Chapter One «introduction»

The Phone And Him
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Lee Taeyong doesn't know if he should be disappointed or happy.

Decked in a thick winter coat, he stands rigid at the door of a massive building, his breath wafting out in white puffs of mist as he gives the email he had received the other day a once over. 

Just a month ago, he had begun to apply for part time jobs as he, ever since graduating high school, had started living alone in the university dorms, and needed to earn money to pay off his daily expenses.  

He had nearly given up hope that he had been accepted into a company until he had received a confirmation email from one of the companies he had applied for notifying him of his employment.

Staring up at the company's logo on the building, he didn't know what to do.

Cupid's Love Line, the #1 place for dating advice! was written plain, big, and bold in hot pink for the entire Seoul to see.

He stares again at the email. This was far from what he had expected when he saw the online advertisement for the job. He had remembered that it clearly wrote "telemarketing company" not "dating advice company".

Should I leave? But I leave now, what if I don't ever get a job anytime soon? How will I pay my expenses? But this isn't what I applied for! Taeyong sighs, a troubled expression taking over his delicate features, running his slim fingers through his silver hair.

He paces in circles around the entrance, the two choices swirling in his head, still unable to make a decision.

To enter or to leave?

"Oh you're here, you're  the newcomer who applied for Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday night shifts aren't you? Well then dear, why are you still standing outside in the cold? Do come in!" A chirpy voice draws Taeyong's attention and he turns to face a lady in her mid forties peering out of the building's glass doors.

"N-no I don't think I want-" The lady doesn't even allow him to finish his reply before her manicured hand grabs Taeyong's, dragging him through the glass doors, warm air from the heater positioned beside the doors blasting him in his face.

"No?" She stops and turns around, scanning his face before producing a piece of paper out of her skirt pocket, "this is you isn't it?"

Taeyong glances at the piece of slightly crumpled paper, eyes widening in surprise.

Of course they printed out his job application with his picture on it.

"Well, yes, it is, but-"

 "Brilliant! Now, since it's already six in the evening, your shift starts now! I'll have one of your colleagues to show you the ropes, and hopefully you catch on quick." The lady beams, her bob styled hazel hair bouncing.


"No buts!"

 "Yes..." He sighs resignedly, trailing behind her.

They walk past multiple rooms, before stopping in front of a tiny, box like room with nothing but a round glass table, a wooden stool and a receptionist styled phone, its cord dangling in midair.

 "This," she gestures animatedly towards the room, gold bracelets tinkling, "is the room you will be working in, and breaks are allowed between hourly shifts. I'll get Mark to explain more to you."

"Mark!" Sh

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hey guys, so I know I haven't been updating lately (dues to studies), I wanted to let you know I AM writing, although very slowly... many apologies :(


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Chapter 4: lmao this is so funny XDDDD i'm looking forward to the next chapter
Xiucreme #2
Chapter 6: Please update soon!!! I really love this story!
Chapter 4: So many cute moments, lol (:
im crying this so is cute and im obsessed already T__T dying to know what'll happen once taeyong and jaehyun find out they spoke to each other on the phone <333
hereforjy #5
Chapter 4: Djdvsbana oh my god I'm dying at the last part lmao
CoffeAndChill #6
Chapter 4: I'm laughing so hard right now. LOL! JaeYong is af for sure... I agree with taeil tho. He's me. Amazing chapter btw! Please update soon!!!
Blumbrella #7
Chapter 4: LOL Taeil is me
Chapter 4: I love Taeil!!