The Sun

Rough Love
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"Good mooorning!" -Taehyung said brightly as he greeted his plants and flowers by his window at 6:30 of a Monday morning. 
He sprang up from his bed and went straight to the bathroom to have a shower. 
He danced wiggling his body under the pressure of the hot water, while singing one of his favorite songs that was pumping out of his portable speaker. 

"Why so early, Taetae?" -his mom asked as soon as he made his way to their dining room. 
He hugged her and pecked her cheek, just like he always did to greet her. 

"I've got some business to do, mom. You know, you've got a quite busy son!" -he replied while flashing her his boxy smile. 

Lots of people had already asked him about his smile. Because of its unusual shape, most of them thought that he was faking it. But the truth is that the more it had a rectangular shape, the more genuine it was. 

"Some business huh? Or you're just going to help in that dog center in the city?" -his mom said as she ruffled his damp hair. 

"Bingo! Hahaha I just want to check if everything's okay there... Soo I have to go now!" -he exclaimed.
"See you later, mom!" -he added and went to hug his mother once again. 

"Wait, Tae! What time are you coming back?!"

"Hmmm not before 8 pm, I guess! Got some other business to do!" -he finally exclaimed, ending with a wink and a proud grin.

Taehyung was NOT a typical 22-year-old. 
After graduating he immediately searched for a job. And since he was one of the top of his class he immediately found one that was well-paid and most importantly that he actually liked and enjoyed. 
Taehyung was in fact a preschool teacher. It was not usual for a young man to have a job like that. But he loved kids. And he also loved spending time with them. 
"Always full of fun" -he would describe his job. 
But besides teaching children, singing and composing rhyming songs for them or making simple choreographies for his students to learn, Taehyung also loved spending time with animals. 

Before going to work, once or twice or even thrice a week, he would visit the dog center in their city. It was a center where stray dogs or those abandoned by their owners were looked after at. He would usually spend some hours playing with them or helping the assistants to wash them. 

"Good morning, my cute little friends! How are y'all here?!" -he greeted as he immediately sat down to pat the dogs' head or back. 

"Taehyung-ah! How is it that you greet them and not me?! Go get some manners, dude!" -Jin exclaimed. 
Jin was the manager of the center, he was the one in charge of making sure that every dog was treated nicely and fairly, without any discrimination based on their breeds. He was a handsome guy that everyone would think he was a model or an actor and that's why lots of girls would go there just to see him in person or to take a selca. As a matter of fact, he was quite famous as the 'dog center guy'. 

"Oh Seokjinnie hyung! I haven't  noticed that you were there!" -Taehyung faked and laughed at his own action.

"Yeah, right Tae. Didn't know that you've got some eye problem... Go get a pair of eyeglasses along with some manners!" -Jin said sarcastically. 
But Taehyung just looked at him and flashed him a wide grin as he replied: "O-oh, wait let me check my bag... Maybe it's somewhere here." 
He feigned to search inside his backpack and finally exclaimed: "Oh! I think I forgot them at home... Would you lend me yours, hyung?" 

Jin looked at him confused, not knowing what he was talking about. 
"What are you saying, Kim Taehyung?" - he asked dumbfounded.

"I was asking you to lend me some of your manners, hyung!" -he answered as he burst out laughi

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 6: YOU MADE ME CRY! OMG THIS IS SOOOOO GOOD!இдஇ btw Happy New Year!
kulitlang08 #2
this is really interesting...they are really two different people that came from different places...including their surroundings...
u88upoolpool #3
green_winter96 #4
Chapter 4: wahhhh its really a great story and i luv it! i luv how u put them into moon-sun things which give more vibes into it! and to be precise i luv this whole story and enjoy it! cant wait for the update~~~ ^_^ kyaaaa~~~
the topic is sooo amazing keep going i like it really thanks
Krazykristen2245 #6
Chapter 3: I love your story so far!! Hwaitin author I'll be sure to wait for your updates