While on the way to your dorm Hyesung inserted a disk on the cd player and when it is ready you're shocked because you know the song and then smiled because one of your favorite songs was played SHINHWA's Your Man😍😍😍😍 you moved your leg to the beat and started lipsyncing at the lyrics. "Liking the song? " asked Hyesung. "Yes. I like it. Its one of my favorite songs. "😊😊😊😊"Oh! Yeah! I know, I know its one of your favorite songs so i brought this album from home. "😁😁😁 "Really? How did you know? " You asked him. "Well... I'm part of the ELEGANCE right? So i know what's your favorite song😊😊😊" You can't believe what he said because not one ELEGANCE knows your favorite song but you thought that maybe he just pretends to know that Your Man is your favorite song to have something to brag to you. "Shin Hyesung sunbaenim.. Oh! I'm sorry Hyesung oppa what is your favorite song of SHINHWA? " you asked him. "Well... For me i think its VENUS.. Yes.. Venus. " He answered "What is the reason? " you asked him. "Well... If you think that because we returned or reunited again with that song.. You're wrong... Well i'll ask you then.. What is VENUS for you? " he asked. " For me she is a goddess she is perfect she is the kind of woman that all men wants."you replied to him. " Jane, what song of us did you like also? Just the 2nd. " he asked you. " Well... Its the same as you Hyesung oppa.." you replied. "Oh really.. That's good then😊😊😊" he said.

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