Chapter 17

Heartfelt Voice

"Why are you so y?" Baekhyun asked, narrowing his gaze at her. "You have no right to tell me to go home."

Jiyeon blew out a loud sigh. "Do you know? You're standing right in front of my house, and your presence is disturbing—"

"Your house?" he cut her off, pointing at her house.

She nodded. "Yes, that's my house. Now you better go home."

He stuffed a hand into a front pocket of his jeans, his lips curving upward into a definite smirk as he stepped closer to close the gap so there were only a couple inches between them. "Girl, I'm one hundred percent sure"—Baekhyun shot a glance towards the house—"that's not your house but your parents'." He simpered, batting his eyelashes at her, and then burst into a high cackle of laughter, covering his mouth.

The sound of his mocking laughter made her blood boil. "Thank you for correcting me," Jiyeon said through gritted teeth; then took in deep breaths in an attempt to control her temper. Taking a hold on her T-shirt sleeve, she added, "I earn my own salary. I buy my own clothes—" She grabbed his shirt collar, making him stop laughing. "Boy, I'm one hundred percent sure the clothes that you're wearing aren't yours but belong to your parents. You are twenty-three years old but still rely heavily on your parents for financial support. I pity your parents." She released her grip on his collar and laughed, a deep laugh that shook her whole body.

She couldn't forget the fact that he had labeled her mentally ill. It still pissed her off. Psychiatric labels are degrading and stigmatizing. The word 'disorder' implies there is something very wrong with you, and you should set yourself apart from others, because you're "so different". Are you proud to be labeled?   

Baekhyun's bulging, bloodshot eyes stared wildly at her. Jiyeon swallowed her laughter, kept her face straight. She could feel the heat of his anger beating the air around her.  

"Stop looking down on me, you !" Baekhyun shouted, lifting his right fist in the air.

Jiyeon refused to flinch. Instead, she lifted her chin and shot him a look that she hoped seemed more annoyed than scared. "I do not look down on you. People with psych degrees are the ones who love to look down on individuals; they devalue clients by labeling them as defective. Mental distress is a part of being human in society. However, the distress is not chemically proven," she countered, clenching her fists at her sides, ready to defend herself. "Labeling others mentally ill is not helping them but degrading them. Drugging people, actually creating chemically induced depression and thousands of other chemical disorders leading to destroy body functions and a lifetime of medical dependency, you call it helping?"  

"Stop bashing my major! You know nothing about it! Just because medications didn't work for you that therefore means no medication can ever work for anyone else? Shut the up, there are millions of people who take or have taken medication and have gotten better. A combination of cognitive therapy and medication gives the best results. You're not the only person on Earth, you self-centred prick!" Baekhyun's hand erupted in flames as he swung a punch at her face. Jiyeon easily dodged it and kicked him in the knee. He grunted in pain, bending over to rub his left knee.       

She shot him a scathing look. "One doesn't need to have studied a discipline in its entirety to be aware of its foundation and modus operandi! What psychiatry does is invent various "disorders", and claim that they are brain diseases, even though there is no evidence to support this contention. There's two words that a psychiatrist fears: prove it. Talking to someone isn't actual medical therapy. It's much better to talk to your family or your friends than to a the-. Modern psychology is just another pseudo-scientific tactic of judging mankind—" Jiyeon paused to in a deep breath then added, "I'm sure I never said medications didn't work for me. I don't take any medication at all anyway, and I don't have a problem with people taking drugs if that's what they choose to do. I'm just someone who is against forced medical treatments. Many people still fail to realize just how varied and frankly, unpredictable, living creatures, particularly humans are. What works for one, may or does not, work for another. Medicine is an art of probability. All drugs have potential nasty side effects. So don't force anyone to take drugs or another medical treatment if they don't want."    

Baekhyun opened his mouth, but Jiyeon cut him off, "In case you don't know, the sun can prevent and heal diseases. Sunlight is a nutrient, a medicine. This is one of the main reasons why the ruling elite in the world is using artificial clouds to block the sun. Drug companies could not make huge profits on a naturally occurring nutrient or hormone! Synthetic vitamin D is a silly remedy. I'll choose sitting under the sun over swallowing dangerous vitamin D. Our body is not designed to ingest a series of man-made synthetic chemical compounds every day for the rest of our life. In fact, our body will provide us with clear evidence and message that the body does not want a synthetic in it. That message is what we call "Side Effects." The human body is a self-healing organism; nothing can energize the body faster than sunlight!"           

Letting out an overtly loud sigh, he straightened up. "So you're a natural woman, huh? You seem to think all things "unnatural" are bad. Clothes are unnatural, so take off your clothes, they are bad," Baekhyun remarked in a faintly mocking tone. His gaze roamed over her from head to toe and back up again, and he his lips, his gaze lingering on her chest. "Come on, take off your clothes; they are unnatural, therefore bad," he repeated impatiently.

Irritation bubbled inside her. Jiyeon clenched her hands into fists. She'd like to punch him in the face. She took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced down at her jeans and T-shirt, saying, "The main reason I wear these unnatural things is to protect myself from men, a playboy like you. If only I live in a place where there is only me, I'll definitely take off these unnatural things and let all of the sun's energy hit my entire body's skin—" She looked up and their eyes met. Without blinking her eyes, she continued in a deadly serious tone, "Mr. Playboy, I wonder whether or not you know what your twin brother actually experienced and the reason why he took toxic drugs. Did you ever listen to him? Or you just believed that he had schizophrenia just because it said so in a thick, "official" book?"    

Baekhyun shot her a glare, saying, "Don't drag my brother into this. You know nothing about him."

"I bet I know more about him than you do. Baekwoon told me that the entire world of psych is a total fraud, the art of the scam," Jiyeon retorted, "if he didn't take those toxic drugs, he might still be alive today."

"You shut your goddamn mouth," Baekhyun ordered through gritted teeth. His hands curled into fists at his side until his knuckles were white. "Don't blame drugs for my brother's death. His death had nothing to do with the prescribed medication he took. He died while trying to rescue a student from drowning."

"Baekwoon was indeed a good man, who sacrificed his own life to save a stranger," Jiyeon countered, her voice cracking slightly. She felt the temperature drop and the landscape became dim. She looked up into the sky. As expected, a layer of artificial clouds was blocking out the sun. The sky was completely filled with a rather loose but obvious cross hatch pattern. She hoped those greedy elites would stop messing with Mother Nature. Tears prickled behind her eyelids, and she blinked them away.  

She turned her gaze back to him and swallowed against the lump forming in before she could get her voice to work. "Did you know your mother, being a good mother, who wanted to save her son from the dangers of psych drugs, asked Mr. Kim Jaejoong to take her son to Japan? The medication her son took gave him akathisia. However, you and your father believed her son's adverse reaction was due to his underlying "mental illness" and wanted to take him into a mental hospital. If only your father listened to his own son instead of the psychiatrist who treated him, your mother wouldn't ask Mr. Kim to take your twin brother to Japan and—"  

"Didn't I tell you to shut up? Who are you to meddle in my family's business?" Baekhyun cut her off. "I understand that psychotropic drugs are overprescribed, but there are a handful of people out there who really do need these medications in order to survive and get back some kind of life quality. Abruptly stopping taking these medications leads to some very uncomfortable symptoms and a worsening of the illness." He raised his right fist in the air.    

"Are you going to try to punch me again? You think I'm afraid of you?" Jiyeon shot him a fierce look. Baekhyun blew out a very loud sigh, put his fist down at his side and dropped his head.

Jiyeon took a deep breath to calm herself and spoke a few seconds later, "Mr. Byun, people who suddenly stop their "medications" and turn to violence experience the severe damaging withdrawal symptoms from the drugs prescribed to them by their doctors and not their so-called illness returning as there is no illness as it has never been proven because there is no test for this alleged "illness." Psychiatric drugs alter neuronal wiring and create the exact same thing they're supposed to treat, and by far more addictive than any other drug out there. These drugs have killed and destroyed the lives of countless people worldwide."  

Baekhyun lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, holding her gaze, his lips stretched back, revealing his clenched teeth. They fell into silence as they engaged in a heated glaring contest. Jiyeon didn't blink, and neither did he. She had nothing to fear in speaking the truth. She wanted others to realize that psychiatry is based on pseudo-science and drug company propaganda. Its purpose is not to help individuals deal with life but to control them. The established institutional "mental health" community and pharmaceutical companies have made/are making billions by brainwashing the populace into believing that if they suffer from distress, their brain chemistry is therefore imbalanced. The distressed behavioral attributes of the victim is proof of their brain being 'imbalanced'. The truth is no science has ever discovered "balanced brain chemistry."

As Jiyeon noticed that Baekhyun's eyelids were twitching, she added, "Your twin brother had been harmed by psych drugs yet you're still defending something as horrendous as psychotropic drugs. To claim folks cannot overcome their depression, anxiety and another so-called mental illness without drugs is demeaning. Learning to accept that bad things do happen and that you have a choice to let it ruin your life or make you stronger is a lesson no drug can teach. When your body is out of balance nutritionally due to stress, poor diet or trauma, then the medicine should be sunlight and natural foods to balance the body. You have been duped into believing that pharmaceutical drugs are the real "answer all" for any of people's problems. We, humans, are not a pharmaceutical drug dependency."  

"Do you know most eye professionals believe that ongoing exposure to sunlight increases the risk of AMD? You're not a doctor, so stop talking ," Baekhyun countered through clenched teeth. "Listen to me, Park Jiyeon. Don't ever mention my brother to me again."

"Listen to me, Byun Baekhyun. Doctors' beliefs are theirs, not mine, nor yours. The greedy materialistic elites love putting the blame on Mother Nature for the harmful effects of man-made creations," Jiyeon replied. " Learn to question what you have been told. The sun is the source of all life and energy on this earth! The radiation from the sun is clearly health giving and life promoting. Sunlight is the best medicine. Baekwoon—"

"Just shut the up! You're getting on my nerves!" Baekhyun raised his fist again, but before he could swing another punch, someone caught his wrist. Jiyeon looked at him, and she could see the sweat on his forehead, his Adam's apple pumping up and down in his throat.  

"What my teacher said is right. Sunlight is the best medicine and free. All of our food comes from sunlight that was captured by plants on land or by plankton in the oceans. The sun not only produces vitamin D but also Nitrous Oxide beneath the skin which the body uses to cleanse the arteries and veins and is very necessary for heart health. How many times we hear about how dangerous our sun is? All the time! You should question why we have been fed this information continuously? Are these thoughts really our own, or is it a belief system that someone wanted us to believe in? The eye is the window to the soul. Try to stare directly into the sun, let its pure light enter your soul and activate your truth in your consciousness," Jaehyun pushed the words out, sounding breathless. His words brought a warmth pleasing feeling flooded through her heart.    

Twisting his hand, Baekhyun struggled to break free from Jaehyun's grip. "Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you? You are not a doctor or scientist. Exposure to the sun's UV light has been linked to an increased risk of damage to the eye! I won't risk myself on the sun worshiping fantasy. The best way to get blind is staring directly into the sun with bare eyes. It will burn your retina. Tears cannot wash out sun flare."

"One does not have to be an expert at all to have some knowledge. Mr. Byun, staring directly into the sun leads to blindness is just fear-mongering. Dr. John Ott, the father of photobiology, has obsevered that photoreceptors (rods and cones) deteriorate in the complete absence of UV light but are able to divide and replicate in the presence of UV light. As underwater photographers know, UV light is important for full color vision—so is staring at the sun," Jiyeon told him. "It's the ego that will make you blind, not the sun. The sun is a true and kindly friend to the eyes. The sun is the best source for recharging your photoreceptors."    

"Shut up, you're not an eye doctor," Baekhyun snapped.

Jiyeon sighed, shaking her head. It was amazing how easily people accepted the lie yet refused to even look at the truth. Maybe it was because they couldn't handle the reality of being lied to. Literally couldn't mentally handle it. Hence, they chose to stay blind.

"You are so damn right, bro. Both sun boy and our youngest teacher are not doctors, but I believe in what they say about the sun. I prove it with my own eyes what they say is right. The sun is not a big ball of gas that burned for five billion years and for another five billion. That's ridiculous! Both doctors and scientists are not God. They are human beings just like us. They make mistakes and they can be wrong. That's why you see the word 'may' in scientific research articles, which indicates uncertainty. Sun flare? Solar flare? Is there really such thing as a solar flare? Have you seen it with your own eyes?" Taeyong said, gentle mockery lacing the words he emphasized.   

Jiyeon glanced over her shoulder to see Taeyong, who was standing beside Chaeyeon, a few steps away from her, reach into his pocket. He pulled out a cell phone, touched the screen as he took steps forward. Chaeyeon grabbed his sleeve, pulling him to a stop. was slightly open. She must be saying something to him. Taeyong shook his head slightly as he took her hand off his sleeve and continued to move forward. He turned the phone toward Baekhyun's face.   

"Bro, I can look directly into the sun with my bare eyes. If you keep looking at it even after your eyes watering, your eyes will filter out the glare until you see the circle of the sun; it has the same rounded appearance we see when we look at the full moon. From this you won't see anything flaring out like this animation shows you," Taeyong told him, his voice carrying pride. He turned the phone toward Jaehyun's face, then toward Jiyeon's face. A video playing on the screen showed solar flares erupting from the sun's surface. It was the close-up video of the sun, taken by the space agency's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

A bright smile adorned Taeyong's face. "Unbrainwashed people who observe the sun with their bare eyes know this footage is—"

"CGI," Jiyeon and Jaehyun simultaneously cut him off. Then she and her two male students burst into laughter.

Once their laughters subsided, Jiyeon moved to stand beside Taeyong and looked intently at the screen of his phone. "These images shown to you are clearly CGI," she said, "light supposedly travels 186.000 mi/sec, one image taken every 12 seconds yet there is a smooth progressive motion on the flares. Scientifically impossible! The photoplay—"   

"You guys seriously believe that footage is CGI?" Baekhyun interrupted, disbelief coloring his voice.

Taeyong shoved the phone back inside his pocket, saying, "We only see what we are told to see...until we wake up, bro. Stare directly into the sun, and you will see it is not what we've been told."  

Baekhyun let out a long, loud breath. "Staring directly into the sun is the most stupid thing that only mentally ill people will do it. Damn kid, the radiant light can damage the cones and rods in our eyes, and you can't feel that due to a lack of pain receptors in that area of the eye."

"Really bro? I don't believe your nonsense!" Taeyong snorted. "The sun is not a fiery evil that burns everybody on Earth; it does not damage the eyes. I prove it with my own eyes. I still can't believe I fell into deception that the sun is a big ing hydrogen fusion bomb."

Jiyeon clicked her tongue thrice, shaking her head. "Amazing how you condemn something without actually doing it, Mr. Byun. The very fact that I and other unbrainwashed people can stare into the sun and it does not in fact make us blind or harm us in any way is pretty important. It means we have been lied to. I consider that important enough to alert people to the truth."

"It just amazes me how "smart" people just look in a book to find if there is evidence instead of using actual testing and their own evidence. The only way you will know if something is right for you is to listen to your intuition, your natural inner guidance. Our inner guidance is truly our best navigation system," Jaehyun chimed in. "To me, staring at the sun feels as natural as taking deep breaths. It has kept my eyes strong. If an eye doctor starts telling people the truth that the sun does not damage your eyes, but rather strengthens them then he will soon be out of business."  

Baekhyun chewed on his lower lip while he narrowed his eyes at Jaehyun. Jiyeon couldn't help but smile at his words, her heart filled with admiration for her student. In truth, perhaps it was a little more than admiration she felt for him. A smidgeon more than respect.

Taeyong smiled at Jaehyun. "Sun boy, this guy is not smart. He is considered a fool because he believes everything he is told. I've seen him engage in a debate with our youngest teacher over psych things before."

Still straining against Jaehyun's strong grip, Baekhyun snarled, "You damn kid, stop mocking me!"

Taeyong wiggled his hips, mocking him in a singsong voice, "You're a damn adult, who only learns what you are told to learn. You never learn things for yourself which gives you free mind. I feel sorry for you, damn adult."

"Stop mocking me!" Baekhyun repeated as he took a step closer to Taeyong, trying to grab his collar with his free hand but failed as Jaehyun immediately pulled him back.

Noticing Baekhyun's eyes seem watery, Jiyeon said, "Jaehyun, let him go."

Jaehyun nodded and released his grip on Baekhyun's wrist. Baekhyun narrowed his eyes in Taeyong's direction and tightly pressed his lips together. She could see his chest rise and fall rapidly. Taeyong swallowed as he took one step backward before he turned around and ran. He grabbed Chaeyeon's hand as he passed her and pulled her along.

Baekhyun's narrowed eyes flickered to Jiyeon. "You, sun-worshipping cult, stop indoctrinating your students," he snapped. She couldn't help but laugh at his accusation. Then, within a split second, her face turned serious.

"Listen to me carefully, Mr. Byun. I don't worship the sun. I've never deemed the sun as God. Nuclear fusion is not what powers the sun. Fusion is a joke, there is no verifiable proof the sun is a nuke furnace," Jiyeon said slowly, a thread of seriousness lacing the words. "According to mainstream science, sunspots appear dark to us because they're cooler than surrounding areas on the sun's surface. If the sun was nuclear that wouldn't be possible, and the temperatures would be steady everywhere. We've been lied to. The sun has never had spots since the whole sun's disk is black, which means the sun is cold, this is easily proven by the fact that as you climb in altitude, it actually gets colder, not warmer. The actual sun is black; it's a transformer. It's taking energy from its Creator. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, yet energy exists everywhere, which means energy must have been created. One can logically deduce that a very intelligent Creator had created it, because nothing doesn't sprout from nothing, to create everything. Our existence is not due to random chance. And I've never indoctrinated my students."         

"Oh really? The sun has never had spots? The actual sun is black? You're indeed mentally ill," Baekhyun retorted. "Sunspots have been reported for four centuries since Galileo Galilei and others first turned telescopes towards the sun and projected the image of the sun onto paper. The sun is white and makes its energy through nuclear fusion that takes place in its core. In these fusion reactions, the sun loses four million tons of mass each second. I don't give a about God. Such a being does not exist."    

"To label someone "mentally ill" for a different view point than what were "taught" is a programmed reaction, a result of brainwashing that started in childhood. It's disgusting. Anyone who challenges your programming is met with ridiculous demeaning insults," Jiyeon countered, her upper lip curling in revulsion. "People, who still believe in the fairy tale the sun is a giant nuke furnace, have to give the real evidence instead of pointing to math made by someone else and/or showing CGI images made by space agencies." She pointed to the car and added in a lower and more serious tone, "Mr. Byun, your car, I mean your parents' car made itself."   

"Car made itself?" Baekhyun repeated; then laughed. "You're crazy. Of course not, people made it."

His response was exactly what she expected. Jiyeon clicked her tongue. "And yet you still believe the universe made itself? The universe was just a result of coincidental events?"

"Bro, try to use your logic. If the sun is a giant nuke furnace, and it emanates extreme heat, then why does it get colder with higher altitude? Shouldn't it get hotter since we are getting closer to the sun? According to them, the layer beneath the sun's 'atmosphere' is several thousand degrees cooler than on the outside, how would that be possible? And how does it stay the same size for as long as human history?" Jaehyun chimed in. "The sun is not a hot gas. The sun is cold. Heat is a vibration within a medium. At higher altitudes, it is less dense and therefor you have less heat. You have eyes, use them to directly observe the sun. Don't just take the word of anyone. Prove it out yourself and then you will know something not just believe something."  

"I trust Astrophysicists," Baekhyun snapped, glaring at Jaehyun. "There is no reason for them to lie about the sun."

"Go ahead and stay indoctrinated," Jaehyun responded. Simultaneously, Jiyeon said, "The ruling elites lie to us because they want to control and enslave humanity. Look at geoengineering. They have been spraying the skies as part of a weather manipulation. Scientists call it Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and Powder Contrails to block out the sun. The basic idea is that injecting certain types of particles into the stratosphere could help reflect sunlight back into space. Those so-called smart people believe the sun might be playing a part in global warming. Does blocking the sun will save the earth?" she paused, her voice cracking with emotion.

The planet was being destroyed slowly but surely right before her very eyes, but she could do nothing to stop them. People seemed not to care when she pointed it out to them. Jaehyun patted her shoulder twice lightly as if to comfort her.

Jiyeon took a deep breath and continued, "They try to change things but then make a bigger mess of things so they destroy the planet more trying to fix their mistakes. The sun is not a giant, hot ball of burning gases as mainstream science has proclaimed, and it does not cause global warming. They actually say climate change now but that's a myth. Yes, the earth has been changing climates, but it's a natural cycle that has been happening from time to time. You know 80% of world's economy is weather-sensitive. So if you can control the weather, you can play God with all industries and can control countries. Geoengineering has the capability of sickening and killing all life in the biosphere. Remember, the sun is the source of all life forms on Earth. If we as individuals come together as one, we can stop these criminal acts."     

"I don't give a damn what you say, crazy conspirator." Baekhyun gave her one last glare before walking back to the car.

"It is obvious to anyone who bothers to look up. The ordinary contrails are thin and dissipate within minutes. But the long white lines coming from jet aircraft are thick and do not dissipate. They disperse and get wider and become a layer in the sky, turning the sky into a murky haze," Jiyeon muttered through clenched teeth as she watched him climb into the driver's seat and slam the door shut.

"People do not look up they look down at their phones they are plugged in to what is not real. They're too busy worrying about getting the newest iPhone, staying up to date with the latest trends and talking about celebrities and sports," Jaehyun responded. "Those of us talking about the geoengineered contrails were called 'Crazy Conspirators.' Who is that man, Teacher Park?"

She took another deep breath, and then she shifted her gaze to him. "He is Byun Baekhyun, Baekwoon's twin brother, the owner of the voice I've been hearing," Jiyeon answered. "He looked exactly like his twin brother."

Surprise flickered across his face for a split second. "So you've been hearing the voice of a handsome man," Jaehyun remarked, "do you like him?"  

Jiyeon shook her head. "I don't like him, but I do admire him for his humanity," she said, "I left Jihoon alone in the study room. Let's go there." Then she strode down the concrete path towards the front door.

She'd taken only two steps when he caught her wrist. Though her heart began to thud, Jiyeon looked over her shoulder at him. "What's up?"

Gently, Jaehyun spun her around to face him. She was inches from his face. Her heart thudded faster. She took a deep breath and began counting her heartbeat, seeking calm.

His voice took on a very serious tone, "Teacher Park, I came here to tell you something."

"What it is?"

"I don't believe in modern science. It teaches us to be greedy and ungrateful to our Creator. I'm sick of those who like telling a fellow human to go kill himself, label him mentally ill, call him idiot just because of having a different "theory" than the one they believe in. As you know the society we live in today is an increasingly materialistic one, and I can't stand it anymore. I decide to live off grid in the woods, learn to understand God's work. Mother Nature provides for every necessary need, it all free of charge," Jaehyun said quietly. "I know you're four years older than me, but I really like you. I admire you. Will you be my companion, teacher Park?"

His voice was deep, his expression serious. Jiyeon felt so flustered, so shocked by his sudden confession that she didn't know how to react to it.

"My girl, I know you like him too, but don't accept him! Think about your mom! You love her, right? Don't leave her alone!" Baekwoon's voice boomed so loudly in her ear, sounding so angry. She jumped, startled.


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692 streak #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the bid! ^^
Chapter 40: Congratulations on the highest bid and I'll be reading soon!
Chapter 34: Congrats on the ad bid feature!
1861 streak #4
Chapter 34: Congrats^^
Damia_Song123 #5
Chapter 34: Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
Chapter 34: Congratulations
Chapter 34: Wow the whole story is so overwhelming ,i would likely to digest the gist of it ...Love it as it's been a long time that i read this kind of story before 😍