The Rebels

Mijoo in Fairytale Land

"I'm late, I'm late," A small furry white rabbit mumbled to itself as it stared at a small pocket watch. It quickly hopped through the giant forest of the land as it scanned the place, looking for something.

"There," he sighed in relief when he finally spotted the people he had been looking for. "They sure move fast," he panted as he tried to catch his breath.

"Anyways," He mumbled to himself as he took out a book from his pocket on his little coat. Clearing his throat, the white rabbit flipped to a page and began to narrate,  The boy and the girl who had been practicing their skills in the forest looked at the boy, waiting for him say what he had come to them for...



"The palace people! They're attacking the town!"

No more words were needed and all three started running through the woods, headed for Prince Charming's kingdom, where two of them had grown up in.

"If they dare do anything to that place," The girl with the red hood and bow and arrow, Yein, said as they ran.

"You will not do anything," The boy with a bow in hand, leader of the rebellion, known for stealing from the rich to give to the poor, Kihyun, said knowing the girl too well.

"Not like we have a choice right now," The boy who alerted the two, known as the town fool for trading a cow for beans, Wonho, said as he followed behind the two. "We must wait for the rebellion."

The three kept running as they neared the kingdom, until Yein tripped over something and went rolling on the floor. Kihyun gasped and yelled out, "Yein!" Before he tripped on same thing and landed right behind her.

"Pfft, idiots," Wonho laughed at the two, before he stupidly tripped over the same thing and landed right beside them.

"You were saying?" Yein asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, ma'am," Wonho quickly shut.

The three off them stood up and dusted themselves off before looking over to see what it was that had tripped all of them. A body.

"How did we not notice that?" Wonho asked as he walked over to the body. "It's a girl. I think she is unconcious," Wonho said as he looked up at the two.

"Really? We would have never guessed," Yein said with obvious sarcasm as she rolled her eyes.

Kihyun shook his head and walked over to the body of the girl. He checked her pulse to she if she was alive, which she was. He proceeded to roll her over to see if there were any scratches or bruises. Only a few scratches from obviously running in the forest were evident, and a small bruise on her head which he guessed she got from falling or something.

"Get Haeryung," Kihyun said as he turned to Wonho.

"Haeryung? B-but she is in the kingdom of Prince Taeyon-" Wonho started to complain before he was cut off.

"I am right here," A girl who appeared from the bushes said. She removed her black hood, letting her golden hair fall over her shoulders. A smile was bright and evident on her face as she walked over to them, a smile that was always on her face.

"How did you get here so fast?" Yein asked as her nose scrunched up. "Did you use your witch powers?"

Haeryung let out a chuckle and shook her head. "Do not be ridiculous. I have already told you guys, I am not a witch."

"Well the town people sure do believe so," Kihyun said. "But seriously, how did you get here so fast?"

Haeryung's lips sealed and her usual mischievous look grew on her face as she glanced in the opposite direction. The other three looked at each other before sighing and shaking their heads.

"When will you stop mooching off of those poor bears?" Yein asked.

Haeryung only shrugged and responded, "What can I say? They live a good life of which I cannot resist."

"This is why you are banned in three of the six main kingdoms," Wonho said as he shook his head. "I am only banned in two."

Haeryung rolled her eyes at the boy. "Anyways, why did you call for me?"

"Oh right," Kihyun said as he suddenly remembered the unconcious body lying in front of him. "There is this girl here, and we just found her. We don't know what happened to her."

Haeryung looked over to the girl and nodded. She walked over to her and put down the basket she had been carrying as she kneeled besides her. She glanced at all the others, hesitation in her eyes, before she let out a small sigh. She put her hand over the girl's head and a light suddenly shone from her hand.

"I knew you were a witch," Wonho exclaimed as he pointed at Haeryung in an accusing manner.

The girl only rolled her eyes, already done with the boy. "I am not a witch. I am part fairy."

The other three looked at each other before they burst out laughing, falling to the ground as they clutched their stomachs from laughing so hard. "Okay, yeah, sure," Wonho said as he wiped a tear, "Whatever you say."

"I really am! One day my dad was walking through the forbidden mountains where he met my fairy mother, and bam!" Haeryung said as she smacked her hands together. "But I guess nobody will believe me."

"Why was your dad going through the forbidden mountains?" Yein asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because he was as much a rebel as I am," Haeryung said with a sheepish smile. "Anyways the girl is alive. She is not hurt much besides this bruise on her head so there really is nothing for me to heal."

"Wait, so you really are part fairy?" Wonho suddenly asked and they all turned to him as if he was an idiot. "I have known you since we were kids, and I always assumed you were a witch, but you are actually part fairy?"

"Wonho," Kihyun said as he turned to him, "Go fetch us some water from the river."

Wonho pouted, but he listened and took a bowl that Haeryung handed him, which everyone guessed she had gotten from the bears. Not long after Wonho arrived back with the bowl full of water. Haeryung took the bowl and wet a rag with the water before she placed it on the girl's head.

"This shall help bring her back to conciousness and help cool her down," Haeryung said. They all nodded and stayed there watching before Haeryung decided to speak up, "She gives me odd vibes."

"What do you mean?" Yein asked, her eyes narrowing.

"As if she is not from here," Haeryung said as she stared at the girl with much concentration.

"Not from here. . . you mean from the woods? Or the kingdom?" Wonho asked as he held a confused face.

"No, as if she is not from here. The land. Our world," Haeryung said before she shook her head. "I do not know."

Somewhere around the white rabbit who narrated the story stopped reading and glanced up. "Man, Haeryung sure knows her stuff," he mumbled before he went back to reading.

Yein and Kihyun eyed the unconcious girl suspiciously. "Weird," Yein mumbled as she leaned agaisnt a tree and kept eyeing the girl. "Very weird."

"Is she awake yet?" Wonho asked as he stared at the girl.

"No," Haeryung answered.

"How about now?" Wonho proceeded to ask five seconds later.

"Can you stop being so impatient?" Yein asked with an obvious tone of annoyence.

"Wait, look, she's waking up!" Haeryung exclaimed as she watched the girl shift a little. Soon enough the girl was fully awake and looking at them as if they were about to eat her.

A large sting came to Mijoo's head as soon as she came back to conciousness. And the loud voices of a guy and a girl around her didn't help. Her eyes opened and things slowly went into focus. The woods, that's what she saw at first, but then she blinked, and a face was staring at her.

Mijoo gasped and quickly sat up, feeling the moist dirt underneath her. Her eyes quickly scanned the place and she saw a guy, the one who'd been staring at her, a girl who leaned over her with a bowl of water and a wet rag, a guy who stood in front of her with a piercing gaze, and another girl leaning agaisnt a tree with her arms crossed as she stared at her with a very amused look.

All four of them wore odd clothes and looked like they had come out of a fairytale movie. The guy next to her would be a regular peasant townsfolk guy who tried flirting with all the beautiful town girls, the girl next to her looked like another regular townsfolk thay held many secrets, the boy standing in front of her looked like that cold rebel who'd constantly be hunting or something, and the girl against the tree looked like another rebel, but fairly beautiful like a hidden gem.

Once Mijoo had processed all of that, only one question came to mind. "Where am I?"

They all looked at each other with confused expressions, as if thinking, 'This girl really hit her head hard.' But the girl next to Mijoo cleared as she looked at her unsurely and asked, "Do you really not know?"

"Well, I remember leaving my house and running away from a creature, and then I guess I fell and hit my head," Mijoo answered.

"You are in the woods," The girl who leaned agaisnt the tree spoke up as she slowly walked over to Mijoo. "Where else would you be?" She scoffed. "These are the woods that connect all main kingdoms together. The only piece of land that isn't claimed by anyone. Also known as our territory." The amused look and sly smirk disappeared from the girl's face and she was instead glaring at Mijoo now. "Why are you on our territory."

Kingdoms? Territory? What is this girl saying? Where the heck am I? And why does her glare look so familiar to me?

"Are you a spy for Prince Charming and his minions?" The guy who'd been standing there quietly asked.

'Did he just say Prince Charming? Oh my gosh where the hell have I landed and how hard did I hit my head?!

"What do you mean Prince Charming?" Mijoo asked, wanting to know how hard she hit her head. "How hard did I hit my head?"

"How are we supposed to know that?" Wonho asked with a scoff. "We just found you here."

"She is not a spy," Haeryung said and they all turned to look at her.

"Did you use your witch powers to figure that out?"

"Shut up, Wonho," Haeryung said as she threw a glare at the boy before turning her attention back to Mijoo.

Wonho. This guy's name is Wonho, but why does he look familiar? Mijoo thought as she glanced at the boy who sat next to her. He was good looking, in an odd way that she couldn't describe. He had a playful look, but when she really looked at him, he seemed pretty well built. Odd.

"I can just sense she is a good person. Trust me, I would know if she was someone to be wary of," Haeryung said as she looked over to Kihyun and Yein who stayed quiet.

Yein looked over to Kihyun to see what his final words would be. He was the leader, after all. "So what do you say we do with her?"

"Do with me?" Mijoo asked, knowing they were talking about her. "I don't even know where I am."

"I say we take her," Kihyun said before he turned around and started walking away. Yein stood dumbfounded at Kihyun's sudden decision. She had expected him to say to leave her with the seven dwarves, or maybe kill her. But to take her?

Yein chased behind Kihyun as she protested, "Take her? But we don't even know her."

Mijoo, Wonho, and Haeryung all stood up and quickly chased after Kihyun and Yein.

"Well what do you suggest? We leave her?" Kihyun asked as he glanced at Yein who walked beside him.


"But she has seen us!"

"So?! Look at her!" Yein said as she signaled to Mijoo. "She looks like a pretty regular townsfolk from the upper class, if she were to not be covered in dirt. She will never survive out here in the woods. She shall be eaten alive and no one will ever know."

"I'm still here," Mijoo spoke up as she walked behind them. "And I don't even know you people, who are ya'll?"

They all stopped walking and turned to face Mijoo. "You do not know who we are?" Kihyun asked. Mijoo shook her head and the other four all looked at each other in surprise, never have been unrecognized sinc ether became some of the most wanted criminals in land. No, being the most wanted criminals in land.

"Are you sure? Have you never seen my wanted poster anywhere?" Haeryung asked as she dug through her basket and took out a worn out and old looking piece of paper that had her face and name on it.

This is starting to feel more and more like a fairytale movie or something. Haeryung, this girl's name is Haeryung. The girl with the gold hair.

"Here is mine," Wonho said as he took out his own from a pocket in his pants. "I am more handsome in real life, as you can see." Mijoo couldn't help but snort. She was right about the guy.

"Why did you laugh?" Wonho asked as he suddenly frowned at her reaction.

"No reason," She said before she looked over at Kihyun and Yein, wondering what their posters looked like. Mijoo had a feeling they had a share of their own wanted signs. In fact, she had a burning feeling that they were somehow the leaders of the other two.

"Those two," Wonho said as he pointed at Yein and Kihyun, "Do you really not know Yein and Kihyun?"

That was the first time Mijoo heard their names. She shook her head as she kept her eye on them, but she still felt like she had seen them before. The intimidating look on Kihyun's face was one that she could never forget. And those big sharp and piercing eyes of Yein were ones that would haunt her dreams.

"They are the biggest and baddest rebels in the whole entire six kingdoms of fairytale land," Wonho said as he made big exaggerating movements.

'Fairytale land? What is this. . .how hard did I hit my head? It's not like I'm actually in a fairy tale world. . .'

"Wonho, shut up and do not give any of our information away to a stranger," Yein scolded like a mother when her child would not behave in public. Mijoo thought it was funny, seeing how the girl was obviously a lot younger than him.

"Everyone knows you two, this is not anything new. Besides, both of your faces will probably be the first thing she sees as soon as we enter the village," Wonho said as he crossed his arms defensively before he turned to Mijoo again to tell her the rest. Yein rolled her eyes but did not say anything else, knowing nothing would stop Wonho. So she let him blabber all about her and Kihyun.

"Moving on, how do you not know Kihyun and Yein? I mean, Kihyun is practically a hero among the villagers," Wonho started to speak with awe as his eyes sparkled. "He steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He fights against the kingdom and defends all the lower classes. His sword and bow and arrow skills are legendary!"

Mijoo titled her head as she heard Wonho tell the story that was all too familiar. 'Steals from the rich and gives to the poor. . .? Robin Hood?'

"And Yein. . . Whoa. With her classic red cloak and hood anyone can see her from a distance, and once they do, they shiver in fear. With her bow and arrow, she never misses a target. The first time she ever picked up a bow and arrow was to defend herself and her grandma from a big bad wolf and boom!" Wonho exclaimed as he clapped his hands together. "With a single shot, the arrow pierced right through the wolf."

Big bad wolf? Classic red cloak and hood? Grandma? Little Red Riding Hood?  Mijoo suddenly gasped and her hand went up to cover .  Am I really in some sort of fairytale world?!

"Cool, huh?" Wonho asked as he noddded. "That is why they are so amazing. Although they have been banned in all six kingdoms."

Mijoo looked back at Kihyun and Yein before she slowly shook her head in disbelief.  This can not be real. I'm not actually in some fairytale world with fairytale characters, right? But wait, why are their stories so mixed up?

"You don't have to listen to Wonho," Haeryung said as she sent the boy a look. "He is known as the town fool for trading a precious cow for beans. Beans that did nothing."

"The guy told me they were magical!"

"Where is the magic now, huh?"

"At least I do not sink so low as to steal from three poor bears," Wonho scoffed as he crossed his arms and pouted like an angry child.

"All right, leave me alone. They make good porridge," Haeryung defended herself.

Goldie locks from Goldie Locks and The Three Bears? Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk? What the hell is this?  Mijoo couldn't help but get filled with millions of thoughts.

"We have arrived,"  Kihyun announced suddenly as they all came to the very end of the woods. In front of them there was only a plain field bellow and then farther away, Mijoo could see houses and houses forming a village, and then even farther than that, a big palace. A huge palace.

The palace was quite a distance away, but Mijoo could still see the way it sparkled under the light of the sunrise, looking as if it were made of crystal or glass. Tall towers emerged from all sides, and then there many windows all around decorating the castle even more.

"Whoa," Mijoo mumbled as she stared at the palace. "I truly hit my head hard."

"Yein, give me your things," Kihyun said as he went up to a tree trunk and tapped on it. It sounded hallow. With a smirk, he backed up a bit before giving it a kick, and just like that, it opened up, revealing many sets of clothes and equipment inside.

Mijoo's mouth dropped in awe from the sight. It looked very hot from the way Kihyun just kicked it open, and honestly, he was very good looking. But not her type.

Yein handed her cloak, and bow and arrow to Kihyun and he handed her back a dress and different cloak. He then put on a dark green cloak himself before he looked at the others. "Are you two also banned in this kingdom?"

Haeryung scoffed, tossing her head back before she looked forward at the kingdom ahead with her arms crossed and a glare. "What rebel isn't banned in this kingdom? With Prince Jaehwan and his minions. . ."

Kihyun nodded and handed both Wonho and Haeryung a change of clothes. Once they were all dressed Mijoo couldn't help but ask, "So what are you all going to do? And what's going to become of me?"

"Well, we have to keep you now. You know too much," Kihyun said, very much to Yein's displeasure. "Unfortunately," She added under her breath.

"I'm not some sort of animal," Mijoo mumbled, although she did not dare speak louder. She was sure these were dangerous people and she didn't want to get on their bad side.

Soon the group all headed to the village, and by then, it had already turned dark. As they entered Mijoo immediately spotted the wanted signs with Kihyun and Yein's faces everywhere. There were some of Wonho and Haeryung and others as well, but they didn't compare to the amount of Kihyun and Yein.

"Damn, you guys sure must've done some things," Mijoo mumbled.

They kept walking and passed some small cottages with lights in the inside, illuminating the streets. Soon they entered the town and that's where they actually saw people. The other four hid their faces under their hoods trying to blend in with the crowd, and Mijoo made sure to keep her eye on them so she wouldn't lose them in the crowd of people.

"Would you like to buy some silk, ma'am?" An old lady asked Mijoo as she walked up to her.

Mijoo shook her head and kept looking around until her eyes landed on a stand that sold beautiful dresses. "Whoa," She said under her breath.

Wonho who walked beside her looked over and saw the dresses. "Do you want one?" He asked before he looked at what she was wearing. "I do not know what kingdom and land you come from, but they sure dress different."

Mijoo looked down to see what she was wearing, and that was when she realized she'd still been wearing her school uniform. She never changed out of it when she reached home. Home. . . Where was Mijoo? Was her mother worried? Her sister? Was this really a fairytale world? Had Mijoo ended up in a comma? She was actually enjoying herself too much to care.

Mijoo had been so deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed Wonho had bought her the dress and brought it back to her. "Here you go," He said as he handed it to her with a bright smile. That smile. . . I know that smile. . .

"Do not fall behind you two," Haeryung called out and the two continued to walk with the group 

Kihyun turned into a dark alley and they all followed behind. They made several turns after that until they were at the back of all the stores, in a tight space in between. He raised his fist up and knocked on the back of one of the stores on a certain part of wood.

Mijoo furrowed her eyebrows, finding it odd that he would knock on a specific and random part of wood. Until a voice asked, "Password?"

"The clan," Kihyun answered, and suddenly it opened. Turned out the wood was actually a door with no door knob on the other side, giving the illusion that it actually wasn't a door and was part of the back of a store.

A guy around their age with small eyes and a cute chubby face appeared in front of them, holding a look of relief on his face before he suddenly jumped on Kihyun and yelled out, "Hyung! You have returned! I was scared when you did not show up earlier! Wonho went out to fetch you and Yein hours ago but then you did not show and I started to worry and-"

Kihyun pushed the younger one away and held on to his shoulders to keep him in place. "What happened?"

"Oh, it was horrible! The palace guards came to take our money again! As if we are not already poor! And the ones who did not have enough to pay back got beat! Some have even been taken to the county jail!"

"Calm down, Jooheon," Kihyun said as he shook him by his shoulders. "We are here now. We took so long because we had a. . ." Kihyun trailed off as he glanced over at Mijoo, "Interruption."

Mijoo looked down in shame, realizing she had interrupted an emergency, before she looked back over at the Jooheon guy.  Is this the little John from Robin Hood? Based on how attached he is to Kihyun he might be. Wait, I thought little John was tall and actually not, well, little.

Kihyun walked in and the rest followed. Inside it was a very small and cozy place. It was a living room with a couch in the middle, a giant bear carpet in the middle, and several other things around. There was a fireplace with wood burning, and on the other side there was a kitchen with a small dinning area. Besides the kitchen there were stairs that lead up to a second floor. The entrance they'd used seemed to be the only entrance, so Mijoo guessed this was some sort of secret hideout. It made sense if they were all wanted people.

"So who is the yellow-haired girl?" Jooheon asked as he looked over at Mijoo.

"That is what we would like to know," Yein said as she crossed her arms and glanced at her with those piercing eyes.

Every one else looked at her and Mijoo suddenly felt so small. What was she supposed to tell them? She was from a real world where all their tales were classic bedtime stories for children? That when she'd been out in the woods she hit her head and magically woke up there? Even she thought it was ridiculous and laughed at all of it in her head.

"I don't know. I mean, I do know, but not really. I mean, I- wait, I'll start over," Mijoo cleared and decided to just explain as clearly as possible. "I'm Lee Mijoo. I come from another world, and somehow, one day, when I was walking out in the woods during the night, there was something staring at me with its eyes. And it jumped at me and I ran and I tripped and hit my head. Next thing I know I'm waking up to four strangers staring at me."

They all looked at each other before they turned to look at Mijoo. They all started laughing loudly except for Haeryung and Yein who stayed quiet.

"I knew it," Yein mumbled.

"She is not lying guys," Haeryung said and they all turned quiet.

"What do you mean?" Kihyun's stern voice asked.

"I had a vision about this," Haeryung said.

"I knew you were a witch," Wonho mumbled.


"So what do we do with her?" Jooheon asked.

They all turned to Kihyun who sighed and put his face in his hands as he tried to clear his thoughts. He finally looked back up and said, "Only thing we can do. Make her one of us until she gets back to her world."

Outside the small place, the white rabbit stood with one of its ears pressed closed to the hidden door. It groaned and grumbled, "It's so hard to hear anything from here. How can I narrate if I can't see or hear? Well at least I know what happens."

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Chapter 2: I really misjudged this story because I've previously read a story with similar plot and hated it. But this one is really interesting and unique
Chapter 2: I love this so much tbh
afifms #3
Chapter 9: Welcome back author - nim!!!
Dead_Inside_Outside #4
Chapter 8: Luv this story soooooo much! And Taeyong lol... Please update this sooner or later cuz I can't wait to read this story again!
Chapter 8: Actually this is really fun. I love reading it so far. I havent read fanfics in so long. It's good to be reading something enjoyable and I love your writing. It was confusing at first but I like hpw everything is progressing. Keep up the good work!!!
Also will other Lovelyz members appear or are you only sticking to the few that are already out so far? Haha Cant wait to read more ^^
damnitwhy #6
Chapter 8: Yes jisoo!
TaeNi97 #7
Chapter 7: Im......YAASS omg the last scene
Chapter 4: Love the chapter ^^ Looking forward to the next one
dominae_winchester #9
Chapter 4: I love how you a little bit of every characters' stories without it being unfair!! Really enjoyed this update, keep it up<3