Chapter 10

How to: Get a Gay Boyfriend in 7 Days

“All in favor of Tiffany taking one for the team, please raise your hand.” Taeyeon raised her hand instantly, looking at everyone else to try and get them to raise their hand too.

Voluntarily, Junsu raised his right arm, thinking it was pretty good idea.

If Yunho reacted to their fake date, then it would be a pretty good evidence that he has feelings for Jaejoong.

Changmin also raised his hand, glancing back because he can’t help but feel a hole being pierced into the back of his head then put his hand back down when he saw Yoochun smiling at him with his arm up as well. Changmin turned away from him and crossed his arms, frowning before muttering something about how stupid Yoochun was.

Tiffany sat, pouting as she looked around the room.

Taeyeon grinned at the outcome, “Majority rules~”

Sighing, Tiffany rolled her eyes and groaned.

“Lighten up, will you?” Taeyeon poked Tiffany’s forehead, “What’s wrong with having a date with my little brother? He’s good-looking, smart, and nice!”

“I just don’t want to be stuck in the middle or anything-- I mean, what happens if Yunho sees us and he gets mad at me?” Tiffany reasoned out, “What if he kills me or something?”

Taeyeon scoffed, waving a hand, “Aish, Yunho isn’t a drag queen, nothing that drastic will happen, Fany. Trust me,” she smiled and sat beside her friend. “If he gets jealous that means he’s gay and he’s into Jaejoong!” She said enthusiastically.

Just then, Changmin stood up, “Well if all is settled for today. I’m leaving,” he said as he made his way to the door.

Junsu frowned as he watched Changmin leave, he would do something but then he remembered he already did and it almost cost him his life so he’d sit in for this one.

Sighing, Yoochun got up and went after Changmin.

“Oh...” Taeyeon blinked, a slow frown forming on her face as she watched him go and Yoochun getting up to go after him, “Okay then...”

Tiffany continued to pout as she watched Changmin quickly put his shoes on then lift his hand onto the doorknob.

The moment he twisted and pulled it open, someone lounged in. “Holy--” Changmin gasped.

“Hey!” Came in a panting Hyuncheol, looking at everyone inside, “Why didn’t you guys call me sooner?” He walked in, fanning himself. “I had to run here after Junsu hyung texted me about this mandatory meeting!” Hyuncheol plopped beside Junsu, “Thanks hyung,” he nudged him with a grin.

“ prob,” Junsu replied hesitantly.

“So what’s up!” Hyuncheol smiled brightly, “Are we gonna do another mission?” The middle schooler gasped, “Oh! Oh! Are we going to sabotage Yuri?” His smile got even brighter.

Changmin rolled his eyes and walked out the door, closing it loudly behind him.

Hyuncheol scoffed, “What’s wrong with him?”

And Yoochun followed Changmin out without stopping for his shoes.

Hyuncheol blinked, “What’s wrong with them?”

Junsu sighed and wrapped his arm around Hyuncheol, giving his shoulder a squeeze, “We don’t know, and it’s better for things to stay that way.”

Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded in agreement.

Hyuncheol sighed then nodded, “So, are we gonna make Yuri cry like the little baby she is or what?”


“Changmin-ah! Wait!” Yoochun called him as he walked a little faster, grabbing his arm and pulling Changmin to face him. “Can’t we talk about this? Please?”

Changmin jerked away, his expression cold, his eyes on the ground. “No, we can’t.” His jaws tightened.

A faint shade of sadness casted upon Yoochun’s face, “Min...come on,” he tried holding the younger’s hand again, only to be slapped away.

“Don’t touch me!” Changmin insisted, his sharp eyes throwing daggers at Yoochun.

Although it hurt, Yoochun took them full on and looked into Changmin’s eyes, “Changmin, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry, now?” Changmin scoffed, “Now you’re sorry?”

Yoochun sighed and was about to say something when Changmin cut him off.

“What are you sorry for, huh? Are you sorry for forgetting about yesterday? Or are you apologizing for everything? Are you regretting your choices now?”

Changmin pursed his lips, “I told you once we get into this nothing will be the same between us but you said its a chance you’re willing to take. That it was a chance you won’t let slip, Yoochun.”

Changmin’s lips began quivering as his eyes began stinging, “But you did just that,” he sniffed lightly and gulped, “I love you, Yoochun-ah but your stupidity is making me hate your guts.”

Yoochun widened his eyes the moment he heard those words pass Changmin’s lips.

“Changmin, I--” Yoochun began but was cut off again.

“Just-- save it,” Changmin sighed, shaking his head before turning around and ran away.

Yoochun frowned as he watched him go, “ you too.”

His head hung low as he walked back inside with heavy, barefooted steps.

Junsu glanced away from Taeyeon’s presentation and looked at his sad friend, his own displeased expression appearing on his face.

When Taeyeon noticed Yoochun at the door, putting on his shoes, she stopped mid-sentence. “Yoochun-ah, are you going too?” She bit her lower lip, wiggling her pen at hand.

“Huh?” With Yoochun’s mind too preoccupied with thoughts his reply was a tad late, “Oh, uh-- yeah,” he nodded softly and looked at everyone. “Sorry, just... uhm,” he sighed, “I gotta go,” he let out an awkward laugh as he forced a smile on his face. “Just text me about any updates and things like that.”

“Sure thing,” Taeyeon smiled, waving softly at Yoochun.

“Bye Yoochun-ah,” Junsu watched Yoochun as he was about to leave.

“Bye Yoochun hyung!” Hyuncheol waved his hand at the departing member.

“Bye bye~” Tiffany smiled softly as she waved good-bye as well.

Once Yoochun left, Tiffany turned to Taeyeon and the others, gasping silently as she began flailing, fanning herself.

Junsu’s eyebrows scrunched together, “What?”

Hyuncheol had a similar reaction to Tiffany’s actions.

“Uhm,” Taeyeon couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend before looking at the clueless boys that were still with them, “Didn’t you see that?”

“Yeah,” Junsu and Hyuncheol replied in unison.

Junsu blinked, a light bulb flashed in his head, “But-- that doesn’t mean that Yoochun and Changmin are--”

“Gay?!” Hyuncheol gasped.



He sighed, unconsciously pouting as he stared at his food in front of him.

A private monologue going through his mind was blocking what was going on in the present and Yunho. As he remained in his thoughtful state, his frown grew deeper.

Jaejoong sighed again and pouted, slumping his shoulders.

“Jaejoong?” Yunho tried again, waving his hand in front of Jaejoong’s face. “Earth to Jaejoong, do you read me? Helloooo.”

Jaejoong blinked and snapped out of his trance, “Oh,” he sat up.

“Hey,” Yunho chuckled, beginning to eat his food again. “Eat your food before it gets cold,” he said, pushing Jaejoong’s plate closer to him.

Jaejoong bit his lower lip as his hand below the table touched his stomach. He didn’t feel too hungry but out of courtesy he decided to eat.

Yunho gulped, the edge of his lips, “It’s really good, right?” He smiled brightly.

Jaejoong pursed his lips as he looked up at Yunho with a soft nod.

“My friends and I go here often,” Yunho shared as he continued to eat. “We go here so often we get discounts whenever we come,” he chuckled, his eyes looking like tiny rainbows on his face.

The latter only nodded again, gulping silently before taking his glass and sipped.

“Jaejoong?” Yunho asked, a look of concern on his face.

“Yeah?” Jaejoong replied, playing with his food a bit before taking another bite of it.

“You...okay?” Yunho raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his soda.

Jaejoong let out another breath, “’s just that... I...,” he sighed again, looking down at his food again.

“Hey,” Yunho leaned closer, his eyes focused on Jaejoong. “Boojae,” he whispered and reached across the table to lift Jaejoong’s chin up.

Jaejoong gulped, a bit shocked to see Yunho closer to his face than before. “Huh?”

Yunho softly caressed Jaejoong’s chin with his thumb, “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

his lips, Jaejoong nodded softly, noticing his heart beat was going faster.

“I don’t like it when you’re frowning or sad,” Yunho’s eyebrows furrowed together, “It makes me feel sad too. I only want to see you smiling and laughing that cheerful voice of yours talking about everything and anything.” Yunho’s eyes were lost in Jaejoong’s beauty for a moment, he chuckled softly to cover it up.

Jaejoong’s lower lip jutted out, “Do I talk too much?”

Yunho shook his head, his thumb caressing the edge of Jaejoong’s lips, “I’d actually like to hear your voice more. It’s got a calming effect on me,” he smiled and retrieved his hand.

“It’s like...whenever I hear your voice, the weights on my shoulders become lighter...” Yunho tilted his head, looking up at the ceiling and wondered where that came from.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho for a few seconds, just staring at him, admiring.

He sighed softly.

“Jaejoong?” Yunho tilted his head slightly, a bit worried.

“It’s nothing,” a smile appeared on Jaejoong’s face as he pulled back. He picked up his untencils and began eating again.

“Uh...alright,” Yunho blinked, getting back to his meal as well.

Jaejoong chewed his food with pursed lips, shaking his head softly and exhaled deeply before gulping.

“I love you—“ the moment it came out, Jaejoong’s eyes became huge saucers.

“What?” Yunho shot up, blinking, his brows scrunching together, his chewing was too loud for him to hear Jaejoong’s out-burst confession.

Jaejoong blinked ecessively, “Olive juice,” he gulped, managing to smile, “I—I like olive juice—have you tried it?”

“Uhm,” Yunho raised an eyebrow, “I’ve never heard of olive juice actually,” he chuckled, “But I’ll have to try it one day.”

Jaejoong laughed it off gently, “ should,” before hanging his head low during the rest of their dinner.

Their very, quiet and awkward dinner that seemed to stretch on for hours and hours.

Eventually though, they finished, paid, and made their way back home, only having small talks during the span of an hour or so getting home.

When they arrived home, everyone left except Taeyeon and Tiffany, who were in the kitchen. Yunho and Jaejoong must have stepped in during something really interesting because the two college girls were flailing around when they arrived.

Jaejoong asked what they were doing and Taeyeon claimed they were “studying for a test” but there was no text book or any school related things close by.

Sighing and not really caring, Jaejoong shrugged and made his way up stairs with Yunho behind him.

Taeyeon reminded the boys that dinner would be ready soon.

Once Jaejoong was inside his room, he began stripping his clothes off, just plain sluggish after a long day—then he remembered Yunho was there so he stopped at his boxers and undershirt.

Guys could see other guys in their boxers and undershirt without being accused of being gay, right?


Jaejoong sighed as he glanced quickly at Yunho, who has already pulled up his bed underneath Jaejoong’s and is resting peacefully, staring at the ceiling.


Jaejoong was just about to close the bathroom door when he was called, “Huh?” He turned his head as he shot his clothes into his laundry basket.

“We’re...we’re cool, right?” Yunho looked up at him, a bit surprised when he saw Jaejoong in his boxers and undershirt.

“Uh...” Jaejoong stared back, frozen in the spot. “Y-yeah. Why wouldn’t we be?” He smiled awkwardly.

Yunho looked at Jaejoong for a few seconds before nodding softly and looking away, “It’s just... you’ve been quiet lately,” he chuckled lightly. “I thought maybe I did something wrong...” he looked at Jaejoong again, “It’s not about Yuri, is it?”

Jaejoong’s eyes widened, “No! No!—“ he scoffed, “Why would it be about Yuri?” He waved a hand off, “I’m—I’m good, I’m just a little tired,” he sighed, nodding. “You know, it’s not everyday I get detention and skip it then go on a date with—“ he blinked and quickly corrected himself, “I mean—“

But Yunho was faster. He smiled, “Ah, alright,” he chuckled, “ should get in and take a shower.”

“Right...” Jaejoong gulped, looking down at himself and can’t help but feel a bit comfortably covering his lower regions as he turned around and went inside the bathroom, locking the door behind him with a relieved sigh.

Yunho, on the other side of the door sighed too.


Meanwhile downstairs, the two college girls were busy getting dinner started and chatted secretly with one another.

“Taeng, why do you think they came later than usual today?” Tiffany mused as she was washing vegetables in the sink.

Taeyeon sighed, crossing her arms as she thought about it too. Many possible scenarios clouded her mind but decided not to share them with her friend. Instead, she shrugged and changed the subject, “Maybe they stayed afterschool for something. Do you feel like eating kimchi fried rice or something else?”

Tiffany’s brows scrunched together, pouting, “Something else please,” she nodded. “I’ve been having the same thing for almost three days straight.”

Chuckling, Taeyeon patted Tiffany’s shoulder, “Alright, I’ll look for something else then,” she said before walking to the refregator to check what else they can have for dinner.

“Hmmm...” Taeyeon pursed her lips as she looked at the food stored in the fridge, squinting her eyes as she tried to make a menu in her head.

“Oh~ we have oysters, I wonder when Sunghee unnie came by,” she raised an eyebrow and was about to reach for it then decided not to, “Eh~ we can save that for Pooh and Tiger’s big day,” she snickered to herself.

“Huh?” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, “What are you laughing about?”

Taeyeon sprung up, “We’ve got oysters!” She grinned widely.

Tiffany blinked, clueless to why having oysters would make Taeyeon so giddy. “Okay?”

Taeyeon gave Tiffany a deadpanned expression, “Hello? Don’t you know what osyters are?”

“Yes, seafood—what’s so special about it?” Tiffany wrinkled her nose and got back to vegetable washing.

“Oysters are aprodisiac,” Taeyeon smirked, her brows wiggling suggestively and giggled.

“Oh goodness,” Tiffany rolled her eyes, sighing, “Who knows what goes in that erted mind of yours...” She tsked and shook her head, “Remind me why we’re friends again?” She looked up at Taeyeon who was pouting.

Tiffany laughed, sprinkling some drops of water on Taeyeon, “ert!”

“Yah!” Taeyeon squeaked, covering herself, then jumped excitedly, “But isn’t it a good idea? I think it’s a good idea,” she smiled, nodding. “It’ll give them a boost just in case they need it, you know?”
“No,” Tiffany continued to laugh, “I don’t know—how can you even think about that?”

Taeyeon calmed down, flicking her bangs in place, “I just do—“

“Taeyeon noona?” Yunho unexpectedly stuck his head in the kitchen, startling both the girls.

Tiffany gasped, dropping the carrot she was currently washing while Taeyeon jumped a little. She widened her eyes at Tiffany and pursed her lips before turning around with a smile at Yunho, “Yunho-yah~ what’s up?” She chuckled.

Yunho chuckled, sensing like he had just interupted something. “Uhm, Jaejoong and I ate already.”

“Oh?” Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. “You two already ate?”

“Yeah, sorry we didn’t tell you right when we arrived,” Yunho smiled apologetically, a hand automatically scracting his non-itchy head.

Tiffany and Taeyeon exchanged glances.

“It’s alright,” Taeyeon nodded, composed with a soft smile. “What’s Jaejoong doing right now?”

“He just went in for a shower,” Yunho replied, watching Tiffany washing vegetables vigorously. “I was uh...wondering though, if I could bring up some snacks? Jaejoong and I are gonna study for an up-coming test tomorrow.”

“Oh! Yeah, sure!” Taeyeon nodded again, “Don’t worry about it, we’ll make some and bring it up to you.” Then she quickly ushered Yunho out of the kitchen, telling him to do well with studying and to give Jaejoong a kiss on the cheek for her.

The moment Yunho’s footsteps were heard farther and farther away, Taeyeon hurried back to flail with Tiffany.

“Did you hear that?!” Taeyeon squealed, trying her best to not scream and make it obvious that they were spazzing.

“I did! I did!” Tiffany grinned, flailing her hands in excitement.

Taeyeon gasped, widening her eyes, “You don’t think...”

Tiffany gasped too, “No way! I was thinking that!” She laughed and put her hands on Taeyeon’s shoulders as they started jumping together in happiness.

“Omomomomomomomomo!” Taeyeon squealed with her ahjumma laughter and threw her head back, “It woooorked,” she cackled.

“Yah,” Tiffany laughed, slapping Taeyeon’s upper arm, “Shhh,” she looked at the direction of the stairs, “They might hear us,” she whispered.

“Right, right,” Taeyeon hushed in returned, still grinning cheekily. “Alright,” she whispered, “Let’s get started on these snacks and eevesdrop!”

Yunho returned upstairs, glancing back a few times when he would hear noises but shrugged it off and went back into his and Jaejoong’s shared room—surprised to see Jaejoong already done with showering.

“That was quick,” Yunho chuckled softly, closing the door behind him and plopped on Jaejoong’s bed, watching Jaejoong dry his hair with a towel. His eyes wandered off to the rest of Jaejoong’s body, noting how slender Jaejoong’s body was and how his pale skin totally contrasted with his dark pajamas of Domo.

He blinked, eyes averting back to Jaejoong and smiled, “I like your pajamas by the way.”

“Huh?” Jaejoong turned around, looking down at his nighties and smiled a little, “Thanks.”

his lips, Yunho’s eyes gazed back at Jaejoong’s backside—but before he could realize that it was by curiousity, he sat up and cleared his throat.

“I went downstairs and told Taeyeon noona we already ate,” he nodded once. “And she’s gonna bring us some snacks for our study date,” Yunho grinned at that.

Jaejoong forced a laugh and tried forgetting about the fact that he almost confessed to Yunho a few hours ago. “So you really wanna study with me?” He glanced at the other as he grabbed his book bag and began taking his notebooks and materials out.

“Yeah,” Yunho replied, watching Jaejoong’s every movement. “I think if I actually study I’ll get a decent grade,” he smiled hopefully.

“Don’t worry, as long as you’ve got a great tutor, you’ll do fine,” Jaejoong took out a few assignments and placed them on his desk before Taeyeon called for him in the kitchen.

He turned to Yunho, pointing at him as if he was a teacher, “You get your things prepared too, as soon as I come back we’ll start,” he gave Yunho a cold, teacher glare. Yunho acted as if he were afraid, pouting, he nodded then laughed.

Jaejoong turned around and chuckled as he walked out of his bedroom, “Whaaaat!”

Yunho’s smile lingered, looking forward to their tutoring session until his eyes returned to Jaejoong’s desk. He sat up a little before getting up to get his backpack and take out his notebook and pencil.

Making way to Jaejoong’s desk, he placed his notebook on the desk while looking over some of the papers.

His eyebrows raising when a particular heading caught his attention.

 Did that YooMin totally throw you off or what?! :D

I'm sorry it's taking forever for me to update lately OTL I've got visitors at my house who are using my room so I'm updating my sister's pigsty room T_T Uhm...whatcha think? :DDD Comments are much appreciated <3 
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arent you going to update this one.
mickeycute #2
Chapter 11: i hate yunho here. he is just using jaejoong for his selfish personal matters. and jaejoong is clueless? and i also think who is the person in yunho's sketch. i think its heechul. so how about jaejoong.. please update.. pls give justice to jaejoong innocence here nd that yuri girl. hmp.. i hate tht girl so much!!!

please update this story please author ssi ^^
Chapter 11: hi iam new iove ur story _min talk and side jae is goint to get hert side something and tae u are so bad and yun is going to make jae cry updata updata updata updata updata updata
please please update soon ^-^
jjliss #5
i love this!!!! aren t you gonna keep writing??? please
I love it when Yoochun and Junsu prayed out loud xD
I can't wait for Jaejoong and Fany's date to make Yunho jealous XD
Update soon
When Jae will found out about Yun's plan, he will be so heartbroken...and HeeChul?! he loves YunHo?!! what now? *whines* and who is the person on YunHo's drawing? thanks for the update! it feels like years!! update soon! :)
skullboy #8
what the heck?hope jae is not getting hurt..
Some drama's coming up!! Update soon! ^^
Omg.. Did jae just puke?? LOL!!