Chapter Three


The lodge has a total of 11 bedrooms, a library, a mini gym and a recreation room where he, Jaeyoon, and Hwiyoung are sitting in.

During their conversation, Inseong found out that most of residents of the lodge are actually students from his school with the exception of Chani who is, of course, studying in an elite school.

“So, how did everyone got here anyway? And why are we all from the same school? Was it intentional?” Inseong asked.

“Well, it’s a long story. You’ll probably manage to piece it all together eventually. But for starters, Hwiyoung here, is Chani’s childhood friend.” Jaeyoon replied, gesturing Hwiyoung to continue the story.

“Yes, well, my family and his family were really good friends even though there was a startling distance between our status. My father usually takes me with him when he visits the Kangs and so, I always end up playing with Chani. And from there, well, the rest is history,” Hwiyoung supplied.

Inseong nodded.

“By the way, how did you and Dawon meet? It’s surprising given that you two are from two different cliques in the school?” Jaeyoon asked once again.

Inseong let out a sigh. “Hmmm, you’ll know eventually.” He replied not meeting anyone’s eye.

Jaeyoon and Hwiyoung exchanged looks; the dodgy answer carried with it an unusual weight. Thankfully, the tension was broken when they heard familiar voices.

“Oh, they’re finally here,” Hwiyoung remarked, rushing towards the newcomers.

Inseong stood up, unsure what to do. He felt Jaeyoon stand beside him. “The tall one’s Rowoon, I’m sure you know about him?”

Inseong nodded. If he was the cold prince and if Dawon was the troublemaker, Kim Rowoon was the face of the school. There were rumors of him being scouted by top entertainment agencies but apparently, he declined them.

 "Yah, why is there a lot of food? Are we having a party?" Hwiyoung remarked, raising both hands holding groceries. 

"We should welcome our guest properly, Hwiyoung," Rowoon replied. 

"Party? Did someone say party?" 

Dawon looked down on them happily from the second floor. "Yah, you know everyone here loves chicken right? i hope you bought a lot!!"

"Yah, Lee Dawon. Come here and help!" a new voice said. 

Inseong looked at the person now approaching him. 

"Annyeong! I'm Kim Youngbin! It's so nice to meet you."

"Ah, yeah. It's nice to meet you too," Inseong answered with a slight bow. 

Youngbin smiled, "You should rest first, Inseong. I'm sure you must be tired. We'll wake you up when it's ready,"

Youngbin's tone was friendly when he said it but there was a hint of an order somewhere in that sentence. Resigned, he nodded and returned to his room



(note: parts which have the members name on top mean that it was in that member's point of view)


"Inseong-ssi." Jaeyoon called, gently knocking on the other guy's room. "Inseong-ssi, dinner's ready," he repeated. 

There was no reply. Slowly, Jaeyoon turned the door knob opening Inseong's room. He peeked around the door and saw Inseong fast asleep. 

"The trip must have really exhausted him," Jaeyoon muttered under his breath.

Jaeyoon tiptoed towards the bed, a smile tugging at his lips. Inseong was sprawled on the bed, his head almost falling on the edge. Jaeyoon knelt by the bed, his eyes tracing Inseong's face as he slept. He couldn't help but smile remembering Inseong's eyes. Eyes that are bright, resembling that of a fennec fox. eyes, that tell of sly and cunning and intelligence and something so much more deep.

"Inseong-ssi," he whispered, tapping the other on his shoulder. "Inseong-ah. It's time to wake up," he repeated.

Inseong opened his eyelids, revealing those eyes that Jaeyoon was just thinking about. 

"Jaeyoon-ssi, why are you smiling that way?" Inseong said, meeting his eyes directly. The held each other's gaze for a few seconds before Inseong looked away.

Jaeyoon shook his head, all the while controlling the smile that his threatening to break.He stood up then, the hint of a smile still playing on his lips.

"Youngbin asked me to wake you up! Dinner's ready!" he replied.

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be out in a little while," Inseong replied, fiddling with the blanket.

Jaeyoon just nodded and walked out of the room.



As soon as Jaeyoon exited his room, Inseong released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He placed a hand on his chest, wondering why his heart was beating like a drum all of a sudden. He sat like that for a few more minutes and then finally shook his head. He stood up, smoothened his hair and went out to eat dinner with his new housemates.



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lovekangchanhee #1
Chapter 11: It's an ending already?! Oh my Chani im crying
lovekangchanhee #2
Chapter 8: When I saw an update notification, I scream and jump out of my bed! I love this story so much!❤ Hope you'll continue this as soon as possible. Fighting!
Chapter 7: Most of the time I'm like ??????

But then I'm still :DD bc your writing is comfortable go read

Like I binged everything lol
lovekangchanhee #4
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS GETTING MORE AND MORE INTERESTING!! What happened to Chani? Why were they invited by him? How can they help him? I'm curious i love this feelings
lovekangchanhee #5
Chapter 6: Oh! I've waited for so long but it doesn't matter because this story was really great! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen on the next chapter! Author-nim, Fighting!!
lovekangchanhee #6
Chapter 4: I. REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. LOVE YOUR STORY!! Looking forward for the next chapter:))
Chapter 4: Omg i think its getting more mysterious... cant wait to see what will gonna happen, i love this fic already *-* fighting, author-nim!