Chapter 90

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 90


Ji Min was walking down the hallway, thinking what he was doing here at school instead of the hospital. He did knew that there was nothing he could do to wake her up but his heart would be much at ease when he was around her.

He wanted to be around her.

But here he was, walking to the history class.

He sighed heavily and his eyes caught Ji Hyun at the end of the hallway, wide eyes, nervous-looking Ji Hyun.

As she realized him staring at her, she quickly turned to the nearest junction, obviously avoiding him. Ji Min quickly rush over her direction and tried to catch up with her. He stopped as she entered a class but not before looking at him one last time and he could have swore that she saw her trembling.

At that made him walked up to the door and turned the knob before stepping inside.

“Oh, Mr. Park.” The teacher said. “I don’t know you have class with me today.”

“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Me too.”

He walked up straight to Ji Hyun and made whoever that sat beside her to move to other seat. He settled down and took out a random book before putting it on the table.

He didn’t say anything and pretended as if he was focusing on the class but with the corner of his eyes, he could see Ji Hyun’s hands shaking like crazy under the table.

“You did it, didn’t you?” He asked, without turning to look at her. “Why?”

“D-d-did what?”

“I don’t know.” He continued. “You tell me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She replied, trying so hard to make sure her voice don’t crack.

“Oh, I think you do.”

“No, I-”

Ji Min snapped her hands under the table and gripped on them tightly, making Ji Hyun winced.

“Don’t lie.”Ji Min gritted his teeth. “I knew it was you. You’re the one who-”

“Mr. Park!” The teacher called. “If you’re going to interrupt my class with whatever angsty drama is going on between you and Ms. Kim, it’s better if you don’t attend my class at all. Take it outside.”

“With pleasure.”

Before Ji Hyun could protest, he dragged her by the wrist out to the hallway. There is no one around since all class had already started and he almost slam her against the locker.

“You did this. You destroyed her.”

“If you’re so convinced by that why are you still asking me?!” Ji Hyun yelled back.

Ji Min looked at her before saying.

“Because there is a really small part of me that believed that it wasn’t you. Because you’re her best friend.”

“Not anymore I wasn’t.” She snapped.“I stopped being her best friend since the very moment she told me she loves you. That was the moment when I started hating her. And the hates grew day by day as I watched the both of you playing love-struck teenagers.”

“And even right now,” she chuckled. “Right now when she was laying helplessly on the hospital bed, I still hates her. I hates her so badly. So tell me, is it true?”

Ji Min looked at her confused.

“Is it true that she lost the baby?” She grinned. “Everyone was talking about it, saying that she lost the baby. I mean, your baby.”

“Shut up.” Ji Min clenched his fist, so hard that it might bleed.

“You’re the one who want me talking so I am. You want confession? Yes, I’m the one who pushed her down the stairs. And I LOVED every moment of it when it happens. Too bad I couldn’t share the feeling with anybody else, you know?”

“Stop talking.”

“And then, before I realized it, there she was, on the floor, bleeding out.” She laughed.

“I said, STOP!” Ji Min pushed her to the locker and began to slam the locker with his palm, trying to contain himself before he start punching a girl.

“Park Ji Min!”


A/N: As you know I am already in university so there’s too much stuff going on everyday that I couldn’t get my hands on the keyboard. I know, my apologize is lame and the excuses are really stupid but please forgive me. T^T. I’m on a break right now and I’ll write some more while I’m at it (MAYBE) so please subscribe, comment, upvote and spread this fic. The more comments I get the more driven for me to keep writing. ><


Love, nabell. <3

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.