish I could do something back for you...” She grabs my hands with hers and bows from a sitting position.

“Not at all! I’m so thankful that you’re happy again... I should thank you! You’ve been keeping me company all day!” I smile widely and bowed for her, too.

She giggles a little and still holds my hands tightly. “How old are you, Claire?” I suddenly ask. The question had popped into my mind all of a sudden!

“Oh! Um... Sorry, that was a bit.. sudden!” Looking confused, she still answers. “Um... Do you really have to know...? I mean, not that I don’t want you to know, but...”

“It’s okay!” I quickly interrupt her. “You don’t have to say, if you don’t want to!”

Blushing, she said: “Well... I guess I could at least tell you that I’m younger than you.. Oppa~” She adds. She looks so cute when she calls me oppa! Her cheeks turn a bit pink when she does, as if it’s a special nickname...

“It’s okay, then. That’s all I needed to know! But, just curious... Why don’t you like telling your age...?”

“Well...” She seems a bit uncomfortable, but I’m quite curious for the answer so I just waited for her. “It’s just that people make assumptions... You know? You probably wouldn’t do it on purpose but it still happens...” Her glance was on the floor again.

“I guess you’re right...” She doesn’t look sad or upset, but she gets silent quite quickly when she talks about things that are uncomfortable! Maybe I should make sure that we don’t have to talk about these things...?

“I’m sorry Henry, I just feel a bit tired, that’s all. It’s not that you said something bad, I just need some sleep..” After that sentence, she yawns immediately, showing her tiredness.

“Do you want to go to sleep...?” I ask her.

Seeming a bit hesitant, she replies: “I don’t know... I don’t wanna leave yet!”

“But you don’t have to! It’s a double bed, you see? We can share if you want....” I swear, both our cheeks turned red instantly! Even though I only meant it in a friendly way, it’s still awkward to say something like that, I guess.

“I-I don’t know, Henry oppa...” she said slowly. “I mean we’ve only just met and stuff...”
As she says this she looks away slightly, but I can see her looking at me from the corner of her eye. The slight blush on her cheeks and nose make her look girlier and softer, and I’m really starting to wonder what her age is.

Her shy act reminds one of a young, innocent girl, but her body says the opposite. Curvy, dark and mysterious with a slight hint of sarcasm in her face. Without the tears she looks a lot more mature, and it’s confusing me! But I’m also glad her sadness has disappeared completely, at least it seems like that!

“I’m not really that tired, so if it would make you feel better I’ll stay up and watch TV or something for a bit...?” I say to her, trying not to force her into staying although I’m sure she will anyway. I just don’t want her to leave, not yet anyway.

“I guess we could do that.” She turns back to look at me and smirks slightly, “No funny stuff though, okay?”

“Of course not!” I chuckle. There’s my girl!

“I’m not too tired right now though...” She reports, but then yawns loudly and her eyes close slightly, completely contradicting her words.

Now it’s my turn to smirk as I say “Of course you’re not, that yawn meant nothing.”

She slaps me and says: “Hey! Don’t be such a smart-!” She smiles again and lays her head down on my shoulder. “Henry... What time is it?”

“It’s.... A quarter past eight.” I answer. I look down upon her and see she has her eyes closed. Is she asleep...?

My fingers gently brush against her cheek. She smiles, and says quietly “I said no funny stuff Henry.” and moves her head slightly on my shoulder to get more comfortable. I feel myself blush as I mutter something about there being a strand of hair on her face, and look around nervously, not quite sure what I should do now.

I carefully place one hand under her head, and lift her up to carry her to bed. As I put her down, she refuses to lay down, she only wants to sit up.

“C’mon Claire, let’s get you in bed”

She giggles mischievously, and says “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” making me blush even more.

I leave her to wobble sleepily at the end of the bed, and pull the covers back for her.
“Claire, I’m not going to do anything...bad okay? I pwomise.” She giggles again, this time at the cute way I said promise.
“I guess I am...just a little tired” she says, and falls backwards onto the bed, and slowly crawls up to the pillow.
Crawling under the sheets she looks up at me and says sleepily “You’re so kind Henry. We barely know each other, but you’re still looking after me as though we’re childhood friends...”

Her eyes are falling shut as she speaks, and it was more of a whisper anyway. I could tell from her deep, continuous breathing that she’s in a deep sleep. She curls up unto a little, cute ball with a slight smile on her face, dreaming nice things.

I sit down on the floor next to the bed as I look at her body rising and falling with every breath. She was probably very tired, cause as soon as she fell asleep, she stopped moving completely! Even though we’ve only spent a mere... hour or so together, I really feel like I should look after her.

As I’m sitting here, looking at her, I feel a funny feeling in my stomach, something that I haven’t felt before in my life, but it feels really nice and warm. It can’t be that I...? With Claire...? Isn’t that a bit too soon to think, I mean I barely know the girl!

I’m so confused now! How can I be... in love with a girl I just met? Is it what they call ‘love at first sight’ or am I being naive? I should ask someone, but Zhou Mi is still at the festival and who knows where he’s staying tonight... Maybe I should stop thinking of this till after me and Claire went to the festival, I guess I should know after spending a whole day with her...

In the mean time... What should I do with her? All of her stuff is in her own room, which is not exactly handy right now, as I don’t want to wake her up again! Maybe I should get her stuff for her...? I mean, she’ll be asleep for a while anyway, so I could do that.

She probably has her keys on her, cause who goes out of their hotel room without their key? Plus, she didn’t have a bag or anything with her, so it must be in one of her pockets. One problem though: how to get it out of her pocket? She’s curled up like a kitten, so to reach her pockets I have to be all awkward with her...
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I would love it if you updated! This story is so cute!
BaeYeonRin #2
Kekeke, I discovered this story yesterday. Please upodate soon, this is too funny:))
*fangirl overdose from pictures of mochi*