
Road To Forever
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It’s the nth time Irene sign…

It’s the weekend and instead of her usual schedule of hanging out with her friends she decided to stay in her room. She’s sitting on her bed staring at her phone… staring on Wendy’s picture rather. She misses the latter but she doesn’t have the courage to call her. She’s afraid her call might get rejected and she’s afraid she would hear Wendy’s sobs on the other line. She just can’t.


It didn't take long before Wendy turned back around. Thankfully, Seulgi was nowhere in sight. As Wendy tried to cool off, she meandered down side streets, wandering around unknown neighborhoods. At around eleven, Wendy sat down on a sidewalk beneath a lamp post. She placed her face in her hands, leaning her forearms against her knees. In a moment of weakness, she pulled her phone from her pocket and headed straight toward voicemail. She took a deep breath before clicking on one from a few months ago and bringing her phone to her ears.

"Hello Love!" a familiar voice began as Wendy felt her heart begin to race. "I'm here in my flat, waiting for you to pick me up so we can go on our big hot fancy date! I just wanted to tell you that you're my favorite person in the entire world. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for making me so happy for so many months. Let's celebrate our happiness tonight! I love you, see you soon! Oh, and, I'm not wearing underwear. Enjoy, babe," she finished as giggles end the phone call.

She stared down at the phone, a small smile on the edge of her lips as she reminisced at the distant memory. The moment felt like it had been ages ago, though it had only been a few months. Things had changed so drastically, Wendy wasn't sure she knew how to put herself back together. But as she let out a long sigh and clicked the "delete" button on the screen, at least she knew where to start.


Six beers in and Wendy was at the perfect buzz. The room hadn't started spinning nor did she feel on the verge of being sick. Instead, she felt giddy and high; the perfect combination for a Halloween party near campus. This year, she and her friends dressed up like the characters from the Suicide Squad. Wendy was lucky enough, in her opinion, to be dressed as Joker with a police outfit. The only thing missing is her Queen; Harley Quinn. With MoonByul as the Crocodile dude because she wants to flaunt her abs, and Momo as Katana because why not? She’s Japanese after all. Wendy wasn’t sure if they’ll make it through the night.

All her best friends were dressed up in their matching costumes with the exception of Seulgi, who had gone and matched with her girlfriend. It reminded Wendy of when she and Irene dressed up the previous year as the infamous Bonnie and Clyde; their costumes were envied by the other couples. Now, though, Wendy scoffed at couples in their matching outfits.


Wendy had apologized to Jisoo about the restaurant incident and it was no big deal to Jisoo. Wendy and Jisoo stood with two girls who had dressed up with each other. Saeron was dressed up as tequila and Yeri with salt. "We lost our lime," Saeron told the girls the moment Yeri questioned about their outfits. Wendy had to hand it to them; their outfits were unique and different from the typical ones that filled the party. Wendy couldn't keep up with the number of nurses, robbers, footballers, and vampires that sh

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minimuminput #1
Chapter 8: Ahhh this was great
Keep it up!
Favebolous #2
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: Wendy aaaa you betrayed our Irene ??
Favebolous #4
Favebolous #5
Chapter 5: it seems like I have read this story just yet to finish
Favebolous #6
Chapter 3: your goodness lets the reader fantasize alone
Favebolous #7
Chapter 2: Wendy's words always look cheap, but Irene always likes her
Favebolous #8
Chapter 1: oh no part one makes me smile like crazy ppl
Usmonsters94 #9
Chapter 8: This fic is the definition of "if its meant to be, it will be"
Chapter 8: Damn author, you got me there.
Thanks for this lovely fic!!