"Well... Let's see.. " he said to you. " *heaved a sigh* He is younger by 1 year to your mom. " you said to him. "What?! " your teacher's son said to you. "Hahaha.. What? It's true. " you said to him. "Well.. I can't stop you then. " He said to you. "Hahaha... We better go now my members and our manager was now waiting at the van and don't worry we all speak english. So its easy for you to have conversation with them. " You assured them. "Oh.. Okay. " your teacher's son said to you. After that they all left the shooting place of Weekly Idol and then dropped them off at their hotel after they bid their goodbyes to you and then all 4 of you went to went to your own schedules.

As days go on their relationship gets more stronger they did a lot of romantic things together like surprising him or her at the concert,traveling together,eating outside, supporting each other. But then at their 2nd year together something better happened that no one expected.

"Oppa... I think i can't go to your house tonight because it's our last day practicing for our 4th concert tomorrow,I'm sorry."you said to Hyesng."No it's okay,I know that your proffesion is important for you so its okay if you can't come tonight." Hyesung answered back to you."Okay you my prince."You said to him,sadly because you can't come to his house to eat dinner with him due to the 4th solo concert you're group will held tomorrow "love you too my venus."he said and then hanged up on you.

What you didin't know is that your members and all the staff even your manager made your schedule of practice longer so that you can't come to the dinner with Hyesung because Hyesung told them he is planning to propose to you at the last day of the concert that will be held at Seoul. But even though you didin't know all about it you still gave your school and church family some special tickets to go watch your concert because you knew that the day of your last concert will be held at holidays so you didn't hesitate to give them tickets.

**At the 2nd last ment of your concert **

"WOW!!! I love your cheers for us ELEGANCE the best even with the coral pink ocean.."your leader said to your fans. "Haha. Yes, ELEGANCE is the BEST.." your main rapper said. "ELEGANCE did you enjoy the concert?"
You said."Yes." The audience said."Louder." You said."YES!!" The audience said to you. "Wow... you're getting hyped up again.huh."you said to the fans."ahh..unnie...before we perform the next song we have something to show you first. We have a special present for you." Your maknae said. "What is it. Should i be excited over it?"you said to your maknae. "Hehe..You bet unnie." And then a music played and then something is appearing at the back so you turned your head and saw it.

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