Chapter 5

It Is You, Dummy!

> at restaurant <

"Any news about Mina?" Chaeyoung ask Dahyun. But she just shake her head which make Chaeyoung to sighed heavily.

"Why don't you go to her house instead of waiting for her to reply your messages and call ?" Dahyun suggests. 

"I would love to but....." She stop her words. Dahyun understand her friend so she don't ask further. Out of the blue Chaeyoung's phone rang caused both Chaeyoung and Dahyun to sit up straight. Chaeyoung quickly answer her call without wanting to know whose calling her.

"Babe?!" she said

"Babe who? I'm your mother, sweetie"

Chaeyoung face expression changed from happy to serious when she heard her mom's voice. Dahyun rolled her eyes, and continue to drink her coffee

"Hey mom" 

"Are free tonight?"

"I guess so, why?" 

"Go to Palace restaurant tonight, we have something important to discuss. Don't be late! 7 pm sharp!"

And her mom ends the call just like that. Chaeyoung who seems frustrated threw her phone on the table and scratch her hair like a monkey. While Dahyun just widen her eyes looking at her friend who suddenly act like a maniac.

"You ok?" Dahyun ask Chaeyoung

"What time is it?" 

Dahyun look at her hand watch "Its 6:05 pm now" Chaeyoung just snorted. 

"Sorry sis, I gotta go. Suddenly my family wanted to have a discussion with me!" Chaeyoung said full of frustration.

"About what?" Dahyun curious while Chaeyoung pick up her phone from the table

"I had no idea. Probably they want to cancel my marriage"

"I hope so"

"See ya tomorrow" and off she go to the restaurant her mom mentioned earlier.


> Palace Restaurant <

Chaeyoung POV 

I'm the first person to arrived first, after few minutes waiting there comes my mom and dad. I stood up and I lazily bowed at them to greet them.

"Is that how you greet the elders?" my dad nag me. I sighed and once again bowed at them, but this time I did it properly. 

"Yah! Why don't you pick that big table?" My mom starts to nag on me as soon as I greet her.

"Why? There's only three of us, why bother to pick big table?" I rolled my eyes then I sit.

"We have guests to join us soon, hurry move to that table before someone take it" my dad shoo me to the big table which located 2 tables away from where I currently sit.

I lazily move to the big table with 5 chairs. Just before I land my on the chair to sit my mom pull my ears.

"Ouch! Ow! Mom! Let go, let go!" I cried

"What is wrong with you today?! Sit there with 6 chairs!" My mom dragged me to the the table with 6 chairs, still pulling my ears. Then she let go of my ears when we arrived at the table with 6 chairs that my parents want so bad.

I can't believe my mom dragged me in this prestigious restaurant, it was so embarrassing! Luckily not many people in here. Now me and my parents already settle down and relax a little bit. They ask me to sit in the middle while my dad on my right and my mom on my left side. I guess the 3 chairs opposite us was meant for our guests. Then I start to ask them.

"So what are we going to discuss on?" I look at both of them cause I'm curious. My parents rarely brought me to prestigious restaurant just to have a family discussion, we usually did it at my parent's house. To be specific in the living room.

"Wait for our guests first, then we will start the discussion" my dad said coldly. I look at my mom to seek for some answers or clue but she just nod her head. I just snorted at my mom's respond. I grabbed the menu book in front of me but then my mom flicked my hand hard enough to make me flinched.

"Ouch! What?!" I immediately put down the menu book on the table and rub my hand.

"Wait for our guests first then we can order!" and again my mom nagged me. I just rolled my eyes cause I feel annoyed, why do I have to wait for the guests? Why are they so important? I lean back on my chair and play Candy Crush on my phone. I hope this time they won't nag or disturb me.

Probably around 10 minutes later "They're coming" my dad said. Maybe he's referring to our guests. Because my eyes still fixed on my phone, my mom snatched my phone away from my hand and told me to stand and greet our guests. I don't know why today I don't feel like to greet people properly, even earlier I didn't greet my parents properly.

Feeling reluctant I finally stood up and look at our guests, ready to greet them. Our guests was a old couples, a old married couple. They look like they were in the same age as my parents maybe a little bit older than them. Our guests somehow looks familiar, but I don't remember where, when and how I feel that they look familiar to me. Some part of their faces reminds me of Nami, but most part of it reminds me of Mina, well I guess I'm just imagining things maybe because I missed Mina so bad. I haven't see her for almost a week!

"Hello my old friend! Finally we meet again!" my dad said to the old man and they shake hands. While my mom already hugging the old lady. I was standing behind my mom waiting for my turn to greet the old lady.

"Ah you must be Chaeyoung!" she said, flashing me her warm smile at me.

"Ye-yes" I said and flash her my insincere smile.

After we finished greeting each other we finally settle down. The couple sit opposite me and my parents, but the chair opposite mine was left empty.

"Where is your daughter?" my mom ask the old lady who's sitting opposite my mom. 

"Ah she went to the restroom for a while, I guess she's nervous to meet Chaeyoung" they both let out a small chuckle, I just smile awkwardly, while on my right side my dad and the old man start to talk about their business.

To think about it, I think this couples is Nami's parents. Today discussion must be about my arranged marriage with Nami, now I finally figure it out. And for sure Nami will get shock to see me like this now, because at the moment I'm not wearing my goth style, no gloves and plaster to cover my mole. 

My parents and Nami's parents(I guess) still talking about random stuff. I don't know what else to do, so I just looking around to search for Nami's presence in case she can't find us. Then I see a familiar figure looking down on her phone, her hair, the way she walk, the way she dress herself and her aura reminds me of Mina. I can't see her face clearly since her hair was covering her face.

"Is that her? You daughter?" my mom point her finger to that girl that I said she looks familiar. Then the old couples turn around to see that familiar girl.

"Yup, that's my daughter" said the old man.

"Mina-ya! Over here!" the old lady wave at her. I immediately turn my head to the old lady when she said 'Mina'.

"Excuse me ma'am, but did you just call her Mina?" I ask her my eyes widen.

"Yes, Mina, my daughter. The girl you me yesterday at Han River" I turn my head to the old man who's explaining to me while his wife still calling that girl. I look at that familiar girl that they call Mina. Then the girl look at us, I gasped in astonishment. She really is Mina. MYOUI MINA 



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Zari123 #1
Chapter 6: so cuteee
Chapter 6: Cool parents though :)
YulSic_1805 #3
Chapter 6: It is funny and cute at the same time. I can't imagine Chaeng wearing something goth.
Chapter 6: Wah~ So cute!
Chapter 6: Assaa~~~ i read in one sit. I don't regret to do it.
It's cute :-)

Omo i read about michaeng, duh..kekeeke
Chapter 6: me too.. but.. as long as no angst thats fine for me
Chapter 6: It's done already? I think it will be better if you include their engagement and marriage part.. Hahaha well I'm just suggesting...
I'll wait for your next fanfic author-nim.. Thanks for this fanfic!!
Chapter 5: update please.. :)
Chapter 5: alrite.. rn im demanding for a new update... hee . anh.. just kidding.. btw finally they met..