
Shifting Clouds

WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! I'm really happy that you're all enjoying the story so far. This was my favorite chapter to write yet, so please let me know what you think by leaving a comment! x


When Hye-ri finally awoke to the afternoon’s beaming rays of sun, she was surprised to find that she was not alone. Staring at her from above was the young eunuch from days before. He seemed displeased, but she was unsure of whether or not it was because she was a woman in a man’s quarters, or if it was something else entirely.


Clutching Byung-yeon’s clothing up to her neck, Hye-ri finally met his gaze. “What are you doing here?”


“I could ask you the same thing.” The man’s voice was gentle. Too gentle.


“I… I just woke up.” Hye-ri cursed herself for the stupid response. If she kept this up, it would really seem like she were a kitchen maid sleeping with a palace guard. That was not a scandal she wanted following her around. And yet, despite her pathetic confession, the eunuch sat on the floor beside her. With a hopeless groan, he buried his head between his scrawny knees. “Are you alright?” Hye-ri asked uncomfortably, grateful that she was still wearing yesterday’s attire.


“I passed the test…” He muttered into his silky green gown. “I’m officially a palace eunuch.”


“That’s wonderful news!” She tried to sound excited, but the strangeness of the situation failed to escape her.


“Don’t you understand?” The eunuch looked up, grabbing Hye-ri by the dress collar. She squealed in surprise, her face only inches away from the man’s abnormally soft cheeks. “This wasn’t meant to happen! I can’t live in the palace! I didn't even write an answer on that test and they passed me… What am I supposed to do now?”


Hye-ri had many other things to worry about. Byung-yeon being a traitor, her sister’s health, and her own future were only a few. And yet in that moment she was drawn in by the effeminate man’s worries, her heart reaching out towards him. “Maybe this isn’t the life you expected, but the life you need. Perhaps you can take some comfort in the result…” The eunuch let go of her, falling back into a miserable heap. “But what are you doing here? Surely you should be staying with the others.”


He shook his head. Not a single hair was out of place in his bun. “They don’t want me there and I don’t want to be there. I’m going to ask the palace guard if I can stay with him. I’ll clean his clothes, polish his shoes… I don’t care. I just don’t want to be living there.” He avoided eye contact when he spoke, his words quick with discomfort.


“Byung-yeon won’t mind,” Hye-ri lied. “I’m sure he’ll be… understanding. Speaking of which, where is he?”


“New recruits,” the eunuch replied. His soft eyes flickered around the space as if he were analysing where he would fit into all of it. “There’s a lot of them and they’re being trained right now.”


Hye-ri sat up a bit straighter. “Let’s get some fresh air. We can go and watch.”


The eunuch turned towards her, his thin brows scrunched in the middle of his forehead. “You haven’t told me why you’re here. I get the feeling that you’re not supposed to be.”


“My name is Kang Hye-ri. I’m a farmer who works on the outskirts of town. His Majesty eats our crops, and so I often deliver them to the palace. I’ve been coming here since I was a child and Byung-yeon and I have become something like friends.”


“'Something like'?”


“He would probably prefer that I say acquaintances.”


The eunuch shook his head. “I don’t think so. If that stern-faced guard lets you stay here and offers you his clothes as a blanket, he must consider you his friend.” He stood up, looking even shorter at his full length than when he was sitting. “We should go outside. I could do with some fresh air.”


Hye-ri nodded, dusting the dirt from the hem of her dress. She tried tucking her hair back in the mirror, feeling the observant eyes of the eunuch planted on her. She wasn’t sure why, but it was almost as if his smile were filled with envy, as if he did not have soft, long hair himself. When Hye-ri turned back, the eunuch was bent in a mid-bow.


“My name is Hong Sam-nom. It’s very nice to meet you.” His smile was too wide for his small face. “I suspect we’ll be seeing much more of each other in the future.”




The squeals were enough to make Hye-ri want to vomit. From behind the guards’ dressing room, Hye-ri and Ra-on crouched down to watch the practice. New soldiers were gearing up their bows and arrows, but as they did so, Byung-yeon was giving a somewhat terrifying lecture about the skills required to become a guard. Pretty maids nearby were guffawing at his cool demeanour, making Hye-ri physically nauseous.


“He must be really popular amongst the court women,” Sam-nom gawked as Byung-yeon continued to pace the field. “Look how much everyone loves him.”


Hye-ri shook her head, the heat of her skin increasing by ten degrees. “They shouldn’t love someone when they hardly even know who he is.” Her thoughts drifted back to their short conversation the night before. Who was Kim Byung-yeon? Was he a traitor or a protector of the people? Her heart leaned one way, but it was not locked down just yet.


“If it hits the target at least once, you pass.” Byung-yeon’s voice floated across the courtyard. His outstretched hand rested on his polished sword handle, the tip of it digging ruthlessly into the innocent Earth. “However, the arrow will either need to go around me or through me.”


Sam-nom flicked his head towards Hye-ri with worry, but the girl’s expression was flat. “Don’t listen to him. His forte is lying to people’s faces.”


“But he-”


“Just watch.”


Unfortunately, the bird girls at the sidelines were not as calm as Kang Hye-ri. They began to bounce up and down nervously in their shoes, one of them even having the shame to shout, “That can’t happen!” Hye-ri felt her eyes roll back in her skull, a feeling akin to jealousy bubbling up in the pit of her stomach. “How can they-”


A swift gaze from the Crown Prince silenced the girls, their heads dropped low to the floor. When he turned to gaze at them, however, he caught sight of Hye-ri’s curious face peeking around the corner. She also caught his eye with trepidation, only just managing to see his cheeky grin before pulling back.


“Did someone see you?” Sam-nom whispered.


“Just… my friend. We’re safe.” She almost said The Crown Prince. That would been interesting.


Byung-yeon walked up to the targets, his muscular body straight and proud. With a loud decree of, “Shoot!”, arrows began flying high into the clear summer sky towards the five bullseyes. The handmaidens and nurses continued to throw themselves into a fit, but Hye-ri had seen enough. She tugged on the eunuch’s sleeve, unsure of why she felt so comfortable around him.


“Come on,” she said. “I’m bored.”


“But it’s only just started-”


“Byung-yeon will live and only the good archers will make it through.” She lifted a brow, tugging once more on the green silk. “They’ll be done in a minute. Do you really want someone to catch you?”


As they snuck around the back, Byung-yeon’s voice could still be heard. “If everyone fails, nobody will be going home tonight!” The shout was surprisingly unfitting for the normally speechless man, but Hye-ri knew that he was probably in a worse mood because of her. She led the eunuch to a quieter, less populated area of the palace near the food storage. When they arrived, their weary bodies rested themselves on a large wooden eating area.


“They were calling him ‘Gat’ Byung-yeon,” Sam-nom chuckled. “He must be incredibly-”


“Stupid.” Hye-ri leaned down to brush the dusty tips of her shoes. “He’s incredibly stupid.”


Sam-nom watched the girl. Her eyes and hands were darting everywhere to distract themselves. It was an action that she personally understood. When she was disguised as a man and wanted nothing but to ignore the situation she was in, she would often find other ways to keep herself busy.


“Is something bothering you?”


Hye-ri looked shocked by the question, but Sam-nom remained still. Hye-ri’s gut lurched at the sight of him, her heart telling her that this man was in fact not… well, male. He was as soft and delicate as a woman, with words reminiscent of a mother’s care. She had wanted to hold her tongue, but the truth tasted so sweet.


“I came to the palace last night to discuss something personal with Byung-yeon.” Her voice grew soft for fear of others listening. “He let me down. He did something that I never thought he would do, and I find it…” Her head turned to look at a tree trunk. It was much easier to confess to. “I’m finding it difficult to deal with.”


Sam-nom’s imagination was running wild. The first thought that entered her mind was that these two were actually lovers and that their secret affair was on the rocks. But with her nonchalant presence during the day, she suspected it was unlikely. Yet there was a look of jealousy glossed over the girl’s wide eyes, particularly when the maids had expressed their interest in him. It was likely best not to ask more questions.


But Sam-nom was so bad at following her instincts.


“You know, some people keep secrets because they want to protect other people.” She couldn’t help but think about herself and the lie she was portraying that very instant. “It doesn’t always make sense at the time, but later their loved ones come to understand it.”


Hye-ri’s head turned slightly. She was rather pretty in the summer sun, Sam-nom thought, despite her sun-kissed skin. “I can see how that would be true, but I’m not one of Byung-yeon’s loved ones.”


It was as if those depressing final words had made Sam-nom completely give up. Her weak body fell onto the wooden platform with a thud, the defeat in her emotionless face evident. When Hye-ri turned to scold her, her vision was flooded with unwelcome guests.


“Why am I not surprised that you two have met?” Lee Yeong said as he suddenly appeared, his lips spreading into their familiar smile.


Byung-yeon, wearing his charming uniform with leather patches and a tight chest piece, was also allowing himself a grin. Hye-ri looked away when he tried to offer it to her.


“Hey, puppy.” Lee Yeong was staring down at the eunuch in amusement. “When your owner arrives, you should greet him.”


“Puppy?” Hye-ri said, somewhat defensive of her new friend.


“He lost a bet.” The Prince’s head fell to the side, his eyes never leaving the strange new hire. “Now he owes me and has to do what I ask. Just like a puppy.” He kicked Sam-nom’s boot, but both of the girls refused to budge.


“Don’t come closer, or I’ll bite you again! I’m dangerous because I’m not in a good mood right now.”


“Hye-ri too, it would seem,” Byung-yeon said, his eyes fixated on her hairline. She still didn’t look up.


“I’m so scared,” Yeong chuckled. He leaned down to taunt the eunuch some more, but Byung-yeon stopped him with an outstretched palm.


“Keep your distance,” he said flatly.


It was too much for Hye-ri. She reached up and pulled Byung-yeon’s hand from Yeong’s waistbelt, her eyes like daggers. “You keep your distance.”


Lee Yeong passed glances between the three of them. “You’re all very odd today. Am I missing part of the story?”


Sam-nom slammed her palms onto the wood, hauling herself up with a mutter of curses. She began to walk away, her large hat bobbing unfittingly on her tiny head.


“Where are you going?” Yeong shouted after her.


“To the palace of the Crown Prince! I have to see him in person and ask why he’s even accepted me to begin with.”


She began to walk away from him, but both of the men reached out for her. It was only in that moment that Hye-ri realized that the eunuch had no idea about Yeong’s actual identity, and that he was very set on keeping it that way. Byung-yeon tossed her a concerned glance over his shoulder to which she mouthed the words, ‘What is happening?’.


“I need to ask him why he’s doing this to me. Step aside!”


“Is he someone you can just meet because you want to?” Byung-yeon stuttered. “The Crown Prince?”


“Trust me,” Hye-ri said, still swinging her legs from the platform. “He’s not the most exciting of people.” She saw Yeong’s snarl from a few feet away.


Sam-nom’s tone changed to one of defeat. “That’s true. He’s someone as high as the heavens, so how could I dare…” With a kick of her feet into the air, the eunuch returned to her spot beside Hye-ri. Their depressed demeanours were the opposite of their comrades, the atmosphere changing from one second to the next. “I’m ruined because of the Crown Prince!"


“What did I-” Lee Yeong started, but Byung-yeon held him back.


The friendship between them, the protection of each other’s identities and safeties, was too much for Hye-ri to handle. It made her sick knowing the truth about Byung-yeon and still not understanding the facts. If it meant staying another night at the palace, then she would risk her safety once again. Hye-ri stood up to leave, the stretch in her legs somewhat satisfying. Without looking either of them in the eye, she muttered her goodbyes to her old and new friends alike. As she began to walk to a more secluded area of the palace, footsteps rang out behind her. She only got a few feet away before turning to face Byung-yeon.


“Don’t follow me.”


“You’re still angry.”


Both the Prince and the eunuch were listening with raised interest.


“It doesn’t matter. I asked you not to follow me.”


“You told me not to.”


Her brows narrowed. “Do you want to test me further? I simply need some time to clear my head.”


Without caring if she got caught, without caring about what they now thought of her, she let herself exit the scene. Her life, like the first stage of a Salpuri dance, was moving slowly into a gradually quickening pace. She had already reached the part where she caught the demon, but now she was unsure of what to do with it.




Byung-yeon, who was now twelve years old, felt that he had the right to explore the areas of the palace without a watchful eye. He had not expected to come to to the back of the kitchens on that day, but the sound of crying caught his attention.


When he rounded the corner, Hye-ri was sitting in the dirt, her legs messily sprawled out before her. Her hands were bleeding somewhat, the tears coming out of her eyes faster than water out of a well.


He didn’t think he had ever run to somebody faster.


“What happened?” He kept his voice calm so as to not frighten her. She continued crying, not seeming to care about their difference in social rank. “Hye-ri, what happened to your hands?”


“Why did she have to die?” The words were mumbled through so many sobs that Byung-yeon hardly caught them. “I’m too tired for this work and we can’t afford a new wheelbarrow without splinters… Why did she have to die?”


Byung-yeon had known the kitchen girl for over two years now. She would occasionally smile at the boys as they passed her, her eyes particularly drawn to Yoon-Sung. Byung-yeon would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed.


“You need to wash your hands.” He began to scrub at the dried blood on her fingertips with nothing but his own gown. “I’ll have somebody rub the wood down on your wheelbarrow handles. I promise.”


Hye-ri suddenly understood her situation. She pulled her hands away from the boy, standing up straight to show her respect. However, her hands still stung like a bee’s cruel kiss, and she could not help but continue crying.


With a gentle outreach of his hand, Byung-yeon placed his palm against her wet cheek. “Just wait here, and I’ll fix it.” He nodded his head as if trying to convince even himself. “I’ll fix it. I promise.”




The Joseon sun was casting her rays all across the land. There was hardly a cloud to block her dance, the beautiful red and orange arms tossing themselves out to what seemed like the ends of the Earth.


Hye-ri was watching it all from the highest look-out point on the hill. The distant memory of her bleeding hands trickled into her mind without warning. It was a day she knew she would never forget, no matter how much she tried. It was when she learned that her laughter, jokes, and smiles passed onto those three boys signified something other than childish pastimes. It meant that they were friends.


And so it was no wonder that they had followed her, albeit twenty minutes later, up to that scenic outlook.


She felt Yeong on her right shoulder, his mischievous grin trickling beside her ear. “Did you miss me?”


Hye-ri kept her eyes glued to the palace buildings before her. “No matter what I say, you won’t believe me.”


“Say yes, then.”


The eunuch ignored their childish banter and gasped at the rows of beautiful roofs stretching for miles. “I didn’t know the palace was this big.”


“You said that you were someone who wasn’t qualified to become a eunuch, right?” Lee Yeong asked, taking a deep breath of summer evening air. “What right does someone who was born in this palace have to live here as his home?”


Hye-ri’s hands gripped the rock tighter. She wasn’t sure who he was speaking to, but it could have easily been directed towards her. When she glanced up, it was only Byung-yeon that caught her attention.


“Is it because the palace is his home?” Sam-nom replied.


“Ah, no what I mean is-”


“I’ve never had my own home. When I think about it, I’ve never even said the words ‘my home’.” The three of them stared at her, eyes full of concern. “Hey! Don’t worry. A house is nothing serious. Wherever I have my affection, I can live there happily.”


Hye-ri thought about where her affection lied. She looked at Byung-yeon once more.


“No one likes the palace,” the somber guard said. “It’s only when you like someone in the palace that it simply becomes bearable.” Byung-yeon’s lips curled into a smile at his own words. But Hye-ri’s imagination was already running away with itself. She momentarily forgot about her anger, his betrayal, and the angst that she felt towards him. Now she was fixated on the fact that he might have feelings for someone; someone in that very palace. Dropping her head, she thought about the maids from earlier.


“Is that so?” The eunuch smiled somewhat. “Will that happen to me too?”


Hye-ri’s feet were already twitching to run away again. All the talk of romance was too much to add to her mental list of frustration, and she let go of the tightly-clasped rocks with a bit of a struggle. “I’m going now. Please get back to your quarters safely.”


“The sun is setting.” Byung-yeon stepped entirely in her way. He was once again too close to her, the paleness of his lips startling. “You can’t go back now. It’s not safe.”


“I’ve done it before,” she muttered uncomfortably with his close proximity. “I’ll be fine, don’t-”


“But I will. I will worry.”


Yeong and Hye-ri were as silent as a tomb. Even Sam-nom, who hardly knew that curious guard, found his actions somewhat shocking considering the situation. Lee Yeong was beginning to see a new side of things, but one that he had admittedly been keeping an eye on for some years. Hye-ri, however, was simply confused.


“What do you propose I do?”


“Stay just one more night,” Byung-yeon urged. “We should…” He swallowed hard against the words. “Talk.”


“Lovers' antics,” Lee Yeong chuckled, leaning against the rock wall. “Is that what’s happening here?”


Hye-ri shook her head defiantly. “We just had a bit of a miscommunication about something that happened in town the other day. Don’t worry yourself with it.” She tossed a fake smile to the frowning guard. “I’m sure Byung-yeon will explain everything.”


Without agreeing with her, he wrapped his fingers around her elbow. It was somewhat forceful and gentle at the same time, startling her once again out of her mocking state. He was already taking her away from the others, bringing her higher up onto the hill where their words would be lost amongst the sound of the wind.


When they reached a suitable height, Hye-ri gently brushed him off of her.


“You’ve been acting strange all day,” he said softly.


“Don’t you think I don't have a right to be?”


“Hye-ri.” He said her name like a question. “Why don’t you believe me? What can I do to make you believe me?”


She rolled the idea over in her head. “You would have to tell me everything about the group. I want to know who is involved, where you hold your meetings, and what your true goals are at the end of this madness. You’re causing chaos in the streets and you’re putting Lee Yeong’s life in danger.” She took a step closer to him, but was surprised when he flinched away. “I’m going to believe you. In fact, I do believe you. But for piece of mind, I need to see things for myself.”


Byung-yeon shook his head, his long hair swinging like a horse tail. “You can’t. The others won’t let you.”


“I saw you today on the field.” She took another step forward to close the gap between them. “Don’t try and tell me that you’re not good at… convincing people.”


Byung-yeon’s chest was rising and falling heavily. She was so close. Within the reach of his hand if he were to raise it. In fact, if he lifted his fingers now, he could her hip. He could brush the smooth area where it curved in to mark her waist.


“Well?” She whispered, drawing him out of his thoughts. “Do we have a deal?”


Anything, he thought to himself. Anything to take my mind away from you.


“We have a deal.”

When he said the final agreement, he couldn’t help but feel that it was more a confession than a promise.

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Kazichinu #1
Chapter 9: Don't you want to Upload it??
That's a beautiful story❤ ✨
Please keep going!!
Chapter 20: I have read this again, and i am curious whether you want to continue this story or not, it will be so sad tho cause i really love this fanfic
Chapter 20: I'm so glad to have discovered this story. This needs more recognition! I loved every single bit of it. I'm looking forward to updates and more of your works in the future, author-nim! You did a really great job here. This is one of my favorite AUs ever.
Elzabetha936 #4
Chapter 20: I am so glad that you decided to continue this story. Even after so many years. I hope that I will read the next chapter soon, and you will no longer be missing for so long))
Chapter 20: You don't know how shocked and happy i am when i saw an update from you, man this story is really good. Im happy that there is an update
Chapter 15: im begging you to update durint these times of quarantine
ShayRosier #7
Chapter 19: Continues please!!!
Chapter 19: Author nim. Dont you want to update this story??? I can't deal with this cliffhanger cause i really2 love this story. Update juseyooo
jade_astra_broken #9
Chapter 19: please update soon I can’t deal with this cliffhanger
SandBank #10
Chapter 19: Your story is perfection. It can't end like this. Please continue ?