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Take It Back
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Getting up the next morning was hard. Sleep didn't come easy for Momo and the sight of Mina with that girl replayed in her dreams over and over again. Her eyes were swollen and dark circles were visible. She woke up before any of her roommates and decided to take a shower. She shuffled out of the room and into the hallway. Momo could hear loud snores coming from the other room. She immediately knew they belonged to Mina. The penguin girl could never sleep quietly.


Momo was twisting and turning in her and Mina's shared bed. It was 3am and the girl was getting flustrated with her lack of sleep. She didn't have insomnia in fact she could sleep anywhere as long as it was relatively quiet. Quiet. That was all she needed. But each night the whole apartament complex would shake with Mina's snores. Seriously how could a girl so small and cute snore like an old man. It was a miracle no noise complaints were filed. 

- Ugh! Myoui Mina! If you don't stop snoring right now I will choke you with your own pillow! Do you understand me?! - she screamed shaking the younger girl sleeping beside her.

- Huh? What?! What's going on? - she opened her eyes to see a pissed off Momo. - You're cute when you're angry.

- I'm cuter when I get some sleep! Which I cannot do 'cause you snore like a 60year old man! - she puffed her cheeks angrily, her ears turning red in flustration.

Mina picked herself up and pecked Momo's nose. It caught the blonde so off guard that it caused  hang slightly open.

- Cute, now lay down. I promise I'll try not to snore.

- You better. Or I'll murder you. - she replied cuddling into Mina.

Both the girls soon drifted off to sleep and no sound came from sleeping Mina for the rest of the night.

end of flashback

She shook her head trying to relieve herself of the painful memories of what once was. Momo got into the shower hoping the hot water would ease her pain and wash away the memories of yesterday. It didn't. Once she was done with water still dripping from her hair she decided to go on a walk. She had to think things trough.

She couldn't let Mina have such an effect on her. She wandered around a nearby park. The snow had already melted and the weather was getting warmer and warmer. You could really feel spring coming. The freezing wind turned into a chilly breeze and the thick ice covering a small lake was long gone. Squrrels came out of the hiding and were jumping from tree to tree. Birds were chirping announcing the new season. Nature was coming back to life and Momo decided that it was time for her to do the same. If Mina wanted to meet other people that's on her. Momo was tired of giving countless second chances. It was time to put herself first. If Mina wanted to be with her she had some growing up to do. 

Finally coming to such a realisation was liberating for the blonde. She felt free and saw a potential for happiness. But she also felt the need for a change. A change to signify a new er

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 9: Please update :(
shyshyshy #2
Chapter 9: Oh! Yay still ongoing
Ms_Freed08 #3
Chapter 9: Give momo a new a girl.. Let mina regret losing her..
vnzdeath #4
Chapter 9: Stay awesome Author, and do keep updating ^^ and i hope this story will last a long time.
1241 streak #5
Chapter 9: A good start for our Moguri ^^
J_T-ara_M #6
Chapter 9: If momo happy and i will be happy too
Reacth #7
Chapter 9: Momoring happier i luv that.
Chapter 8: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!
Reacth #9
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update, hope see another chapter very soon
Chapter 8: thank you