Chapter 4: Unexpected help.

When two worlds collide

               Six handsome boys were standing around the kitchen table just staring at the two lumps visible in Daehyun's jacket. No one dares to make a move, afraid of the consequences of these developments. They wouldn't all be blamed because Daehyun acted on impulse, right?
Yongguk throws Daehyun an angry glare before Daehyun moves to show the boys what he brought home from their friends this morning.

               "Uh.. Hi. Bunnies, do you remember me? Daehyun.. I.. I won't hurt you I am just going to gently open this pocket and let you out of there okay?" Daehyun says nervously while very, very slowly opening the pocket to reveal Milimato clinging to Lelomato for dear life.
"Daehyun, you idiot! You stole them? They’re going to notice them missing. They will know WE took them. And when they can't find the bunnies at their house they’ll be knocking on our door." Youngjae throws his hands in the air and starts pacing around the room.

               "I didn't steal them! I don't know how they got out, but they escaped, and I ran into them as I was going to the bathroom, the starry one was bleeding and when I heard someone coming I panicked okay?! The idiots wanted to sell the bunnies, not make sure they were alright. I just couldn't let that happen."

               "I can't believe you Daehyun. It is not like you to act so rashly." Youngjae angrily states.
               "I know.. I know.” Daehyun ruffled his hair in frustration. “But what was I supposed to do huh? Lock them in that tank again, and pretend I didn't see a thing?"
               "YES! That is exactly what you were supposed to do. What are we going to do with two mysterious bunnies that Younghwan claims can talk? What brainwave convinced you that we would know what to do next. You just assumed we could fix this because you kidnapped them and brought them to our house?!" Youngjae stopped pacing and stared at Daehyun.

               "ENOUGH! We'll figure everything out later, for now someone hold the flowery one while we take a look at the other bunny. We need to see if the wounds need stitching, or we can treat it here at home." Yongguk's deep commanding voice is all that is needed for everyone to stop arguing and focus on the immediate task at hand. Milimato sees one of the monsters reaching for her. The shouting of the voices made it too loud for her to focus on what they were actually saying, so the second she sees them trying to grab her she did the only thing she could think of, she started screaming at the top of her lungs. The monster’s hands kept getting closer and closer. Milimato closed her eyes and prayed this was all a dream and once she opened her eyes she would be asleep in her own bed.

               "Jongup hyung, be careful. It might bite you if it feels threatened. Right now I bet that bunny is very scared, seeing as it screamed as if someone was trying to kill it." Just as Jongup was about to pick up Milimato, a tiny little fist hit him on the back of his hand. Lelomato shakes her head to try and get rid of the dizziness from standing too fast, before she reaches out her hand behind her back for Milimato to take it. She feels a warm, soft hand intertwine their fingers.

               "Guys, I think the bunny just tried to punch me.."

               Lelomato whips her head in the direction of the voice before taking a careful look around the room. She needs to figure out a plan to get them out of here and right now it doesn't look promising.. They are outnumbered, they are high off the ground, and last time she told Milimato to run she didn't listen. Luckily, for the moment they are not surrounded, and Lelomato has a pretty good view of all six monsters, so if one of them were to move she would be able to see it and act accordingly. It’s probably not a good idea to trust her instincts about what is going on behind her back, especially since she can barely keep herself upright. Lelomato thinks they are on top of an enormous table, which would make the other objects chairs. If she can distract the six monsters Milimato could climb her way down the chair and run to hide. That would leave her only needing to figure out a way for herself to escape. All she needs is for Milimato to be safe, with her safe she can be reckless and only worry about herself. But taking on six gigantic monsters that they don't know much about, and keeping Milimato safe while not being fully healed, well ... it has disaster written all over it. Lelomato is not one to admit defeat. But she knows when the risk of going with the flow and hoping for the best is the wrong choice. She wants an unharmed Milimato standing next to her at the end of the fight. The monster that took them earlier moves towards them and she can feel Milimato squeezing the life out of her hand. Lelomato slowly backs away while using her other hand to reach for her weapon belt. 'Where the hell are my weapons?!'.

               "Nonono, don't be scared. It's me, Daehyun." He says smiling. 'Who the HELL is he calling scared? And even if I was scared does that monster think I am an idiot? DON'T ING SHOW ME YOUR TEETH AFTER TRYING TO TELL ME TO TRUST YOU, YOU MORON. God, these creatures are even more stupid than I thought...' Lelomato thinks to herself while keeping her eyes on the talking monster.

               "Daehyun, stop trying to talk to them like they understand you, it's not like it's going to respond and sing you a song." Youngjae barks from beside Daehyun.
"It's okay, let me just hold your flowery friend over there and we will take a quick look at your wounds. I promise I will have a treat for the both of you afterwards~" Daehyun ignores what Youngjae says, he saw that he was slowly gaining their trust in the hallway at Byungho and Younghwan's house so it must be working somehow.

               "Daehyun, what did I just tell you?! It doesn't understand anything you say. Now just grab the damn thing so we can get them to the vet." Youngjae growls, losing his patience, he is not prepared to take responsibility for stealing their friends 'pets'.

               "I am going to move your friend and we can grab you some treats," Daehyun says softly while slowly moving to grab hold of Milimato.

               "Touch her... And I will kill you." Lelomato says firmly before tugging at their hands so Milimato is now leaning against her back.

               "Wha...uh..uhm.. What did you just say?" Daehyun couldn't believe it, the little injured bunny just threatened him and the funny part? It actually scared him. He nervously starts to pull at the collar of his shirt, trying to make it feel less tight around his neck.

               "D-Did it just speak? Do you understand us?" Youngjae was shocked. Never has he been wrong before, not once. Talking bunnies? On what planet does that even happen? Certainly not here.

               "Daehyun is going to get his kicked by a bunny." Jongup snickered.

               "Milimato, do you trust me?" Lelomato whispers while the monsters are busy talking amongst themselves.

               "Then I need you to slide down the chair behind you, and find a hiding spot while I keep them distracted." Lelomato continues after feeling Milimato nod against her back.

               "I need you to really trust me this time. When I say that I will be right behind you believe me, because there is no room for hesitation if I am going to keep us both safe. Do you understand me?" Lelomato still hasn't broken eye contact with the monster called 'Daehyun' in front of her, she knows not to make any sudden moves without actually having a plan. All of the other monsters are still busy talking amongst themselves, but for some reason this Daehyun is still staring at her, Lelomato realizes it's only a matter of time before someone makes the first move. And to be honest.. she would feel more comfortable if she was the one making it. Whenever she is in control of things they always turn out the way she wants them.

               "I trust you Nyx. Get us out of here." Milimato's whisper could barely be heard from all the other voices in the room but so in tune was she to her voice Lelomato never missed a single sound coming from Milimato, no matter the circumstances, because the only thing that mattered to her was Milimato.

               "Okay.. on the count of three Hemera, you run. No matter what noises you hear, you run.. you hide.. and you stay there until you hear me calling." Lelomato tugs Milimato into a hug, not forgetting to comfort her before sending her off on her own again. Even though Lelomato wasn't awake, even though she hasn't heard the entire story about what Milimato has been through during the time she was unconscious, she can imagine how this cold world has treated her. Just leaving Milimato alone for five minutes back home would cause the other bunnies to start their never ending bullying of the bunny who refuses to be a warrior, so what kind of cruelty did she stumble upon in this foreign environment, amongst gigantic creatures throwing them around like they were pieces of trash? The thought itself made her blood boil, which was exactly what she needed to stay alert while battling for their escape.

               "One.." Lelomato softly whispers into Milimato's ear while running her hand through her fur.

               "Two.." A soft kiss is planted on Milimato's forehead.

               "Three!" Lelomato gives a gentle push to start Milimato running toward the chair at their back. Sensing rather than seeing her start to slide down it.

               "NO! Himchan grab the bunny that is trying to escape!" Daehyun shouts as he sees Milimato trying to get away.

               "Oh no you don't." Lelomato doesn't have any time to waste. She takes off running preparing as she moves for impact with the chair in front of the one Milimato is currently climbing down. To everyone's surprise the chair tips over, cutting off the path of the monster's reaching for Milimato.

               "I told you, touch her.. and I will kill you. That goes for all of you ugly ers. Need someone to pick on? I am right here. B R I N G I T." Lelomato sets her eyes on Daehyun, her instincts are telling her to kick him wherever she can reach. So that is exactly what she ends up trying. Little did she know that the area she kicked was hard as a rock and sent her flying onto her back. 'That was not such a good idea.. what the hell are these guys made of? Stones?!'.


               Hearing the panicked voice of Milimato sets off alarms in Lelomato's body. She immediately looks away from the monster she is currently fighting, towards Milimato's voice. The monster she had cut off earlier with the chair had managed to get his filthy hands on Milimato. A red spark flashes in Lelomato's eyes. She jumps to her feet ready to aid Milimato but is cut off by a giant hand in front of her. One time, two times, three times she punches the hand without it moving away. 'Maybe my arms are weak due to the injuries' Lelomato thinks. While ignoring the chuckling sound coming from behind of her, she tries a round kick assuming the strength in her legs would work better.

               "Milimato don't worry, I'm coming!" Lelomato takes a few steps back from the hand before sprinting forward and jumping, reaching up to grab hold of the top finger and launching herself higher to clear the hand blocking her way. The destination is clear, but what to do when reaching it remains a mystery. She needs to run towards the monster and get Milimato out of its filthy hands, that's for sure. She feels a compelling need to get to Milimato, fast, before that monster eats her. Grabbing hold of the monster's armor she starts climbing up towards the hand gripping her precious sister.

               "Hey! Get off me you disgusting thing, stop touching my precious body." Himchan says while he tries to shake off Lelomato. Milimato can see the energy draining from Lelomato as she struggles to climb, and that triggers something from deep inside her. Before Himchan knows what is happening a pair of teeth sink into his finger and he lets go of the bunny in his hand in shock. Lelomato hears the sudden gasp from Milimato and barely has time to react as she sees her falling past, without hesitation Lelomato lets go of the armor with one hand to catch her. The force from catching Milimato makes Lelomato lose her hold on the armor completely and they end up falling together. Lelomato hugs Milimato tightly to try and break the fall to the best of her abilities.

               "Himchan, you idiot! What did you do?" Daehyun shouts in panic as he watches the bunnies hit the floor in their kitchen. He is the first of the boys to quickly move towards the bunnies. The vibrations from Daehyun's steps alert Lelomato's senses, but her body refuses to respond to what she is telling it to do. Flashes of her father screaming at her as a child surface and that gives her the push needed to get up from the floor. Her eyes refuse to open, and she can't tell if she is standing still or not. Everything inside her feels completely numb. A familiar presence is trying to support her swaying body on her right side, and before Lelomato enjoys the fact that she kept Milimato safe from the fall she tugs her behind her back. She shakes her head one last time to try and open her eyes, still shielding Milimato from the monster approaching them. Lelomato is surprised her body hasn’t given up yet. She managed to survive a crash.. all the cuts from the broken glass walls, and now the fall from that gigantic creature. No faster than this thought hit her everything turned black and she fell to the ground.


               The piercing sound of a heartbroken girl wakes all the frozen guys who had watched in shocked silence the whole incident. In a split second they all move toward the bunnies in an attempt to ensure they are alright. All except the one with the deep husky voice. Milimato wraps her arms around the limp body of Lelomato. Logically she knew it wasn't as bad as it looked, but she couldn't stop the horrible thoughts running through her mind. She had almost lost her once, pushing the body after that fall could make it happen this time. Feeling all eyes on her she sits rocking Lelomato's body on the ground, She never liked being the center of attention back at home so having 12 big unfamiliar eyes staring at her makes that hopeless fear enter her body again.

               "N-N-No... G-G-Get away..."

               "It's okay, let me help you.." Daehyun says softly while reaching for the bunnies. Milimato struggles to move their bodies backward in hope of escape, but it was hard enough doing it while standing up, trying to do it while sitting down was damn near impossible. The other monsters start moving closer as well and Milimato starts shaking uncontrollably.

               "THAT'S IT! Everyone, get out of the kitchen right now. Are you blind? You idiots are obviously scaring her." That deep husky voice suddenly growls before moving forward and giving each one of the monsters a smack to the head. Milimato can feel her heart jump at the sound of the monster's voice, but what confuses her is the others obeying the order faster than the speed of light. It isn’t long before Milimato is left alone with what she can now assume is the leader of the monsters. Tightening her grip on Lelomato she fears what comes next.

               "Why do I always have to clean up their messes?" He sighs. Milimato follows his every movement with her eyes, she can't trust these creatures not even for a second. Lelomato taught her that the enemy will strike when you least expect it so she should always be alert no matter what.

               "I just need to make sure but, do you understand what I am saying?" He tries to speak as softly as possible, aiming to not scare the bunny any more than she already appeared.

               "Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes..." Milimato doesn't understand why she answers, it just slipped out.

               "Okay.. good. My name is Bang Yongguk, I am the owner of this house and the oldest of the group of boys. I heard your friend calling you Milimato. May I call you that?" All he is met with is a very nervous nod.

               "Milimato, that's a pretty name. Okay, so Milimato. I am going to sit down now, let me know if I am sitting too close and I will move further away ok?" Another uncertain nod follows from the bunny who still isn’t able to relax. Yongguk slowly sits down in front of the two bunnies. He knows it's become urgent for the starry bunny to get to the vet, but for them to go there without scaring Milimato to death he needs to gain her trust. "I want to apologize for the behavior of the other boys, they really didn't mean to scare you. They were actually, in their own special ways, trying to help you. They can be a little rough around the edges at times, but they are all good people at heart. Kind of like your friend, Lelomato was it?"

               "M-M-Mmm..." Milimato holds Lelomato tighter while softly responding without using actual words. She doesn't trust her voice not to break.

               "This situation is confusing for all of us and I don't expect you to trust me just yet, but, we need to get Lelomato to the vet before it's too late. She fought really hard to keep you safe so it's only fair that I try my hardest to help you keep her safe in return."

               "T-T-The vet?" Milimato has never heard this word before, for all she knew it could be a word he made up to try and trick her.

               "A doctor, he can try and patch up your friend so she won't bleed out, even though it looks like she has stopped bleeding, we can't say for sure she doesn't have internal bleeding."

               "N-N-No, you are n-n-not taking her a-a-anywhere." Milimato tries to sound authoritative but she has never been put in a situation where she had to do it before, she always went with either being silent or running away.

               "No one is taking her anywhere Milimato, you have my word. I can call a vet to come to the house, all he needs is to look at Lelomato to see what treatment she needs so she can heal properly." Yongguk knew he must have said something wrong and tries to calm her back down. It wasn't like he just finished reading a book on convincing talking bunnies into trusting him.

               "T-That's not necessary.." Milimato can't explain it, the confidence boost came from out of nowhere and her stutter is almost completely gone.

               "What do you mean? Is she dead already?" Yongguk's eyes widen as he begins to fear the fall from Himchan might have done more damage than he originally thought.

               "S-She will heal just fine. I just need to get away from you, and let her rest up."

               "Wait, what? How do you know she will heal, are you a psychic?"

               "I don't know what that is, but she will be fully healed if I keep her safe for the next 24 hours. Now, please.. please let us go.."

               "This keeps getting weirder and weirder by the minute.. Did you just say she will heal, on her own? Like.. regenerate? What type of bunnies are you? Where did you come from?" The disbelief in Yongguk's words doesn't get past Milimato, she can't figure out why it comes as a shock to him. 'Doesn't everyone regenerate?'.

               "I don't know what type of creature you are, but I am sure we all have the same ability to heal. Please let us go, I need to get back to the ship and find our way home." Milimato jumps at the sudden sound coming from Yongguk's armor.

               "What now?" Yongguk barks before taking out his phone. Milimato takes a look around to find a hiding spot, she can't let this chance slide. She needs to act while Yongguk is distracted. She fears she will never get another shot at getting them out of here.

               "Just give me a minute ok? I will handle it." Before Milimato has the chance to get on her feet Yongguk ends the call.

               "I know you don't trust me, but right now I need you to at least try. Remember the two guys who took you last night? They know that you escaped, and they are on their way over here. My best guess is they want to start a fight because they know you and Lelomato are here, or they are coming to ask for our help to find you both. I have a room upstairs that can be locked. What if I let you and Lelomato rest there while I try to solve everything? No one can enter the room. No one will disturb you, and after you guys are well rested you are free to go. How does that sound?" Yongguk gives a reassuring smile.

               "I-I-I'm not stupid you know." Milimato mumbles, the sight of him baring his teeth makes every single bone inside her tiny body want to run. "I-I-If you know h-how to lock it, y-y-you know how to open it."

               "You see this here?" Yongguk takes out a set of keys and shows to Milimato. "This is the only key to the door, you can have them so you will be the one calling the shots. Now, will you please let me show you the way to the room and keep you two safe until Lelomato wakes up? We don’t have much time before those boys arrive." Yongguk knew he hadn't been able to gain her trust yet and to be honest, he had no reason to keep the bunnies hidden from his friends but Daehyun's words from earlier kept repeating in his head. 'They wanted to sell them to the highest bidder, not make sure they were alright. I couldn't just let that happen.'

               "You will be safe, that I can promise you. And I am pretty sure Lelomato would stay true to her words that she would kill us all if we touched you." Yongguk chuckles at himself, he can't believe he is trying to convince a talking bunny to borrow his room. He can't begin to understand why the threat coming from Lelomato sends a shiver down his spine, she is after all just a bunny that is the size of his hand. Everything about this day is so surreal but for now, he has no time to question the fact that there are talking bunnies with a ship and the ability to regenerate in his kitchen because within a few minutes there is going to be a knock on his door from two idiots with money on their minds. If someone would ask Milimato what she would do in a situation like this her answer would be to hide behind Lelomato and wait for her to save the day, but never could she ever have imagined that her usual solution would end up not being an option. Does she trust the monster to take her to this room he is talking about and let Lelomato heal, or does she take her chances on successfully escaping on her own while possibly putting Lelomato's worn out body in more danger? Will the door be strong enough to keep the monsters outside even though it's locked? Will they really let them go after resting and healing? In these past 24 hours whenever she has tried to do something on her own she ended up making everything worse. It might not be a good idea to trust the monsters, but who she can trust is the bunny unconscious in her arms. Looking down at Lelomato she makes up her mind.

               "S-Show me the room." Milimato shyly says while getting up on her feet to 'carry' Lelomato.

               "I can carry Lelomato if you would let me." Yongguk says while watching a struggling Milimato. "May I?" He says while stretching his hands towards the bunnies, a small nod is all it takes for him to effortlessly lift Lelomato up.

               "I could carry you as well if you would like.." A small smile creeps up on his lips but it goes away just as quickly when he notices the glare he is getting from Milimato.
"..or you can follow me this way."

               Milimato kept her eyes on Yongguk, she mustn't let her guard down. For all she knew this could be a trap and this odd looking monster bringing her towards certain death. 'What if he is locking us up inside a room to make us fat and then eat us?', Yongguk's legs are no longer in view and she frantically looks around to notice he is walking up some stairs. The steps are taller than she is so she has no choice but to try to jump and pray that she would be able to reach the top of the first step to pull herself up. 'This shouldn't be too hard right?', Milimato jumps and tries to grab hold of the edge but misses. 'Maybe if I stretch out my hand some more..', she tries jumping one more time and reaaally stretches out to make sure her hand can reach the top of the first step and much to her surprise she can reach it but not enough to get a good hold of it. 'Okay, maybe if I bend my knees a little bit and it might give me that extra push to reach it..', Milimato bends her knees and looks up at the top of the step getting ready to try it one more time.

               "It's not that I don't believe you can't make it up the stairs by yourself but.. If you don't want to get caught by our incoming guests it might be better if I helped you." Yongguk bravely states with a barely visible smirk.

               "I-I-I will bite you i-i-if you try something s-stupid."

               "Wouldn't want another Himchan-incident happening now do we?" Yongguk walks down the stairs slowly as to not scare Milimato. "I know you probably don't believe me just yet, but.. you can trust me, I won't hurt you." Yongguk puts out his hand for Milimato to climb up on while patiently waiting for her to make the next move.

               "D-D-Don't drop me.." Milimato says while gently getting on the monster's hand. The moment she feels herself being lifted in the air she regrets her decision and can't stop a little yelp from escaping her lips.

               "What's wrong Milimato?"

               "P-P-Put me down..."

               "I know this is not going to help, but we need to get upstairs now." Yongguk moves his hand towards his shoulder. "How about you sit on my shoulder and you can hold onto my shirt to be sure you won’t fall off?"

               "S-S-Shirt?" Milimato hesitantly climbs onto his shoulder while looking for the object called shirt when a finger suddenly points at something. "The armor?" A bell suddenly starts ringing and Milimato freezes on the spot.

               "Damnit.. Okay, Milimato I need you to hold on to the sh.. armor because we need to get upstairs now." Yongguk says before he starts moving up the stairs, the sudden movements brings Milimato back and without thinking she clings on to the object closest to her. Yongguk flinches for a second as he can feel the bunny trying to hold on to his neck, on the top of the stairs all the boys are staring at him and waiting for him to say something.

               "Daehyun, I need you and the others to go downstairs and stall Byungho and Younghwan. DO NOT tell them the bunnies are here!" Daehyun sends a nod towards Yongguk before descending the stairs, Yongguk puts his free hand out to stop Himchan from walking down the stairs with the rest of them. "I know that I will sound crazy right now and I do not have time to explain this to you.. But I need you to sneak out of the house, drive to their house and look for some sort of ship in their backyard and then bring it here. Can you do that?"

               "A ship? Like.. a spaceship? Did you hit your head on the way up here? Why do I have to go look for the damn thing when she attacked me earlier." Himchan whines while pointing at Milimato.

               "Please just do as I ask, you are the only one I can trust with this now, please.. Go search for a ship and don't come back before you find it."

               "Always me, I have to do all the dirty work.. Why can't I just be the pretty face of the household?" Himchan dramatically walks down the stairs while sighing in frustration.

               "Milimato? You can let go now.." Milimato slowly opens her eyes and jumps back in surprise as she realizes she has been holding on the monster's neck. Like the klutz she is she trips over her own foot and lands on something soft. "Are you okay?"

               "Where is Lelomato?!" Milimato fears the worst as Lelomato is no longer in Yongguk's hands. 'What if he ate her already?'.

               "She is right there on the pillow. Will she be needing a blanket to keep her warm while she is resting?"

               "B-Blanket?" Yongguk reaches for the blanket to show Milimato. "The armor? You sleep with armor on?"

               "Uh.. Well.. This is not armor, neither is my shirt. This is just fabric to keep our bodies from freezing because we do not have pretty fur covering our bodies." Yongguk can't stop getting lost inside the bunny's eyes, there is this sparkle in them that captures his attention without him noticing. The day has only just begun, but now he wishes he could stay here to personally make sure the bunnies stay safe. However, he has two 'enemies' to get rid of downstairs. The calming silence that was filling the room was abruptly interrupted by the sound of whimpers coming from the bunny on the pillow causing Milimato to look away before running to Lelomato's side.

               "Are you sure she is going to be fine? She doesn't sound fine.."

               "She will if I keep her safe, and I can keep her safe if you keep your word." Yongguk gets up from the floor and walks towards the door before closing and locking it.

               "This key is the only key to open this door, no one can enter without your permission." He pulls out a chair and puts it up against the door. "I don't have much in here at the moment, but there is a bottle of water and a few snacks in case you need food. Or just tell me and I will bring you something else. Other than that, you will be left alone until you decide that it is time for you guys to leave." He puts a few pillows around the chair and builds what looks like stairs with the help of books and boxes.

               "There. This will have to do for now, this way you can get up to the doorknob and open the door. And the pillows on the floor is just in case something happens and you fall. And this.." Yongguk slowly walks over to hand over the key. "..belongs to you." He opens a drawer to pull out a bottle of water and a few snacks. "You have everything you need in here I think, and if not just try to blow on this.." He points to the whistle that is now placed on the nightstand. "It will make a rather loud sound depending on how hard you blow so don't be scared, one of us will hear the sound and knock three times on the door to let you know it's us. Tell us what you need and we will try to make it happen, only open the door for us if you feel comfortable with it. Okay?"

               "A-A-Are you staying in the room?"

               "No, I don't want to get the first punch coming from your friend over there when she wakes up. Besides, I have guests downstairs to take care of and you look like you could use some time alone."

               "T-The door is closed.. and locked. How are you getting out?" Milimato runs her hand through Lelomato's fur trying to ease the pain her body must be going through during the healing process.

               "Window." He softly says while pointing in the windows direction. "Oh, before I forget.." Yongguk walks towards the shelf of the opposite side of the room to grab his coffee mug he hasn't used yet. He opens the water bottle and pours it into the cup before placing it on the nightstand as well. "You can use this plastic cap to scoop up some water since you can't really drink from the bottle itself. Now please rest and call if you need us. I will be going now." He says while softly smiling at Milimato before moving towards the window to get outside. He hasn't really thought this through, he is on the second floor and there are some rather unpleasant rosebushes just below his window. But this was the only way he could think of to lock the door and give Milimato the key. Sure, he could have locked the door and slid the key from underneath the door but then how would she be able to get up to the doorknob?

               "Y-Yongguk?" Right before jumping towards what would most definitely end up hurting like a he hears her soft voice calling his name. "Thank you."

               "No problem Milimato." Is the last words leaving his lips before jumping out the window. Jumping right into the rosebushes was probably not the best idea he has ever had, but it didn't hurt as bad as he thought. After finishing removing the thorns, leafs and flower petals that were stuck to his clothes he walked toward the front door.

               "Let's get this over with."

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Chapter 6: Am I the only one that wants to aw at Lelomato every time she threatens them lol and Millimato is to adorable
Chapter 5: yay finally a update
Chapter 3: <muah> Anything for my wife.. god I laugh so hard when I read this I swear you give me stitches. <3
Chapter 2: NYX DRAWN BY ZELO !!! I am still in shock and so happy for you. <3 Also as always no I did nothing and yes this is still a great story. <3
Chapter 3: "whatever the hell a Youngjae is" killed me LOLOLOLOL xD xD xD xD xD I love this story and your writing! :*
Chapter 2: wait wait wait omg i have to WAIT so i can read the next chapter??? NOOOO i hate cliff hangers!!! TT love this btw
Chapter 1: I got distracted by Bazooka and throwing stars but beside that I think I will really enjoy this story. Looking forward to more <3
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 can't wait for more hunn!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Babe, this was all yours. I loved being able to help make you happy. This is a wonderful story and I look forward to reading all of it. <3
Author-nim fighting!