
Comet ☄
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Deborah pushed open the doors and took a curious look around the hallway.

"What the hell?"

The exclamation caused all the heads in the vicinity to turn to look at her curiously.

These heads were all varying ranges of attractive - their eyes were all filled with shades of curiosity and surprise... and all of them were male.


Utterly confused, Deborah looked around frantically until she found a desk with a small crowd gathered round it, where everyone seemed to be giving their names and receiving a sticker with a number written on it in return. Hurriedly, she scurried over to the desk, searching all the while for at least one female head. In vain. Everyone was indeed male here.

"Excuse me," she burst out impatiently, grabbing the attention of the two employees who paused in the middle of distributing stickers.

"Yes?" one of them asked politely, his smile confused.

"Umm.... Hi, my name is Bora Lee (A/N: her korean name) and I sent in an inscription for the audition?" she started, her sentence becoming a question.

"Wait, what?" The younger of the two employees laughed awkwardly. "Umm... miss, you do realize that this is the audition to pick the new members of Big Hit's brand new boy band, Bangtan Boys, right?"

"Bo..boy band..?" Deborah faltered, her heart giving a strange thud. 'Oh no. Oh no no no no no no....'

She raised her eyes, looking at the banner fixed on the wall behind the two workers.

"Will you be the next to join Big Hit's new hip hop idol boy band, BTS?" it screamed in bright colors. Her heart sunk even lower.

"I didn't know..." she murmured, still in shock. "I didn't read the flyer properly, I thought it was just a normal audition."

The boys around her laughed quietly, looking at her with a mixture of pity and amusement.

"Oh, well, I.. I'm sorry, but I guess you'll have to go back home," the older employee ventured gently.

Deborah's head snapped up. Home? No. No way was she going back without doing anything. She didn't have much time left in Korea. This was her only chance. 

"Give me a number anyway, I'll explain to the judges that there was a miscommunication. I really want to audition, please help me," she said, glancing around her for support.

The two men eyed each other, clearly at a loss what to do.

"Oh well," the older sighed at last, handing over a piece of paper along with some stickers with numbers scrawled on it in solid, bold black. "Lee Bora, huh? Got it. Fill this paper in and I'll just leave it up to the judges to decide what to do. Good luck, kid."

"Thank you!" she cried, relieved.

- - - - - ♦ - - - - -


Deborah waited patiently outside the audition room, accompanied by several other boys in their late teens. She was resigned by now, no longer as nervous as before. Now that she knew she was already doomed, she no longer had to worry about failing a t

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SehunPony22 #1
Chapter 1: Oh wow,the description pulled me in and I can't wait to get started on this story!It seems really interesting:D
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 6: Hope you plan to continue your story, would love to read more!
Angel2love97 #3
Chapter 6: cute! nice filler but whats up with kookie? thks for the update!
Angel2love97 #4
Chapter 5: Oh I had to read this again! Hope you update soon!