Chapter Eight


Chani opened his eyes and the familiar stark, white ceiling greeted him. He took in a deep breath and, detecting the fresh smell of the woods, he couldn't help but feel glad - he was still in the lodge; still in the company of his brothers. It took him about a minute to feel some kind of weight on his right hand. Chani turned his head slowly and smiled. 

Hwiyoung was slumped at the side of his bed, fast asleep. His hand was resting warmly on top of Chani's making the boy's smile wider. Unfortunately, the good feeling didn't last long as pain suddenly coursed through his entire body, making him shout out. The pain lasted a few seconds before Chani out. 

*** *** ***

"Hwiyoung-ah, what happened?" Youngbin asked as soon as he burst inside the room, rushing towards the bed and laying a hand on Chani's forehead. 

"I-i don't know hyung. I just fell asleep and then he started screaming. I asked him what's wrong but then he-he-"

"I told you to keep an eye on him and not to sleep!" Youngbin snapped. 

"Youngbin, there's no need to get angry." Jaeyoon said, stepping inside the room. "Hwiyoung's not at fault, you know," he added, grabbing onto Hwiyoung's arm and gently steered him out of the room while whispering words of assurances. 

"You didn't have to get angry on the boy, Youngbin," Inseong said stepping in after the two have left. 

Youngbin was already sitting on the side of the bed, shoulders slumped when Inseong approached. "I know," he sighed. "I'm... I'll apologize to him," he continued. 

"You should," Inseong chimed in gently. "It's no one's fault, Youngbin. We all have no idea what's really happening here. Besides, this is harder on Hwiyoung, you know..." 

Youngbin nodded. "I know. You're right." he replied, running a hand through his hair. They both fell silent, eyes fixed on Chani's sleeping figure. 

"Do you think he'll be fine?" Youngbin asked.

His voice was laced with something like fear and worry and love. "I'm not sure. I guess we'll just have to trust what the doctor tells us." Inseong replied. 

Dawon found the number of a Dr. Kang on the small calendar at Chani's bedside. Thankfully, it really is the doctor's number and after giving him a call, he informed them that he'll rush to the lodge immediately. 

"I'll go find Hwiyoung and apologize," Youngbin said suddenly, standing up. 

Inseong nodded and watched the other guy disappear behind the door. 

*** *** ***  

He has been reading the same page for the last half hour or so when then the door suddenly opened. Inseong stood up immediately, recognizing the doctor from before, though without his doctor's coat, he looks more like a university student. 

Inseong stepped away from the bed and joined Youngbin and Jaeyoon behind the doctor. "What happened?" Dr. Kang asked. 

Jaeyoon went on to tell him of the party and Chani's sudden collapsed. "And he didn't wake up after that?" he asked.

"We're not really sure. A few hours ago, we heard him scream but when he got back here, his still asleep," Youngbin answered. The doctor nodded to his companion and started setting up an IV drip. 

"Dr. Kang... is he gonna be okay?" Jaeyoon asked. 

"He will be... He just needs to rest. " the doctor replied. "And don't let him do anything that requires much strength and movement for the next few days," he added. 

"Doctor... our Chani... what is wrong with him?" Youngbin asked in a small voice. Jaeyoon and Inseong looked at the doctor, their eyes reflecting the same question. 

"To be honest, we're not sure. I thought at first that if was the Ehler-Danlos syndrome because of the frequent joint dislocations but we're not sure. or maybe it's just a new type of EDS." Dr. Kang sighed. "We're doing everything we can to figure out what it is and to give Chani the treatment." he added. 

*** *** ***

Everyone took turns watching over Chani for another 24 hours. It was during Rowoon's watch that Chani finally woke up. 

"Hyung!" Chani called out trying to reach out for Rowoon's outstreched hand. Rowoon was dozing off on the chair beside Chani's bed. "Hyung!" Chani repeated a little bit louder. 

Rowoon stirred and opened his eyes. It took a moment before it registered to him that Chani was staring up at him. When he finally got his senses back, Rowoon shot up from the chair and rushed at the boy. 

"Chani-ah! Uri Chani! How are you? Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"Eyy~ hyung. stop it!" Chani said weakly, trying to push the tall guy away. 

Rowoon moved away from Chani then and reached for his cellphone on the bedside table. He sent out a text message and in a flash, all of the nine boys are gathered around Chani's bed. Although everyone was mostly asking how he was, Chani couldn't help but smile wide. The chatter in the room turned from worrying over their maknae to food and finally to a get well party organized mostly by Dawon and Jaeyoon. 

"Yah! you heard what the doctor said, nothing too strenuous!" Inseong chirped in. 

"Eyyyy~" Dawon and Jaeyoon said in unison. 

"Yah! Inseong's right! No more parties! We can just have a nice picnic in the garden. We can make a bonfire and smores!" Youngbin suggested. 

The discussion erupted once more at the mere mention of a bonfire with everyone trying to suggest foods and activities and the like. But when they started discussing on who will be the ones to actually get the firewood, everyone started pointing to someone random. 

Chani smiled watching the unruly discussion unfold in front of him, their voices (or in Dawon's case, whines) enveloping him in something warm and light. 

*** *** *** 


Notes: the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome mentioned here does exist but for this story, Chani's sickness will somehow be based on it and of course, i will take some artistic liberties regarding it.



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lovekangchanhee #1
Chapter 11: It's an ending already?! Oh my Chani im crying
lovekangchanhee #2
Chapter 8: When I saw an update notification, I scream and jump out of my bed! I love this story so much!❤ Hope you'll continue this as soon as possible. Fighting!
Chapter 7: Most of the time I'm like ??????

But then I'm still :DD bc your writing is comfortable go read

Like I binged everything lol
lovekangchanhee #4
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS GETTING MORE AND MORE INTERESTING!! What happened to Chani? Why were they invited by him? How can they help him? I'm curious i love this feelings
lovekangchanhee #5
Chapter 6: Oh! I've waited for so long but it doesn't matter because this story was really great! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen on the next chapter! Author-nim, Fighting!!
lovekangchanhee #6
Chapter 4: I. REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. LOVE YOUR STORY!! Looking forward for the next chapter:))
Chapter 4: Omg i think its getting more mysterious... cant wait to see what will gonna happen, i love this fic already *-* fighting, author-nim!