Chapter 18

Heartfelt Voice

"Are you okay?" Jaehyun asked, leaning forward and studying her closely.

"O-oh, yeah," Jiyeon stuttered, tucking her hair behind her ear, feeling self-conscious under his close scrutiny. She took a step backward and lowered her gaze to the concrete path. She inhaled a deep breath, held it for an instant and then let it out slowly.

She stared up into his face, and the smile he gave her sent warm flurries all around her. She smiled back at him. She wouldn't deny that she did like and admire him. No words could describe how happy she was, knowing that he liked her too.

Her smile faded at the sound of Baekwoon's voice ringing in her ear: "My girl, don't accept him. He is your student. Think about your mom. Accepting him will embarrass your family." His voice sounded desperate.

Jiyeon took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Jaehyun, you said you decide to live off the grid in the woods. Are you serious? You haven't finished high—"

"I'm serious. The more I study science at the school, the less I really know. Science says that the inside of the sun is a nuclear reaction but that is the current accepted theory, a mathematical model, yet it is taught in schools like fact. They show that from what we can see inside the sun it is dark and that it is colder than the outside. That doesn't make sense to me. Do not look directly at the sun is the most basic rule of modern astronomy. To me, this rule violates the scientific method. The ancients have watched the sun with their eye, why we can't?" Jaehyun cut her off. He took a deep breath, tipped his head up to look at the sky.

"My science teacher told me that the actual factual "natural" color of our sun is white because it emits all colors of the rainbow resulting in white light known as polychromatic light. It appears yellow, orange or red through Earth's atmosphere due to atmospheric Rayleigh scattering. He showed me the photograph of a white sun, taken from space. Should I believe in a teacher who has never observed the sun directly with his own eye?" Jaehyun added. "We're taught not to believe our own senses and believe the "experts"...I am my own expert. I don't need anyone to tell me what I see and how to perceive it. The sun is absolutely black and perfectly circular. The sun is an object that is compressing energy around it and emitting wavelengths. The interesting part of observing the sun with bare eyes is you can see clouds affect sun color. For example, when white-grayish strands of clouds pass in front of the sun, the sun changes from black to white, white to black again as the clouds move away. These clouds act as a filter. From personal experience, there is no such thing as harmful sun rays. Nothing beats sunlight as a source of sense of well-being. I love the sun."

"I love the sun too. Yes, it is black, and clouds act as a filter. Taeyong told us that concentric circles he sees around the sun look like waves. Those concentric circles are indeed waves. It's like when a pebble is thrown into a still pond of water. The waves produced on the water's surface travel outward in all directions, creating a set of expanding concentric circles. When the sun is behind thin gray clouds and appears white, these circular waves are not visible to my eyes and I don't feel the heat on my face. And when these thin clouds dissipate and the sun turns black, I can see the circular waves and feel the heat on my face," Jiyeon responded. "Experts will claim that when you look directly into the sun and see the sun is black, you have "eclipse blindness" known as solar retinopathy, but their claim is bull. No black spots in my vision when I turn away from the sun. It means seeing the black sun is not due to my eyes cannot cope with its intense light. When the lens in the eye is overloaded, it only appears when looking away after staring at a bright object. The sun is black because it is not a big scary nuclear furnace raging at tens of millions of degrees."

Jaehyun shifted his gaze to her. A slow smile spread over his face, his dimples pitting deeply that made her heart do flip-flops. She quickly let out a deep breath.

"That's correct their claim is bull. Experts love playing God, telling people what they see, what they can or cannot see. These experts never observe the sun directly with their bare eyes because their masters tell them not to. You know many people believe that sunspots cause global warming. These people should use their own eye to directly observe the sun, don't just believe everything scientists tell them. The whole sun's disk is black, no solar flares flying off the surface looking like a pool of hot molten lava. Solar flare is not fact; it is a theory, created to scare mankind and keep them in that state of fear," Jaehyun said. "There is no global warming. Climate change, yes. But it's natural process this earth has always undergone. Photosynthesis can only take place in the presence of CO2. CO2 is essential for all life on earth. It is clearly not a pollutant. Why aren't the so-called scientists using their brains instead of trying to enrich themselves by seeking grants for nonsense! Has money turned off their brains? Climate change formerly known as global warming is being used to justify geo climate engineering. Nature works in perfect harmony without human meddling. When humans intervene, things go terribly wrong."

Jiyeon inhaled deeply before speaking, "Science does a huge amount of injuring, maiming and killing, all in the name of studying life—heartlessly. Science is the tool of political control and economic structure, which is highly manipulated. That's why we should not blindly trust science and scientific reports."

"Dimming the sun is science gone mad. The so-called scientific community calls us idiots and tells us that we need to understand simple physics. They say the "chemtrails" in the sky are actually called persistent contrails. These "smart" people need to open their eyes to the fact that persistent contrails spread out into man-made clouds that reduce sunlight and influence the weather. They're messing with the eco system. It is ignorant to think blocking the sun that gives life could ever be a good thing. No one has the right to spray us with even water and block our sun—" Jaehyun paused for a moment, then continued, "It is ridiculous people in white coats claim the sun's "radiation" causes cancer, and they need man-made radiation to "cure" cancer. Truth may hurt but lies kill. The sun does not cause cancer, but their machines' radiation does. If someone is not toxic, there's no such thing as sunburn."

He let out a loud sigh, running fingers through his hair. "Staring into the sun does more than just staring into the sun. It powers up our pineal gland, a piezoelectric crystal in our head. It's the gland that produces what's called DMT. It's the gland that essentially connects our physical body to our higher self," Jaehyun added, placing his right index finger in the center of his forehead between eyebrows. "The sun actually carries light codes for our physical Ascension, so no wonder we are constantly being told about how dangerous the sun is from those who wish to control us and the earth for their own personal gain and agenda, no wonder blocking the sun is so important. The sun holds all the truth."

She gave him a small smile. "The sun is intelligent and information is stored via light codes. The pineal gland, which contains pigment cells similar to those found in our eyes, is activated by light coming through our eyes, producing a hormone called serotonin which stimulates other glands, to lower blood pressure and increase body metabolism," Jiyeon said. "A lack of natural light can cause this gland to atrophy, impairing its function. SAD is a known symptom of sunlight deficiency. Exposure the body and eyes to full spectrum sunlight is critically important for our health."

Jaehyun nodded, a faint smile creeping across his face. "Direct physical contact with the earth like walking barefoot on a natural surface is good for our health. It puts us in touch with the natural electric energy of the earth's surface. If you eat foods high in copper which is conductive, you're going to be more of a conductor," he responded in a deep, soft voice, sending a vibration through her chest. "Nikola Tesla, the father of modern technology, the man who harnessed lightning said that 'our entire biological system, the brain and the earth itself, work on the same frequencies'. Tesla was a practical genius, not a mathematical theorist. He made working experiments, not theories. He discovered that electricity is everywhere in Nature."

"Mother Nature is a wonderful healing source and it is for free. The body we have was created with an innate ability to heal itself. The more you come to realize that you are unique and a marvelous creation, the better it gets. We didn't evolve from apes or monkeys. There has never been a mutation that causes more information. A mutation is always a loss of information," Jiyeon told him. "Neo-darwinian evolution claims that unguided natural selection acting upon random mutations is the driving force that produced the complexity of life, but this claim has many problems because such random and unguided processes do not build new complex biological features. Microevolution encompasses observable changes within species which causes variety within that species. It's limited by the existing genetic makeup of that species. Microevolution shows that new specified information is not added to the existing genetic makeup of an original ancestor naturally. Therefore, one kind does not change into another but rather changes into many variations of itself within the limits of the original genetic makeup of its ancestor. Microevolution does not change the length of the DNA. It does not change the number of genes or the function of the function of the genes or the length of each gene, but it can affect which nucleotide is in a specific nucleotide position. Thus microevolution cannot create a new species. Microevolution means variety within the same species, meaning variety within the same DNA structure—" she paused to a deep breath.

"Evolution is a 19th materialistic religion, and that Drawin is messiah. Macroevolution touted by the believers is unobservable and based entirely on blind faith and speculation. Epigenetics and the genomic computer are falsifying neo-darwainian evolution. If you read the full title Darwin's theory, he was actually a racist. He thought certain groups of people hadn't evolved further than others. He did promote racism," Jiyeon continued. "'Junk' DNA is a deception, the product of junk science. Nothing in our DNA is 'junk'. The so-called junk DNA is chemically active in ways that influence how genes are switched on and off. DNA emits light. It was Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, who originally discovered that our DNA constantly emits light, via tiny microtubules in each of our cells, in the form of biophotons. Our DNA is capable of being reprogrammed by information carried by an electromagnetic wave carrier. Earth and everything on it are deeply and intimately connected with the sun."

"It takes a lot of faith to believe that matter, life and consciousness came about by blind chance. You know sun sun gazing is an ancient practice that can induce healing the body and mind. The retina is the key receptor which assimilates vitar solar energy, direct from the sun. 98% of the sun's light enters the body through the eyes, the other 2% by way of the skin. The mainstream education and medical systems don't teach this knowledge at schools; instead they teach people to fear the sun and promote a vampire lifestyle: cover in the sun, wear sunglasses, apply sunscreen and stay inside during midday," Jaehyun said. "Where would Big Pharma be if we were healthy? Big Pharma cannot make money off the sun. They earn money from sick people. Making addictive drugs is profitable. We need to get off the programmed idea of 'medical authority' being some sort of god. We should seek things for ourselves instead of depending on others who are just for the money. Our lives must be kept by ourselves. We have the power within us."

"Listening to the intelligence of your body teaches you more than enough. Epigenetics show that you can influence your genetic expression and that you are not doomed by DNA," her voice took a tender tone. "The key to changing anything permanently is through our emotions and beliefs." 

With gentleness, Jaehyun spoke, "True belief from within is very powerful. Mind over matter is real. All matter, all elements have a frequency they resonate at. Frequency and polarity determines what that form of matter might be. Everything has an electrical field. When we lose the will to live, our body starts to shut down. This is a good example of mind over matter and well documented."

They deeply gazed into each other's eyes, the silence communicating much of what their mouths could not. His eyes were so luminous. Jiyeon could feel an enormous level of love and awareness in her student. When the landscape turned bright, she shifted her gaze skyward and saw that the sun had broken out of man-made clouds.

In less than five seconds, her eyes were able to filter out the glare, and Jiyeon could see the sun's black disk radiating yellowish-white rays. With concentration, she wrinkled her forehead, narrowing her eyes on the sun's rays, and then she softened her eyes, making her able to see the sun's rays in colors of different wavelengths: red, green, blue, yellow, orange, violet and cyan. She didn't need a prism, man-made creation, to see the spectrum of sunlight. God had given her amazing eyes. She deepened her concentration, watching as circular waves radiated outward in concentric circles from the sun's black disk. These circular waves were pulsating, and she noticed tiny white particles flying and bouncing in all directions, like fireflies dancing in the daytime. The heat beat down deliciously warming her face. She could feel sunlight go to the intestines. Closing her right eye, she curled her left fingers and raised her left fist to her left eye as though it were binocular. She saw clearly that the circular waves were rotating clockwise.

"Life is too beautiful to waste not knowing what the sun does. I should thank sunflowers for making me curious. Because of them, I found out that mainstream science's claim 'the sun is a nuclear furnace which is fuelled by fusion in its core and when it runs out of hydrogen to fuse, it will swell into an immense red giant star and engulf the earth' is nothing more than science fiction," Jaehyun said. "We are told that the sun is 93 million miles away. 9 + 3 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3. 3 refers to the Holy Trinity according to humans. What does it all mean? Why have they picked 93?"

Her student's words brought a smile to her lips. She was prodigiously proud of him for being able to step outside of the confines of the belief system that he was born into. It took a lot of courage. Jiyeon turned her gaze back to him.

"In one of his books, Mr. Aleister Crowley, an early twentieth century practitioner of magical rites, stated that the number 93 is the ultimate number of magic," she replied. "Interesting how well their magic is working on the general populous."

"Then the best way to break their spells is to look directly into the sun. The sun has never been unhealthy; pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries just make money flooding the media with ty information. We have been told of fear since birth. Media feed us with fear every day. Fear keeps you easily controlled. Fear causes disease—" Jaehyun took a step closer and looked directly into her eyes. "The elite created money to control humans and in return make even more money to remain powerful and keep control. They created lies to lead you far away from the truth. When you chase material wealth, fame, power, you will become a slave to the money system which is designed primarily to feed off this ego based mindset and keep the elite in power. Living in the wilderness is true freedom; freedom to be at one with the laws of the natural world, free from artificial cares and concerns. I like you, Teacher Park. Will you be my companion?" he added, his voice infinitely tender.

Jiyeon took his right hand in hers, held it and looked deeply into his eyes. "Jaehyun, I do like you too," she confessed in a gentle voice, "but I can't—"

"I understand. You have a loving mother. God gives us mothers as a gift. We need to take care of them," Jaehyun interrupted. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. The arms that held her were soft, yet strong. The feel of his body so close to hers soothed her. Jiyeon slipped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his shoulder. A smile began to spread across her face.

"I'm so happy you like me too. Listening to me and hearing what I have to say means so much more than you can ever imagine. You are much more than a teacher to me. Thank you for being a part of my life," Jaehyun whispered, her hair. He released her from his embrace. "Take good care of yourself. Take good care of your mother, and goodbye." He gave her a gentle smile before walking away.

Goodbye? Jiyeon shook her head. "Jaehyun, wait a second!" she called out. He stopped right next to Baekhyun's car.

Why is that playboy still there? Jiyeon walked up to her student. She stood before him. "Why did you say goodbye?" she questioned. "You consider mothers as a gift from God and that we need to take care of them, yet you still want to live off the grid? How about your mother?"

"Yes, I want to get away from materialistic society. I'm sick of mainstream science making fun of us for being one with nature and being in spirit—" Jaehyun paused for a while, then added, his voice barely audible, "My mother passed away when I was ten years old."

He looked at her, a fleeting sadness within his eyes. Her heart instantly went to him.

"I'm sorry," she offered, "I didn't mean to pry."

"It's okay," he assured her, "it was a few years ago. I've gotten used to it."

Jiyeon smiled at that. Jaehyun moved closer, cupped her face with both hands and softly kissed the center of her forehead. The warmth of his kiss spread all through her body and even seeped down to her core, deep inside to touch her soul. She felt loved and secure.

He took a step back. "Never drink alcohol. It lowers your vibrational status by deadening your senses," Jaehyun told her in a gentle voice. "Take good care of yourself." He raised his hand, and moving just his fingers, he waved goodbye.

"Living in a cabin in the woods is a dream of mine. But I'm not ready to leave my parents yet. If I tell you, will you wait until I'm ready?" Jiyeon mumbled under her breath as she watched him walk away.

The sudden sound of a blaring car horn startled her, and she jumped. She looked at his car. Both front windows were rolled down.

"It's the first time I've seen a male high school student kiss his young female teacher." Baekhyun's voice took on a mocking tone. "Are you dating him? Have you taught him how to you?"


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692 streak #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the bid! ^^
Chapter 40: Congratulations on the highest bid and I'll be reading soon!
Chapter 34: Congrats on the ad bid feature!
1861 streak #4
Chapter 34: Congrats^^
Damia_Song123 #5
Chapter 34: Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
Chapter 34: Congratulations
Chapter 34: Wow the whole story is so overwhelming ,i would likely to digest the gist of it ...Love it as it's been a long time that i read this kind of story before 😍