Chapter Two «introduction»

The Phone And Him
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"Are you kidding right now?" Taeil looks at Jung Jaehyun with an incredulous expression.

"Why not, hyung?" Jaehyun smiles, a beautiful angelic child-like smile, dimples showing. If it wasn't for what he had just requested of Taeil, the latter could almost believe he was asking for something innocent, something that was within his power and not something that was a breach of the law.

"You know very well it's against the law, Jaehyun," Taeil shakes his head, "I've let it slipped the past multiple times, but I'll have to say no this time round. It's only a couple of weeks before your exams, and you want to go clubbing? Especially when you're not legal yet?"

"Exams don't matter, and as you just mentioned hyung, they're a few weeks away, which means there's still time." Jaehyun shrugs, clearly not bothered by the upcoming exams.

"No, unless of course, you have a very good reason for doing so."

"Please? Just this last time?" Jaehyun drags out the sentence, sounding adorable, as he thought he would.

"A no's a no, Jaehyun."

"My friend's hosting his birthday party there today, I promised him I would go, so please?" Jaehyun pouts ever so slightly, "Please?"

"Fine, just this last once I'll lend you my identity card. This is the last time you hear me? You'd better study hard after that, don't disappoint your sister." Taeil finally relents, passing his card over to overly eager hands.

"Yes, yes." The other rolls his eyes, the cuteness from before gone. Taeil was obviously head over heels for his older sister, although he straight up refused to admit it.

"Also, don't be back too late okay? You'll make her worry."

"Yes mom." Jaehyun replies, words dripping with sarcasm as he slipped on his shoes, leaving Taeil's university dorm room to find a certain Thai friend of his, whom he had agreed to meet at the front of the club.

The walk to the latest nightclub is a short one, taking Jaehyun barely fifteen minutes to arrive, the corners of his lips lifting up when he spots Ten. Chittaphon Leechaiyakul, or Ten, as he preferred to be called, was a Thai transfer student at his high school, and they had hit off immediately as their teacher had placed Ten beside Jaehyun.

"You managed to convince him?" Ten looks mildly surprised at the younger's achievement.

"Well, yeah, it was a piece of cake." Jaehyun chuckles, holding up the shiny plastic card he had just obtained once again.

Easily passing the security situated in the front, the ear splitting music and bright multicolored spotlights assault the duo the moment they step foot in. Perhaps others would develop pulsating headaches or migraines from the loud music or flashy lights, but to Jaehyun, this was his element, where he belonged.

As a long time club goer, he knew the insides out of clubs at the back of his hand. If there were to be a newly opened night club, of course he would drop by for a visit. To add on, one of his and Ten's friends from university, Johnny, was hosting a birthday party and had invited him. What other reason did he have not to pay a visit?

Smiles light up their faces

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hey guys, so I know I haven't been updating lately (dues to studies), I wanted to let you know I AM writing, although very slowly... many apologies :(


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Chapter 4: lmao this is so funny XDDDD i'm looking forward to the next chapter
Xiucreme #2
Chapter 6: Please update soon!!! I really love this story!
Chapter 4: So many cute moments, lol (:
im crying this so is cute and im obsessed already T__T dying to know what'll happen once taeyong and jaehyun find out they spoke to each other on the phone <333
hereforjy #5
Chapter 4: Djdvsbana oh my god I'm dying at the last part lmao
CoffeAndChill #6
Chapter 4: I'm laughing so hard right now. LOL! JaeYong is af for sure... I agree with taeil tho. He's me. Amazing chapter btw! Please update soon!!!
Blumbrella #7
Chapter 4: LOL Taeil is me
Chapter 4: I love Taeil!!